

  • Overview
  • Internet Requirements
  • Practice Problems
  • Problems to be Submitted
  • Extra Credit

  • Overview

    Topic: Networks
    Related Reading: Primarily Lab. 15 of the Meyer text, though it refers back to associated readings in the Dale/Lewis text

    Internet Requirements

    This assignment relies on the labs associated with the Meyer book, and the associated software. You will need to have an external Internet connection to run this software.

    Practice Problems

    The best thing to do for practice is to walk through the use of the software while reading Lab 15 of the Meyer text.

    Problems to be Submitted (20 points)

    1. (5 points)
      Do Exercise 1 of Lab 15 of the Meyer text, answer all of the given questions along the way.

    2. (5 points)
      Do Exercise 2 of Lab 15 of the Meyer text, answer all of the given questions along the way.

    3. (5 points)
      Do Exercise 4 of Lab 15 of the Meyer text, answer all of the given questions along the way.

    4. (5 points)
      Do Exercise 5 of Lab 15 of the Meyer text, answer all of the given questions along the way.
    Overall, please type your answers to all of the problems in a single document to be submitted electronically. Please see details about the submission process.

    Extra Credit (2 points)

    Do Exercise 3 of Lab 15 of the Meyer text, answer all of the given questions along the way.

    Last modified: 13 April 2003