cos423: Theory of Algorithms handout #21
Michael Goldwasser
Princeton University Tuesday, April 14, 1998

Homework #8: Classes P vs. NP, Reductions
Due Date: Tuesday, April 21, 1998 (5:00pm)

Collaboration Policy

You may collaborate with others on this entire homework. However, please re-read the policy guidelines from Handout #1.


Read Chapter 36 of CLR, although you may gloss over the parts on the circuit satisfiability problem, including the book's version of the Cook-Levin theorem on pages 933-938.


Recall, these exercises are purely for your own practice. You need only turn in the official problems.


(30 points) Show that if HAM-CYCLE $\in$ P, then the problem of listing the vertices of a Hamiltonian cycle, in order, is polynomial-time solvable. More specifically, assume that there exists a polynomial-time procedure TEST-HAM-CYCLE(G'), which takes any graph G' and returns True/False depending on whether or not G' has a Hamiltonian cycle or not. We want you to design a procedure PRINT-HAM-CYCLE(G) which will actually print the order of a legitimate Hamiltonian cycle of G, assuming one exists. Of course, your algorithm is allowed to call TEST-HAM-CYCLE as needed. Please give high-level pseudo-code for your new procedure, and argue (briefly) why your algorithm is correct, and why it runs in polynomial time.

(30 points) The set-partition problem takes as input a set S of numbers. The question is whether the numbers can be partitioned into two sets A and $\overline{A} = S-A$, such that $\sum_{x \in A} =
\sum_{x \in \overline{A}}$. Show that the set-partition problem is NP-Complete. (Hint: looks a bit like Subset-Sum, doesn't it?!)

(40 points) A k-coloring of an undirected graph G = (V,E) is a function $c: V \leftarrow \{1,2,\ldots,k\}$ such that $c(u) \neq c(v)$for every edge $(u,v) \in E$. In other words, the numbers $1,2,\ldots,k$ represent the k colors, and adjacent vertices must have different colors. We define the k-COLOR problem to decide whether or not a given graph can be colored using k colors.

To prove that 3-COLOR is NP-Hard (and thus NP-Complete by part 3b), we use a reduction from 3- CNF-SAT. Given a formula $\phi$ of m clauses on n variables $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$, we construct a graph G = (V,E) as follows. To start with, we create a vertex for each variable, a vertex for the negation of each variable, and three special vertices: true, false, red. We add edges to form a triangle on the three special vertices, and we also add a triangle on $x_i, \neg x_i$, and red for each $i=1,2,\ldots,n$. Now, for each clause $(p \vee q
\vee r)$, we create a widget, as shown in the figure below, where the five black vertices are newly created for each separate clause, but the other four vertices are among those we have already introduced.

\psfig {figure=hw08.figures/widget.eps,width=3in}

Extra Credit

Let the Set-Splitting problem be defined as follows. The input is a finite set S, and a collection of subsets $C_1, C_2, \ldots,
C_k$ of the set S. An algorithm should return true if it is possible to color the elements of S red or blue in a way so that no Ci has all its elements colored with the same color.

Show that Set-Splitting is NP-Complete. (sorry, no hints on the extra credit problem)

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