/* * In this example, we invert each component of each pixel. */ // Can either load an image stored locally, as follows: // PImage slu = loadImage("campus4.jpg"); // Or can load an image from a URL PImage slu = loadImage("http://business.slu.edu/uploads/2012/11/08/slu-homepage-campus4.jpg"); int w = slu.width; int h = slu.height; for (int x=0; x < w; x++) { for (int y=0; y < h; y++) { color c = slu.get(x,y); color replace = color(255-red(c), 255-green(c), 255-blue(c)); slu.set(x,y,replace); } } // time to display it size(w,h); image(slu,0,0);