Assignment 09


  • Overview
  • Internet Requirements
  • Practice Problems
  • Problems to be Submitted
  • Extra Credit

  • Overview

    Topic: Artificial Intelligence
    Related Reading: Ch. 10.1-10.3, 10.6-10.7 of [Br]; Mod. 9 of [DH].
    Due: 8pm Monday, 19 November 2001

    Internet Requirements

    You will only need an internet connection at the time of submission.

    Practice Problems

  • Though not directly related to ths assignment, feel free to look at the labs from Module 9 of [DH].
  • Question 1 and 2 of Ch. 10.6 (p. 481 [Br])
    answers appear in Appendix F
  • Question 1, 2 and 3 of Ch. 10.7 (p. 484 [Br])
    answers appear in Appendix F

  • Problems to be Submitted (20 points)

    1. (10 points)
      Many statements in a natural language, such as English, contain ambiguity for a variety of reasons. As humans, we can often (though not always) distinguish between possible meanings. Resovling such ambiguities is a great challenge for software.

      The [DH] text and the lecture notes discuss several sources of ambiguity. Several examples for each of these can be found in the lecture notes.

      For each of the five types of ambiguity below we want you to do the following.

    2. Create your own example of an English statement which has such an ambiguity. Your example must be one which was not given in the lecture notes or either of the text books.
    3. Justify your answer, explaining the ambiguity, and giving two or more possible interpretations of your statement.
      1. Syntactic ambiguity
      2. Semantic ambiguity
      3. The need for contextual information
      4. The need for rules of conversation
      5. The need for real-world, topical knowledge

    4. (10 points)
      Pages 488-489 of [Br] provides eight different questions involving social implications of Artificial Intelligence.

      Please choose any two of these eight questions. Answer these two questions using (roughly) one-half page for each answer.

    Overall, please place your answers to all of these questions in a single document to be submitted.

    Extra Credit (3 points)

    Carefully read Ch. 10.3 of [Br] regarding production systems. You may look at the Chapter exercises on p. 458 for practice.

    Then answer Chapter 10 Review Problem 23 (p. 486 [Br]). In answering this question you must do each of the following:

  • Describe the collections of states. What is the start state? What is the goal state(s)?
  • Describe in general the types of productions. (e.g., "empty the larger bucket")
  • Rather than describing a control system, you can be the control system. Give a solution to the puzzled described in this question.

  • comp150 Class Page
    Last modified: 17 November 2001