Loyola University Chicago

Computer Science 271
Structured Programming & Data Structures
Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2001

Math. and Computer Science Dept.


Students are also expected to have read the statement on academic integrity available on page 14 of Loyola's ``Undergraduate Studies'' catalog. In addition to this statement, we wish to emphasize issues most relevant to this course.

When it comes to learning and understanding the general material covered in class, you may certainly use other reference and you may have discussions with other students in this class or other people from outside of this class. Similarly, you are free to have conversations and to use other materials regarding the general syntax and use of the Java language.

However, when it comes to work which is submitted for this course, all such work must be entirely your own. You are in no way to discuss such assignments, nor are you to use or or search for direct or indirect assistance from any outside references, including but not limited to:

  • other students in this class
  • past students, whether from this school or other schools
  • other acquaintances
  • other texts or books
  • online information not referenced on the course web page
  • The only exception to the above rule is that you are free to have consultations with the instructor, teaching assistant, or members of the organized tutoring centers on campus. Even in these cases, if you receive significant help you should make sure to document both the source of the help as well as the extent.

    Any violations of the general Loyola policy or the policies outlined in this handout will be dealt with severely. Penalties will apply equally to a student who is aiding another student. Any such violations will result in a minimum penalty of a zero on the given assignment, and severe cases will result in a failing grade in the course. Furthermore all incidents will be reported in writing to both the department and the appropriate dean.

    comp271 Class Page
    Last modified: 9 January 2001