DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES CSCI 496/497 Capstone Project Contract Title of Project: Supervisor: Student(s): --------------------------------------------------------------- Brief Description of Project: --------------------------------------------------------------- Suggested Project Requirements: --------------------------------------------------------------- By signing below, we agree that: * The requirements for the project are to be fulfilled according to the calendar set forth by the Computer Science Faculty. * Changing projects or groups will not be permitted. * A final grade of "Incomplete" is not allowed for either of CSCI 496 or CSCI 497. * Grades for CSCI 496 will be determined based only on the work done during that course; likewise, grades for CSCI 497 will be determined based only on the work done during that course. * A passing grade in CSCI 496 is a prerequisite for enrollment in CSCI 497. * All code will be submitted to the project supervisor and course instructor at the end of the second semester, prior to the final presentation. * Failure to meet any of the course requirements will result in a grade of F. * Different members of the team might earn different grades for the course. * All of the instructor’s decisions regarding grades are final. Date Signed: Student(s): Supervisor: Instructor: