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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 150
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2010

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Hands-on Day

Control Structures

We will work with the list of state names. Also, for some of the more advanced questions here, we will also need a list of capitals. To get going, here are the definitions.


All of these problems are for practice. You are freely encouraged to work together and you do not need to submit any of this work for a grade.

  1. Which state names use the letter 'x'?

  2. What state(s) start and end with the same character (in a case insensitive manner).

  3. What state names have more vowels (aeiou) than consonants?

  4. What state names have two or more pairs of consecutively repeated letters? (e.g., Mississippi)

The next set involve use of the capitals as well.

  1. Find all capitals that have the word 'City' in their name

  2. Find those states, whose capitals that have the word 'City' in their name.

  3. Find state/capital pairs that start with the same letter.

  4. Find all state capitals that have their state's name as part of the capital's name.

  5. If you were to combine the city and state names, which capital has the most characters (including spaces).

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 150, Spring 2010
Last modified: Monday, 08 February 2010
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