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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 150
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2006

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


NOTE: filling out this questionnaire does not constitute signing up for this class. To sign up for this class, you must be officially registered for the class through the university.

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk* are required!

Your First Name*:
Your Last Name*:
Your Preferred Nickname, if any:
Your Preferred Email Address*:
The email address will be used by the instructor, if necessary, to contact you between lectures.

Please read the course policy on Academic Integrity and acknowledge below.

I have read and understand the above policy

We will make use of the course webpage for many aspects of this course. Much of the information on that page will only be available to current students in the class. Furthermore, we will use the web for submitting assignments and for viewing your grades.

For these reasons, we ask that you create an identity and password for use in this course. You may choose whatever username and password you wish. Please note that:

Choose a username*:
Choose a password*:
Please Retype your password*:

Note: This password might not be activated until the results of this questionnaire are processed by the instructor. At a later time, if you forget the password or wish to change it, please contact the instructor.

We hope to allow you to complete work for this course on the computer of your choice, and from varying locations. That said, we'd like to have some information on what you'd consider your likely "primary" working environment.

Do you already have an account on our department server (turing)? Yes No

Finally, we ask several questions in order to gather information about familiarity with topics for students entering the class. This will help us in providing adequate support during the semester and perhaps in selecting material to be covered in the course.

What is your intended major?   

Why have you decided to take this course?

We do not assume that you have any previous experience in writing computer programs, and there is no such prerequisite for the course. At the same time, some students may have some such experience and it is helpful if we are better aware of your background.

Do you have experience writing computer programs? With what operating system(s) are you familiar? (check any that apply)
Windows family
Macintosh OS X

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 150, Fall 2006
Last modified: Monday, 28 August 2006
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