Course Home | Contract | Project Ideas

Saint Louis University

Computer Science 491
Capstone Project

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2010

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

If you wish, you may download a printable version of the syllabus, containing the same information that is on this web page.


Instructor: Dr. Michael Goldwasser
Email: goldwamh at our university domain
Office: Ritter Hall 108
Phone: (314) 977-7039
Office Hours:    
  • Tuesdays:
    • 10:00-11:30am
  • Wednesdays:
    • 2:30-3:15pm
  • Fridays:
    • 1:00-2:30pm
  • or by appointment

The Capstone Project is a substantial, semester-long endeavor allowing students to apply the knowledge they have gained within the Computer Science curriculum. Each project is to be completed by an individual or a team of students; we henceforth use the terminology ``team'' even when referring to a team of one.

Topics for projects can be based on the interests of the students, chosen from ideas submitted by CS faculty, or coordinated with needs of other departments or units outside the university. Students should be involved in the project selection, but the instructor has final authority on what is considered a suitable project. There will be greater expectations for teams of two or more students.

Each project will have a faculty member (the ``supervisor'') who will advise the team on the project; the supervisor may or may not be the instructor-of-record for the course. Each team must sign a contract, together with the supervisor and instructor, indicating what the project entails and requirements for successful completion. The supervisor and the instructor will be responsible for assigning grades for the course.


The components of the grade are:

Weekly reports: 10% (the 10 highest scores will be considered)
Design document: 20%
Midterm presentations: 15%
Alpha version review: 10%
Complete product review:    30%
Final presentation: 15%

A detailed description of the components, and the required timeline for progress, follow.


Project contract: Wednesday, September 1
Design document: Friday, October 1
Midterm presentations:     October 11-15
Alpha version review: Wednesday, November 10
Product review: Monday, November 29 (and at least 48 hours before presentation)
Final presentations: December 1-7

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 491, Fall 2010
Last modified: Wednesday, 01 September 2010
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