Homework 8
comp 125-609, Goldwasser
  • The proposal -- 6:00pm Tuesday, November 2, 1999
  • Final program -- 6:00pm Tuesday, December 7, 1999 (No late programs accepted)
  • Worth 10 points
    Purpose: Pull together the entire semester and make Visual Basic "relevant" to you.

    You pose a problem and write a Visual Basic program that utilizes many of the skills you have learned this semester to solve it. Please be sure that the program challenges you in some way.

    By 6:00pm November 2, you must submit:

    1. a description of what homework 8 will do
    2. an explanation of how you plan to accomplish this

    I will keep this; please make a copy for yourself.

    To ensure that you perform this essential planning, I will sadly subtract 1 point from the homework 8 grade for each week that its description is late.

    By 6:00pm December 7, you must sumbit your completed program:

    1. Print out your project as follows. Click "File". Click "Print". In the Range box, select "Current project". In the Print What box, click on all three of "Form Image", "Code" and "Form as Text".
    2. Save your project and form to a floppy disk
    3. Place the printouts and the floppy disk inside a large manilla envelope. Please make sure that your name appears on the envelope as well as the disk and the printouts.

    During class on December 7, you must give a demonstration of your program to the class. Each student will be given 10 to 15 minutes for a demonstration. You should be prepared to show the features and functionality of your program as well as to discuss how your program is able to acomplish its task "behind the scenes".

    Please bring a copy of your .vbp and .frm files on a floppy disk for this demonstration. (A separate copy, that is, from the one you are submitting for a grade)

    Sorry to conclude on a sour note: