Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Date Topic Text Reading
Tue, Aug 27 Introduction Preface, Ch. 1.1, 1.3
Thu, Aug 29 History of Computing Ch. 1.2
Tue, Sep 3 Number Systems and Arithmetic Ch. 2, 3.1
Thu, Sep 5
Tue, Sep 10 Data Representation Ch. 3.3-3.6
Thu, Sep 12 Compression, Huffman Encoding pp. 69-70 and notes
Tue, Sep 17 Gates and Circuits
Guest Lecturer: Prof. Ron Greenberg
Ch. 4
Thu, Sep 19 Gates and Circuits (continued)
Room Change: DH 342
Ch. 4
Tue, Sep 24 Computing Architecture
Thu, Sep 26 First Exam (does not include Sep 24 material)
Tue, Oct 1 Low-Level Programming Ch. 7
Thu, Oct 3 High-Level Programming Ch. 6.1, Ch. 8
Tue, Oct 8
Thu, Oct 10 Algorithms: Iterative vs. Recursive
Ch. 6.1
Ch. 9.4
pp. 518-525
Tue, Oct 15 No Class: Mid-semester Break
Thu, Oct 17 Algorithms: Iterative vs. Recursive

Ch. 9.5
Tue, Oct 22 Data Structures:

Ch. 9.1-9.2 and notes
Thu, Oct 24 Data Structures:
Trees and Graphs

Ch. 9.7
Tue, Oct 29 Roles of an Operating System Ch. 10.1
Thu, Oct 31 Second Exam (does not include Oct 29 material)
Tue, Nov 5 CPU Scheduling Ch. 10.3-10.4
Thu, Nov 7 Memory Management Ch. 10.2
Tue, Nov 12 Information Systems, Databases Ch. 12 and notes
Thu, Nov 14 Information Systems, Databases (continued)
Room Change: DH 342
Ch. 12 and notes
Tue, Nov 19 Artificial Intelligence Ch. 13 and notes
(skip 13.2, 13.6)
Thu, Nov 21
Tue, Nov 26 Networks Ch. 15
Thu, Nov 28 No Class: Thanksgiving Break
Tue, Dec 3 Networks (continued)
Brief look at the World Wide Web
Ch. 16
Thu, Dec 5 No Class: Study Days
Optional study session will be held for anyone interested
(1:00-2:15pm, DH641)
Tue, Dec 10 Third Exam (10:20am-12:20)
Information on the final exam [pdf, ps]

Last modified: 26 November 2002