Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 423
Theory of Algorithms

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 1998


[Note: Topics of future lectures are subject to change.]

# Date Topic Reading Due Out
1 Tues, Feb 3 Introduction
(example: closest pair)
Ch. 1, Ch. 35.4 hw1
2 Thur, Feb 5 Analysis Techniques
(asymptotics, recurrences, amortization)
Ch. 2, Ch. 4.1-4.3, Ch. 18
3 Tues, Feb 10 Counting Comparisons for Sorting, Selection Ch. 9.1, 10.1, 10.3 hw1 hw2
4 Thur, Feb 12 Minimum Spanning Trees Ch. 24
5 Tues, Feb 17 Priority Queues
(Binary Heaps)
Ch. 7 hw2 hw3
6 Thur, Feb 19 Priority Queues cont.
(Binomial and Fibonnaci Heaps)
Ch. 20, Ch. 21
7 Tues, Feb 24 Disjoint Set-Union
(dynamic connectivity)
Ch. 22 hw3 hw4
8 Thur, Feb 26 Augmented Search Trees
(interval trees, intersecting rectangles)
Ch. 15
9 Tues, March 3 Dynamic Programming
(LCS, triangulation)
Ch. 16 hw4 mid
10 Thur, March 5 Shortest Paths Ch. 25
11 Tues, March 10 Shortest Paths (cont) Ch. 26
12 Thur, March 12 Shortest Paths
a scaling algorithm
Problem 25-4 of CLR mid
Tues, March 17 Spring Break
Thur, March 19 Spring Break
13 Tues, March 24 Randomized Algorithms
(definitions, selection)
Ch. 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 8.3, 8.4, 10.2 hw5
14 Thur, March 26 Randomized Algorithms
(binary trees, convex hulls)
Ch. 13.4, (Ch. 35.3 and handout 17)
15 Tues, March 31 Hashing Ch. 12 hw5 hw6
16 Thur, April 2 Parallel Computation Ch. 30.2
17 Tues, April 7 Parallel Computation Ch. 30.1, 30.4 hw6 hw7
18 Thur, April 9 Complexity Classes: P and NP Ch. 36
19 Tues, April 14 NP-Completeness: Reductions & Cook-Levin Thm Ch. 36 hw7 hw8
20 Thur, April 16 Approximation Algorithms
Vertex Cover, TSP
Ch. 37
21 Tues, April 21 Approximation Algorithms
Multiprocessor Scheduling
Handout 25 hw8 hw9
22 Thur, April 23 Approximation Algorithms
Coloring, Clique, Set Cover
Ch. 37
23 Tues, April 28 Online Competitiveness
24 Thur, April 30 Online Competitiveness hw9
Thur, May 7 optional final
Mon, May 18 optional final

cos423 Class Page
Michael Goldwasser
Last modified: April 28, 1998