Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim X As Single Dim Y As Single X = 5 Y = X - 3 X = X + 1 Label1.Caption = Str(3*Y+X/2) End SubWhat is the caption of Label1 after the user clicks on Command1?
Dim X As Integer X = 7/4
The following information was available on the form:
The user typed his name in Text1 ("Fred")
The user typed his salary in Text2 ("200305.80")
The user typed the number of years at his present position in
Text3 ("2")
The code was very long, but some of the lines were:
Dim Pay as Single, Work as Integer
Pay = Val(Text2.Text)
Work = Val(Text3.Text)
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim X As Integer Dim Y As Integer X = 4 Y = 2 If (X>Y) Then If (Y >= 4) Then Label1.Caption = "A" Else Label1.Caption = "B" End If Else If (X >= 4) Then Label1.Caption = "C" Else Label1.Caption = "D" End If End If End SubWhat is the caption of Label1 after the user clicks on Command1?