enter a string of characters to use: editing call with "(degiint)" call with "d(egiint)" call with "de(giint)" call with "deg(iint)" ==== PRUNING degi ==== ==== PRUNING degn ==== ==== PRUNING degt ==== call with "dei(gint)" call with "deig(int)" ==== PRUNING deigi ==== call with "deign(it)" call with "deign (it)" call with "deign i(t)" call with "deign it()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "deign t(i)" call with "deign ti()" call with "deigni(t)" ==== PRUNING deignit ==== ==== PRUNING deignt ==== ==== PRUNING deigt ==== ==== PRUNING deii ==== call with "dein(git)" ==== PRUNING deing ==== ==== PRUNING deini ==== ==== PRUNING deint ==== call with "deit(gin)" ==== PRUNING deitg ==== call with "deiti(gn)" ==== PRUNING deitig ==== ==== PRUNING deitin ==== ==== PRUNING deitn ==== call with "den(giit)" call with "den (giit)" call with "den g(iit)" call with "den gi(it)" ==== PRUNING den gii ==== call with "den git(i)" call with "den git (i)" call with "den git i()" ==== PRUNING den giti ==== ==== PRUNING den gt ==== call with "den i(git)" call with "den ig(it)" ==== PRUNING den igi ==== ==== PRUNING den igt ==== ==== PRUNING den ii ==== call with "den it(gi)" call with "den it (gi)" call with "den it g(i)" call with "den it gi()" call with "den it i(g)" call with "den it ig()" ==== PRUNING den itg ==== call with "den iti(g)" ==== PRUNING den itig ==== call with "den t(gii)" ==== PRUNING den tg ==== call with "den ti(gi)" call with "den tig(i)" call with "den tig (i)" call with "den tig i()" ==== PRUNING den tigi ==== ==== PRUNING den tii ==== call with "deng(iit)" ==== PRUNING dengi ==== ==== PRUNING dengt ==== call with "deni(git)" call with "denig(it)" ==== PRUNING denigi ==== ==== PRUNING denigt ==== ==== PRUNING denii ==== call with "denit(gi)" ==== PRUNING denitg ==== ==== PRUNING deniti ==== call with "dent(gii)" call with "dent (gii)" call with "dent g(ii)" call with "dent gi(i)" ==== PRUNING dent gii ==== call with "dent i(gi)" call with "dent ig(i)" ==== PRUNING dent igi ==== ==== PRUNING dent ii ==== ==== PRUNING dentg ==== call with "denti(gi)" call with "dentig(i)" ==== PRUNING dentigi ==== ==== PRUNING dentii ==== call with "det(giin)" ==== PRUNING detg ==== call with "deti(gin)" ==== PRUNING detig ==== ==== PRUNING detii ==== call with "detin(gi)" ==== PRUNING deting ==== ==== PRUNING detini ==== ==== PRUNING detn ==== ==== PRUNING dg ==== call with "di(egint)" call with "die(gint)" call with "die (gint)" call with "die g(int)" call with "die gi(nt)" call with "die gin(t)" call with "die gin (t)" call with "die gin t()" ==== PRUNING die gint ==== call with "die git(n)" call with "die git (n)" call with "die git n()" ==== PRUNING die gitn ==== call with "die gn(it)" ==== PRUNING die gni ==== ==== PRUNING die gnt ==== ==== PRUNING die gt ==== call with "die i(gnt)" call with "die ig(nt)" call with "die ign(t)" ==== PRUNING die ignt ==== ==== PRUNING die igt ==== call with "die in(gt)" call with "die in (gt)" call with "die in g(t)" ==== PRUNING die in gt ==== call with "die in t(g)" ==== PRUNING die in tg ==== call with "die ing(t)" ==== PRUNING die ingt ==== call with "die int(g)" ==== PRUNING die intg ==== call with "die it(gn)" call with "die it (gn)" call with "die it g(n)" call with "die it gn()" call with "die it n(g)" call with "die it ng()" ==== PRUNING die itg ==== ==== PRUNING die itn ==== call with "die n(git)" call with "die ng(it)" ==== PRUNING die ngi ==== ==== PRUNING die ngt ==== call with "die ni(gt)" call with "die nig(t)" ==== PRUNING die nigt ==== call with "die nit(g)" call with "die nit (g)" call with "die nit g()" ==== PRUNING die nitg ==== call with "die nt(gi)" ==== PRUNING die ntg ==== ==== PRUNING die nti ==== call with "die t(gin)" ==== PRUNING die tg ==== call with "die ti(gn)" call with "die tig(n)" call with "die tig (n)" call with "die tig n()" ==== PRUNING die tign ==== call with "die tin(g)" call with "die tin (g)" call with "die tin g()" call with "die ting()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING die tn ==== call with "dieg(int)" ==== PRUNING diegi ==== ==== PRUNING diegn ==== ==== PRUNING diegt ==== ==== PRUNING diei ==== call with "dien(git)" ==== PRUNING dieng ==== ==== PRUNING dieni ==== ==== PRUNING dient ==== call with "diet(gin)" call with "diet (gin)" call with "diet g(in)" call with "diet gi(n)" call with "diet gin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "diet gn(i)" ==== PRUNING diet gni ==== call with "diet i(gn)" call with "diet ig(n)" call with "diet ign()" call with "diet in(g)" call with "diet in (g)" call with "diet in g()" call with "diet ing()" call with "diet n(gi)" call with "diet ng(i)" ==== PRUNING diet ngi ==== call with "diet ni(g)" call with "diet nig()" ==== PRUNING dietg ==== call with "dieti(gn)" ==== PRUNING dietig ==== call with "dietin(g)" call with "dieting()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING dietn ==== call with "dig(eint)" call with "dig (eint)" call with "dig e(int)" call with "dig ei(nt)" call with "dig ein(t)" ==== PRUNING dig eint ==== call with "dig eit(n)" ==== PRUNING dig eitn ==== call with "dig en(it)" call with "dig eni(t)" ==== PRUNING dig enit ==== call with "dig ent(i)" call with "dig enti()" call with "dig et(in)" call with "dig eti(n)" ==== PRUNING dig etin ==== call with "dig etn(i)" ==== PRUNING dig etni ==== call with "dig i(ent)" ==== PRUNING dig ie ==== call with "dig in(et)" call with "dig in (et)" call with "dig in e(t)" call with "dig in et()" call with "dig in t(e)" call with "dig in te()" call with "dig ine(t)" ==== PRUNING dig inet ==== call with "dig int(e)" call with "dig inte()" call with "dig it(en)" call with "dig it (en)" call with "dig it e(n)" call with "dig it en()" call with "dig it n(e)" call with "dig it ne()" call with "dig ite(n)" ==== PRUNING dig iten ==== ==== PRUNING dig itn ==== call with "dig n(eit)" call with "dig ne(it)" call with "dig nei(t)" call with "dig neit()" call with "dig net(i)" call with "dig net (i)" call with "dig net i()" call with "dig neti()" call with "dig ni(et)" call with "dig nie(t)" ==== PRUNING dig niet ==== call with "dig nit(e)" call with "dig nit (e)" call with "dig nit e()" call with "dig nite()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dig nt(ei)" ==== PRUNING dig nte ==== ==== PRUNING dig nti ==== call with "dig t(ein)" call with "dig te(in)" call with "dig tei(n)" call with "dig tein()" call with "dig ten(i)" call with "dig ten (i)" call with "dig ten i()" call with "dig teni()" call with "dig ti(en)" call with "dig tie(n)" call with "dig tie (n)" call with "dig tie n()" ==== PRUNING dig tien ==== call with "dig tin(e)" call with "dig tin (e)" call with "dig tin e()" call with "dig tine()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING dig tn ==== call with "dige(int)" ==== PRUNING digei ==== ==== PRUNING digen ==== ==== PRUNING diget ==== call with "digi(ent)" ==== PRUNING digie ==== ==== PRUNING digin ==== call with "digit(en)" call with "digit (en)" call with "digit e(n)" call with "digit en()" call with "digit n(e)" call with "digit ne()" ==== PRUNING digite ==== ==== PRUNING digitn ==== call with "dign(eit)" ==== PRUNING digne ==== call with "digni(et)" ==== PRUNING dignie ==== call with "dignit(e)" ==== PRUNING dignite ==== ==== PRUNING dignt ==== ==== PRUNING digt ==== ==== PRUNING dii ==== call with "din(egit)" call with "din (egit)" call with "din e(git)" call with "din eg(it)" call with "din egi(t)" ==== PRUNING din egit ==== ==== PRUNING din egt ==== call with "din ei(gt)" call with "din eig(t)" ==== PRUNING din eigt ==== call with "din eit(g)" ==== PRUNING din eitg ==== call with "din et(gi)" ==== PRUNING din etg ==== call with "din eti(g)" ==== PRUNING din etig ==== call with "din g(eit)" call with "din ge(it)" call with "din gei(t)" call with "din geit()" call with "din get(i)" call with "din get (i)" call with "din get i()" ==== PRUNING din geti ==== call with "din gi(et)" call with "din gie(t)" call with "din gie (t)" call with "din gie t()" ==== PRUNING din giet ==== call with "din git(e)" call with "din git (e)" call with "din git e()" call with "din gite()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING din gt ==== call with "din i(egt)" ==== PRUNING din ie ==== call with "din ig(et)" ==== PRUNING din ige ==== ==== PRUNING din igt ==== call with "din it(eg)" call with "din it (eg)" call with "din it e(g)" call with "din it eg()" call with "din it g(e)" call with "din it ge()" call with "din ite(g)" ==== PRUNING din iteg ==== ==== PRUNING din itg ==== call with "din t(egi)" call with "din te(gi)" call with "din teg(i)" call with "din teg (i)" call with "din teg i()" ==== PRUNING din tegi ==== call with "din tei(g)" ==== PRUNING din teig ==== ==== PRUNING din tg ==== call with "din ti(eg)" call with "din tie(g)" call with "din tie (g)" call with "din tie g()" ==== PRUNING din tieg ==== call with "din tig(e)" call with "din tig (e)" call with "din tig e()" call with "din tige()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dine(git)" call with "dine (git)" call with "dine g(it)" call with "dine gi(t)" call with "dine git()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING dine gt ==== call with "dine i(gt)" call with "dine ig(t)" ==== PRUNING dine igt ==== call with "dine it(g)" call with "dine it (g)" call with "dine it g()" ==== PRUNING dine itg ==== call with "dine t(gi)" ==== PRUNING dine tg ==== call with "dine ti(g)" call with "dine tig()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING dineg ==== ==== PRUNING dinei ==== call with "dinet(gi)" ==== PRUNING dinetg ==== ==== PRUNING dineti ==== call with "ding(eit)" call with "ding (eit)" call with "ding e(it)" call with "ding ei(t)" call with "ding eit()" call with "ding et(i)" call with "ding eti()" call with "ding i(et)" ==== PRUNING ding ie ==== call with "ding it(e)" call with "ding it (e)" call with "ding it e()" call with "ding ite()" call with "ding t(ei)" call with "ding te(i)" call with "ding tei()" call with "ding ti(e)" call with "ding tie()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dinge(it)" call with "dinge (it)" call with "dinge i(t)" call with "dinge it()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dinge t(i)" call with "dinge ti()" ==== PRUNING dingei ==== ==== PRUNING dinget ==== call with "dingi(et)" call with "dingie(t)" ==== PRUNING dingiet ==== ==== PRUNING dingit ==== ==== PRUNING dingt ==== call with "dini(egt)" ==== PRUNING dinie ==== ==== PRUNING dinig ==== call with "dinit(eg)" ==== PRUNING dinite ==== ==== PRUNING dinitg ==== call with "dint(egi)" call with "dint (egi)" call with "dint e(gi)" call with "dint eg(i)" call with "dint egi()" call with "dint ei(g)" call with "dint eig()" call with "dint g(ei)" call with "dint ge(i)" call with "dint gei()" call with "dint gi(e)" call with "dint gie()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dint i(eg)" ==== PRUNING dint ie ==== call with "dint ig(e)" ==== PRUNING dint ige ==== call with "dinte(gi)" ==== PRUNING dinteg ==== ==== PRUNING dintei ==== ==== PRUNING dintg ==== call with "dinti(eg)" ==== PRUNING dintie ==== ==== PRUNING dintig ==== call with "dit(egin)" call with "dit (egin)" call with "dit e(gin)" call with "dit eg(in)" call with "dit egi(n)" ==== PRUNING dit egin ==== ==== PRUNING dit egn ==== call with "dit ei(gn)" call with "dit eig(n)" call with "dit eign()" call with "dit ein(g)" ==== PRUNING dit eing ==== call with "dit en(gi)" call with "dit eng(i)" call with "dit engi()" call with "dit eni(g)" call with "dit enig()" call with "dit g(ein)" call with "dit ge(in)" call with "dit gei(n)" ==== PRUNING dit gein ==== call with "dit gen(i)" call with "dit gen (i)" call with "dit gen i()" call with "dit geni()" call with "dit gi(en)" call with "dit gie(n)" call with "dit gie (n)" call with "dit gie n()" call with "dit gien()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dit gin(e)" call with "dit gin (e)" call with "dit gin e()" ==== PRUNING dit gine ==== call with "dit gn(ei)" call with "dit gne(i)" call with "dit gnei()" ==== PRUNING dit gni ==== call with "dit i(egn)" ==== PRUNING dit ie ==== call with "dit ig(en)" ==== PRUNING dit ige ==== call with "dit ign(e)" call with "dit igne()" call with "dit in(eg)" call with "dit in (eg)" call with "dit in e(g)" call with "dit in eg()" call with "dit in g(e)" call with "dit in ge()" call with "dit ine(g)" call with "dit ineg()" call with "dit ing(e)" call with "dit inge()" call with "dit n(egi)" call with "dit ne(gi)" call with "dit neg(i)" ==== PRUNING dit negi ==== call with "dit nei(g)" call with "dit neig()" call with "dit ng(ei)" ==== PRUNING dit nge ==== ==== PRUNING dit ngi ==== call with "dit ni(eg)" call with "dit nie(g)" ==== PRUNING dit nieg ==== call with "dit nig(e)" call with "dit nige()" call with "dite(gin)" call with "dite (gin)" call with "dite g(in)" call with "dite gi(n)" call with "dite gin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "dite gn(i)" ==== PRUNING dite gni ==== call with "dite i(gn)" call with "dite ig(n)" call with "dite ign()" call with "dite in(g)" call with "dite in (g)" call with "dite in g()" call with "dite ing()" call with "dite n(gi)" call with "dite ng(i)" ==== PRUNING dite ngi ==== call with "dite ni(g)" call with "dite nig()" ==== PRUNING diteg ==== ==== PRUNING ditei ==== ==== PRUNING diten ==== ==== PRUNING ditg ==== ==== PRUNING diti ==== ==== PRUNING ditn ==== ==== PRUNING dn ==== ==== PRUNING dt ==== call with "e(dgiint)" call with "ed(giint)" call with "edg(iint)" call with "edgi(int)" ==== PRUNING edgii ==== call with "edgin(it)" ==== PRUNING edgini ==== ==== PRUNING edgint ==== ==== PRUNING edgit ==== ==== PRUNING edgn ==== ==== PRUNING edgt ==== call with "edi(gint)" ==== PRUNING edig ==== ==== PRUNING edii ==== ==== PRUNING edin ==== call with "edit(gin)" call with "edit (gin)" call with "edit g(in)" call with "edit gi(n)" call with "edit gin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "edit gn(i)" ==== PRUNING edit gni ==== call with "edit i(gn)" call with "edit ig(n)" call with "edit ign()" call with "edit in(g)" call with "edit in (g)" call with "edit in g()" call with "edit ing()" call with "edit n(gi)" call with "edit ng(i)" ==== PRUNING edit ngi ==== call with "edit ni(g)" call with "edit nig()" ==== PRUNING editg ==== call with "editi(gn)" ==== PRUNING editig ==== call with "editin(g)" call with "editing()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING editn ==== ==== PRUNING edn ==== ==== PRUNING edt ==== call with "eg(diint)" ==== PRUNING egd ==== call with "egi(dint)" ==== PRUNING egid ==== ==== PRUNING egii ==== ==== PRUNING egin ==== ==== PRUNING egit ==== ==== PRUNING egn ==== ==== PRUNING egt ==== call with "ei(dgint)" call with "eid(gint)" ==== PRUNING eidg ==== ==== PRUNING eidi ==== ==== PRUNING eidn ==== ==== PRUNING eidt ==== call with "eig(dint)" ==== PRUNING eigd ==== ==== PRUNING eigi ==== call with "eign(dit)" ==== PRUNING eignd ==== ==== PRUNING eigni ==== ==== PRUNING eignt ==== ==== PRUNING eigt ==== ==== PRUNING eii ==== call with "ein(dgit)" ==== PRUNING eind ==== ==== PRUNING eing ==== ==== PRUNING eini ==== ==== PRUNING eint ==== call with "eit(dgin)" ==== PRUNING eitd ==== ==== PRUNING eitg ==== ==== PRUNING eiti ==== ==== PRUNING eitn ==== call with "en(dgiit)" call with "end(giit)" call with "end (giit)" call with "end g(iit)" call with "end gi(it)" ==== PRUNING end gii ==== call with "end git(i)" call with "end git (i)" call with "end git i()" ==== PRUNING end giti ==== ==== PRUNING end gt ==== call with "end i(git)" call with "end ig(it)" ==== PRUNING end igi ==== ==== PRUNING end igt ==== ==== PRUNING end ii ==== call with "end it(gi)" call with "end it (gi)" call with "end it g(i)" call with "end it gi()" call with "end it i(g)" call with "end it ig()" ==== PRUNING end itg ==== call with "end iti(g)" ==== PRUNING end itig ==== call with "end t(gii)" ==== PRUNING end tg ==== call with "end ti(gi)" call with "end tig(i)" call with "end tig (i)" call with "end tig i()" ==== PRUNING end tigi ==== ==== PRUNING end tii ==== call with "endg(iit)" ==== PRUNING endgi ==== ==== PRUNING endgt ==== call with "endi(git)" ==== PRUNING endig ==== ==== PRUNING endii ==== call with "endit(gi)" ==== PRUNING enditg ==== call with "enditi(g)" ==== PRUNING enditig ==== ==== PRUNING endt ==== call with "eng(diit)" ==== PRUNING engd ==== call with "engi(dit)" ==== PRUNING engid ==== ==== PRUNING engii ==== ==== PRUNING engit ==== ==== PRUNING engt ==== call with "eni(dgit)" ==== PRUNING enid ==== call with "enig(dit)" ==== PRUNING enigd ==== ==== PRUNING enigi ==== ==== PRUNING enigt ==== ==== PRUNING enii ==== ==== PRUNING enit ==== call with "ent(dgii)" ==== PRUNING entd ==== ==== PRUNING entg ==== call with "enti(dgi)" ==== PRUNING entid ==== ==== PRUNING entig ==== ==== PRUNING entii ==== call with "et(dgiin)" ==== PRUNING etd ==== ==== PRUNING etg ==== call with "eti(dgin)" ==== PRUNING etid ==== ==== PRUNING etig ==== ==== PRUNING etii ==== ==== PRUNING etin ==== call with "etn(dgii)" ==== PRUNING etnd ==== ==== PRUNING etng ==== ==== PRUNING etni ==== call with "g(deiint)" ==== PRUNING gd ==== call with "ge(diint)" call with "ged(iint)" call with "ged (iint)" call with "ged i(int)" ==== PRUNING ged ii ==== call with "ged in(it)" call with "ged in (it)" call with "ged in i(t)" call with "ged in it()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ged in t(i)" call with "ged in ti()" call with "ged ini(t)" call with "ged init()" call with "ged int(i)" call with "ged inti()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ged it(in)" call with "ged it (in)" call with "ged it i(n)" call with "ged it in()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ged it n(i)" call with "ged it ni()" call with "ged iti(n)" call with "ged itin()" ==== PRUNING ged itn ==== call with "ged n(iit)" call with "ged ni(it)" ==== PRUNING ged nii ==== call with "ged nit(i)" call with "ged nit (i)" call with "ged nit i()" call with "ged niti()" call with "ged nt(ii)" ==== PRUNING ged nti ==== call with "ged t(iin)" call with "ged ti(in)" ==== PRUNING ged tii ==== call with "ged tin(i)" call with "ged tin (i)" call with "ged tin i()" call with "ged tini()" ==== PRUNING ged tn ==== ==== PRUNING gedi ==== ==== PRUNING gedn ==== ==== PRUNING gedt ==== call with "gei(dint)" ==== PRUNING geid ==== ==== PRUNING geii ==== ==== PRUNING gein ==== call with "geit(din)" ==== PRUNING geitd ==== ==== PRUNING geiti ==== ==== PRUNING geitn ==== call with "gen(diit)" call with "gen (diit)" call with "gen d(iit)" call with "gen di(it)" ==== PRUNING gen dii ==== call with "gen dit(i)" call with "gen dit (i)" call with "gen dit i()" ==== PRUNING gen diti ==== ==== PRUNING gen dt ==== call with "gen i(dit)" call with "gen id(it)" call with "gen idi(t)" ==== PRUNING gen idit ==== ==== PRUNING gen idt ==== ==== PRUNING gen ii ==== call with "gen it(di)" call with "gen it (di)" call with "gen it d(i)" call with "gen it di()" call with "gen it i(d)" call with "gen it id()" ==== PRUNING gen itd ==== call with "gen iti(d)" ==== PRUNING gen itid ==== call with "gen t(dii)" ==== PRUNING gen td ==== call with "gen ti(di)" call with "gen tid(i)" call with "gen tid (i)" call with "gen tid i()" call with "gen tidi()" ==== PRUNING gen tii ==== call with "gend(iit)" ==== PRUNING gendi ==== ==== PRUNING gendt ==== call with "geni(dit)" ==== PRUNING genid ==== call with "genii(dt)" call with "genii (dt)" call with "genii d(t)" ==== PRUNING genii dt ==== call with "genii t(d)" ==== PRUNING genii td ==== ==== PRUNING geniid ==== ==== PRUNING geniit ==== call with "genit(di)" ==== PRUNING genitd ==== call with "geniti(d)" ==== PRUNING genitid ==== call with "gent(dii)" call with "gent (dii)" call with "gent d(ii)" call with "gent di(i)" ==== PRUNING gent dii ==== call with "gent i(di)" call with "gent id(i)" call with "gent idi()" ==== PRUNING gent ii ==== ==== PRUNING gentd ==== call with "genti(di)" ==== PRUNING gentid ==== ==== PRUNING gentii ==== call with "get(diin)" call with "get (diin)" call with "get d(iin)" call with "get di(in)" ==== PRUNING get dii ==== call with "get din(i)" call with "get din (i)" call with "get din i()" call with "get dini()" ==== PRUNING get dn ==== call with "get i(din)" call with "get id(in)" call with "get idi(n)" ==== PRUNING get idin ==== ==== PRUNING get idn ==== ==== PRUNING get ii ==== call with "get in(di)" call with "get in (di)" call with "get in d(i)" call with "get in di()" call with "get in i(d)" call with "get in id()" call with "get ind(i)" call with "get indi()" call with "get ini(d)" ==== PRUNING get inid ==== call with "get n(dii)" ==== PRUNING get nd ==== call with "get ni(di)" call with "get nid(i)" call with "get nid (i)" call with "get nid i()" call with "get nidi()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING get nii ==== ==== PRUNING getd ==== ==== PRUNING geti ==== ==== PRUNING getn ==== call with "gi(deint)" call with "gid(eint)" call with "gid (eint)" call with "gid e(int)" call with "gid ei(nt)" call with "gid ein(t)" ==== PRUNING gid eint ==== call with "gid eit(n)" ==== PRUNING gid eitn ==== call with "gid en(it)" call with "gid eni(t)" ==== PRUNING gid enit ==== call with "gid ent(i)" call with "gid enti()" call with "gid et(in)" call with "gid eti(n)" ==== PRUNING gid etin ==== call with "gid etn(i)" ==== PRUNING gid etni ==== call with "gid i(ent)" ==== PRUNING gid ie ==== call with "gid in(et)" call with "gid in (et)" call with "gid in e(t)" call with "gid in et()" call with "gid in t(e)" call with "gid in te()" call with "gid ine(t)" ==== PRUNING gid inet ==== call with "gid int(e)" call with "gid inte()" call with "gid it(en)" call with "gid it (en)" call with "gid it e(n)" call with "gid it en()" call with "gid it n(e)" call with "gid it ne()" call with "gid ite(n)" ==== PRUNING gid iten ==== ==== PRUNING gid itn ==== call with "gid n(eit)" call with "gid ne(it)" call with "gid nei(t)" call with "gid neit()" call with "gid net(i)" call with "gid net (i)" call with "gid net i()" call with "gid neti()" call with "gid ni(et)" call with "gid nie(t)" ==== PRUNING gid niet ==== call with "gid nit(e)" call with "gid nit (e)" call with "gid nit e()" call with "gid nite()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "gid nt(ei)" ==== PRUNING gid nte ==== ==== PRUNING gid nti ==== call with "gid t(ein)" call with "gid te(in)" call with "gid tei(n)" call with "gid tein()" call with "gid ten(i)" call with "gid ten (i)" call with "gid ten i()" call with "gid teni()" call with "gid ti(en)" call with "gid tie(n)" call with "gid tie (n)" call with "gid tie n()" ==== PRUNING gid tien ==== call with "gid tin(e)" call with "gid tin (e)" call with "gid tin e()" call with "gid tine()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gid tn ==== ==== PRUNING gide ==== ==== PRUNING gidi ==== ==== PRUNING gidn ==== ==== PRUNING gidt ==== call with "gie(dint)" call with "gie (dint)" call with "gie d(int)" call with "gie di(nt)" call with "gie din(t)" call with "gie din (t)" call with "gie din t()" call with "gie dint()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "gie dit(n)" call with "gie dit (n)" call with "gie dit n()" ==== PRUNING gie ditn ==== ==== PRUNING gie dn ==== ==== PRUNING gie dt ==== call with "gie i(dnt)" call with "gie id(nt)" ==== PRUNING gie idn ==== ==== PRUNING gie idt ==== call with "gie in(dt)" call with "gie in (dt)" call with "gie in d(t)" ==== PRUNING gie in dt ==== call with "gie in t(d)" ==== PRUNING gie in td ==== call with "gie ind(t)" ==== PRUNING gie indt ==== call with "gie int(d)" ==== PRUNING gie intd ==== call with "gie it(dn)" call with "gie it (dn)" call with "gie it d(n)" ==== PRUNING gie it dn ==== call with "gie it n(d)" ==== PRUNING gie it nd ==== ==== PRUNING gie itd ==== ==== PRUNING gie itn ==== call with "gie n(dit)" ==== PRUNING gie nd ==== call with "gie ni(dt)" call with "gie nid(t)" call with "gie nid (t)" call with "gie nid t()" ==== PRUNING gie nidt ==== call with "gie nit(d)" call with "gie nit (d)" call with "gie nit d()" ==== PRUNING gie nitd ==== call with "gie nt(di)" ==== PRUNING gie ntd ==== ==== PRUNING gie nti ==== call with "gie t(din)" ==== PRUNING gie td ==== call with "gie ti(dn)" call with "gie tid(n)" call with "gie tid (n)" call with "gie tid n()" ==== PRUNING gie tidn ==== call with "gie tin(d)" call with "gie tin (d)" call with "gie tin d()" call with "gie tind()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gie tn ==== call with "gied(int)" call with "gied (int)" call with "gied i(nt)" call with "gied in(t)" call with "gied in (t)" call with "gied in t()" call with "gied int()" call with "gied it(n)" call with "gied it (n)" call with "gied it n()" ==== PRUNING gied itn ==== call with "gied n(it)" call with "gied ni(t)" call with "gied nit()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "gied nt(i)" ==== PRUNING gied nti ==== call with "gied t(in)" call with "gied ti(n)" call with "gied tin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gied tn ==== ==== PRUNING giedi ==== ==== PRUNING giedn ==== ==== PRUNING giedt ==== ==== PRUNING giei ==== call with "gien(dit)" call with "gien (dit)" call with "gien d(it)" call with "gien di(t)" call with "gien dit()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gien dt ==== call with "gien i(dt)" call with "gien id(t)" ==== PRUNING gien idt ==== call with "gien it(d)" call with "gien it (d)" call with "gien it d()" ==== PRUNING gien itd ==== call with "gien t(di)" ==== PRUNING gien td ==== call with "gien ti(d)" call with "gien tid()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING giend ==== ==== PRUNING gieni ==== ==== PRUNING gient ==== ==== PRUNING giet ==== ==== PRUNING gii ==== call with "gin(deit)" call with "gin (deit)" call with "gin d(eit)" call with "gin de(it)" call with "gin dei(t)" call with "gin deit()" call with "gin det(i)" call with "gin deti()" call with "gin di(et)" call with "gin die(t)" call with "gin die (t)" call with "gin die t()" call with "gin diet()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "gin dit(e)" call with "gin dit (e)" call with "gin dit e()" call with "gin dite()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gin dt ==== call with "gin e(dit)" call with "gin ed(it)" call with "gin edi(t)" call with "gin edit()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gin edt ==== call with "gin ei(dt)" call with "gin eid(t)" ==== PRUNING gin eidt ==== call with "gin eit(d)" ==== PRUNING gin eitd ==== call with "gin et(di)" ==== PRUNING gin etd ==== call with "gin eti(d)" ==== PRUNING gin etid ==== call with "gin i(det)" call with "gin id(et)" call with "gin ide(t)" call with "gin ide (t)" call with "gin ide t()" ==== PRUNING gin idet ==== ==== PRUNING gin idt ==== ==== PRUNING gin ie ==== call with "gin it(de)" call with "gin it (de)" call with "gin it d(e)" call with "gin it de()" call with "gin it e(d)" call with "gin it ed()" ==== PRUNING gin itd ==== call with "gin ite(d)" ==== PRUNING gin ited ==== call with "gin t(dei)" ==== PRUNING gin td ==== call with "gin te(di)" call with "gin ted(i)" call with "gin ted (i)" call with "gin ted i()" call with "gin tedi()" call with "gin tei(d)" ==== PRUNING gin teid ==== call with "gin ti(de)" call with "gin tid(e)" call with "gin tid (e)" call with "gin tid e()" call with "gin tide()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "gin tie(d)" call with "gin tie (d)" call with "gin tie d()" call with "gin tied()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gind ==== ==== PRUNING gine ==== ==== PRUNING gini ==== ==== PRUNING gint ==== call with "git(dein)" call with "git (dein)" call with "git d(ein)" call with "git de(in)" call with "git dei(n)" call with "git dein()" call with "git den(i)" call with "git den (i)" call with "git den i()" call with "git deni()" call with "git di(en)" call with "git die(n)" call with "git die (n)" call with "git die n()" call with "git dien()" call with "git din(e)" call with "git din (e)" call with "git din e()" call with "git dine()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING git dn ==== call with "git e(din)" call with "git ed(in)" call with "git edi(n)" ==== PRUNING git edin ==== ==== PRUNING git edn ==== call with "git ei(dn)" call with "git eid(n)" ==== PRUNING git eidn ==== call with "git ein(d)" ==== PRUNING git eind ==== call with "git en(di)" call with "git end(i)" call with "git end (i)" call with "git end i()" call with "git endi()" call with "git eni(d)" ==== PRUNING git enid ==== call with "git i(den)" call with "git id(en)" call with "git ide(n)" call with "git ide (n)" call with "git ide n()" call with "git iden()" ==== PRUNING git idn ==== ==== PRUNING git ie ==== call with "git in(de)" call with "git in (de)" call with "git in d(e)" call with "git in de()" call with "git in e(d)" call with "git in ed()" call with "git ind(e)" call with "git inde()" call with "git ine(d)" call with "git ined()" call with "git n(dei)" ==== PRUNING git nd ==== call with "git ne(di)" call with "git ned(i)" call with "git ned (i)" call with "git ned i()" ==== PRUNING git nedi ==== call with "git nei(d)" ==== PRUNING git neid ==== call with "git ni(de)" call with "git nid(e)" call with "git nid (e)" call with "git nid e()" call with "git nide()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "git nie(d)" ==== PRUNING git nied ==== ==== PRUNING gitd ==== call with "gite(din)" call with "gite (din)" call with "gite d(in)" call with "gite di(n)" call with "gite din()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gite dn ==== call with "gite i(dn)" call with "gite id(n)" ==== PRUNING gite idn ==== call with "gite in(d)" call with "gite in (d)" call with "gite in d()" call with "gite ind()" call with "gite n(di)" ==== PRUNING gite nd ==== call with "gite ni(d)" call with "gite nid()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING gited ==== ==== PRUNING gitei ==== ==== PRUNING giten ==== ==== PRUNING giti ==== ==== PRUNING gitn ==== call with "gn(deiit)" ==== PRUNING gnd ==== call with "gne(diit)" ==== PRUNING gned ==== call with "gnei(dit)" ==== PRUNING gneid ==== ==== PRUNING gneii ==== ==== PRUNING gneit ==== ==== PRUNING gnet ==== ==== PRUNING gni ==== ==== PRUNING gnt ==== ==== PRUNING gt ==== call with "i(degint)" call with "id(egint)" call with "ide(gint)" call with "ide (gint)" call with "ide g(int)" call with "ide gi(nt)" call with "ide gin(t)" call with "ide gin (t)" call with "ide gin t()" ==== PRUNING ide gint ==== call with "ide git(n)" call with "ide git (n)" call with "ide git n()" ==== PRUNING ide gitn ==== call with "ide gn(it)" ==== PRUNING ide gni ==== ==== PRUNING ide gnt ==== ==== PRUNING ide gt ==== call with "ide i(gnt)" call with "ide ig(nt)" call with "ide ign(t)" ==== PRUNING ide ignt ==== ==== PRUNING ide igt ==== call with "ide in(gt)" call with "ide in (gt)" call with "ide in g(t)" ==== PRUNING ide in gt ==== call with "ide in t(g)" ==== PRUNING ide in tg ==== call with "ide ing(t)" ==== PRUNING ide ingt ==== call with "ide int(g)" ==== PRUNING ide intg ==== call with "ide it(gn)" call with "ide it (gn)" call with "ide it g(n)" call with "ide it gn()" call with "ide it n(g)" call with "ide it ng()" ==== PRUNING ide itg ==== ==== PRUNING ide itn ==== call with "ide n(git)" call with "ide ng(it)" ==== PRUNING ide ngi ==== ==== PRUNING ide ngt ==== call with "ide ni(gt)" call with "ide nig(t)" ==== PRUNING ide nigt ==== call with "ide nit(g)" call with "ide nit (g)" call with "ide nit g()" ==== PRUNING ide nitg ==== call with "ide nt(gi)" ==== PRUNING ide ntg ==== ==== PRUNING ide nti ==== call with "ide t(gin)" ==== PRUNING ide tg ==== call with "ide ti(gn)" call with "ide tig(n)" call with "ide tig (n)" call with "ide tig n()" ==== PRUNING ide tign ==== call with "ide tin(g)" call with "ide tin (g)" call with "ide tin g()" call with "ide ting()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING ide tn ==== ==== PRUNING ideg ==== ==== PRUNING idei ==== call with "iden(git)" ==== PRUNING ideng ==== ==== PRUNING ideni ==== call with "ident(gi)" ==== PRUNING identg ==== call with "identi(g)" ==== PRUNING identig ==== ==== PRUNING idet ==== ==== PRUNING idg ==== call with "idi(egnt)" ==== PRUNING idie ==== ==== PRUNING idig ==== ==== PRUNING idin ==== ==== PRUNING idit ==== ==== PRUNING idn ==== ==== PRUNING idt ==== ==== PRUNING ie ==== call with "ig(deint)" ==== PRUNING igd ==== ==== PRUNING ige ==== ==== PRUNING igi ==== call with "ign(deit)" ==== PRUNING ignd ==== call with "igne(dit)" ==== PRUNING igned ==== ==== PRUNING ignei ==== ==== PRUNING ignet ==== call with "igni(det)" ==== PRUNING ignid ==== ==== PRUNING ignie ==== call with "ignit(de)" ==== PRUNING ignitd ==== call with "ignite(d)" call with "ignite (d)" call with "ignite d()" call with "ignited()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING ignt ==== ==== PRUNING igt ==== ==== PRUNING ii ==== call with "in(degit)" call with "in (degit)" call with "in d(egit)" call with "in de(git)" call with "in deg(it)" ==== PRUNING in degi ==== ==== PRUNING in degt ==== call with "in dei(gt)" call with "in deig(t)" ==== PRUNING in deigt ==== call with "in deit(g)" ==== PRUNING in deitg ==== call with "in det(gi)" ==== PRUNING in detg ==== call with "in deti(g)" ==== PRUNING in detig ==== ==== PRUNING in dg ==== call with "in di(egt)" call with "in die(gt)" call with "in die (gt)" call with "in die g(t)" ==== PRUNING in die gt ==== call with "in die t(g)" ==== PRUNING in die tg ==== call with "in dieg(t)" ==== PRUNING in diegt ==== call with "in diet(g)" call with "in diet (g)" call with "in diet g()" ==== PRUNING in dietg ==== call with "in dig(et)" call with "in dig (et)" call with "in dig e(t)" call with "in dig et()" call with "in dig t(e)" call with "in dig te()" call with "in dige(t)" ==== PRUNING in diget ==== ==== PRUNING in digt ==== call with "in dit(eg)" call with "in dit (eg)" call with "in dit e(g)" call with "in dit eg()" call with "in dit g(e)" call with "in dit ge()" call with "in dite(g)" call with "in dite (g)" call with "in dite g()" ==== PRUNING in diteg ==== ==== PRUNING in ditg ==== ==== PRUNING in dt ==== call with "in e(dgit)" call with "in ed(git)" call with "in edg(it)" call with "in edgi(t)" ==== PRUNING in edgit ==== ==== PRUNING in edgt ==== call with "in edi(gt)" ==== PRUNING in edig ==== call with "in edit(g)" call with "in edit (g)" call with "in edit g()" ==== PRUNING in editg ==== ==== PRUNING in edt ==== call with "in eg(dit)" ==== PRUNING in egd ==== call with "in egi(dt)" ==== PRUNING in egid ==== ==== PRUNING in egit ==== ==== PRUNING in egt ==== call with "in ei(dgt)" call with "in eid(gt)" ==== PRUNING in eidg ==== ==== PRUNING in eidt ==== call with "in eig(dt)" ==== PRUNING in eigd ==== ==== PRUNING in eigt ==== call with "in eit(dg)" ==== PRUNING in eitd ==== ==== PRUNING in eitg ==== call with "in et(dgi)" ==== PRUNING in etd ==== ==== PRUNING in etg ==== call with "in eti(dg)" ==== PRUNING in etid ==== ==== PRUNING in etig ==== call with "in g(deit)" ==== PRUNING in gd ==== call with "in ge(dit)" call with "in ged(it)" call with "in ged (it)" call with "in ged i(t)" call with "in ged it()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "in ged t(i)" call with "in ged ti()" ==== PRUNING in gedi ==== ==== PRUNING in gedt ==== call with "in gei(dt)" ==== PRUNING in geid ==== call with "in geit(d)" ==== PRUNING in geitd ==== call with "in get(di)" call with "in get (di)" call with "in get d(i)" call with "in get di()" call with "in get i(d)" call with "in get id()" ==== PRUNING in getd ==== ==== PRUNING in geti ==== call with "in gi(det)" call with "in gid(et)" call with "in gid (et)" call with "in gid e(t)" call with "in gid et()" call with "in gid t(e)" call with "in gid te()" ==== PRUNING in gide ==== ==== PRUNING in gidt ==== call with "in gie(dt)" call with "in gie (dt)" call with "in gie d(t)" ==== PRUNING in gie dt ==== call with "in gie t(d)" ==== PRUNING in gie td ==== call with "in gied(t)" call with "in gied (t)" call with "in gied t()" ==== PRUNING in giedt ==== ==== PRUNING in giet ==== call with "in git(de)" call with "in git (de)" call with "in git d(e)" call with "in git de()" call with "in git e(d)" call with "in git ed()" ==== PRUNING in gitd ==== call with "in gite(d)" call with "in gite (d)" call with "in gite d()" ==== PRUNING in gited ==== ==== PRUNING in gt ==== call with "in i(degt)" call with "in id(egt)" call with "in ide(gt)" call with "in ide (gt)" call with "in ide g(t)" ==== PRUNING in ide gt ==== call with "in ide t(g)" ==== PRUNING in ide tg ==== ==== PRUNING in ideg ==== ==== PRUNING in idet ==== ==== PRUNING in idg ==== ==== PRUNING in idt ==== ==== PRUNING in ie ==== call with "in ig(det)" ==== PRUNING in igd ==== ==== PRUNING in ige ==== ==== PRUNING in igt ==== call with "in it(deg)" call with "in it (deg)" call with "in it d(eg)" call with "in it de(g)" call with "in it deg()" ==== PRUNING in it dg ==== call with "in it e(dg)" call with "in it ed(g)" call with "in it edg()" call with "in it eg(d)" ==== PRUNING in it egd ==== call with "in it g(de)" ==== PRUNING in it gd ==== call with "in it ge(d)" call with "in it ged()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING in itd ==== call with "in ite(dg)" ==== PRUNING in ited ==== ==== PRUNING in iteg ==== ==== PRUNING in itg ==== call with "in t(degi)" ==== PRUNING in td ==== call with "in te(dgi)" call with "in ted(gi)" call with "in ted (gi)" call with "in ted g(i)" call with "in ted gi()" call with "in ted i(g)" call with "in ted ig()" ==== PRUNING in tedg ==== call with "in tedi(g)" ==== PRUNING in tedig ==== call with "in teg(di)" call with "in teg (di)" call with "in teg d(i)" call with "in teg di()" call with "in teg i(d)" call with "in teg id()" ==== PRUNING in tegd ==== ==== PRUNING in tegi ==== call with "in tei(dg)" ==== PRUNING in teid ==== ==== PRUNING in teig ==== ==== PRUNING in tg ==== call with "in ti(deg)" call with "in tid(eg)" call with "in tid (eg)" call with "in tid e(g)" call with "in tid eg()" call with "in tid g(e)" call with "in tid ge()" call with "in tide(g)" call with "in tide (g)" call with "in tide g()" ==== PRUNING in tideg ==== ==== PRUNING in tidg ==== call with "in tie(dg)" call with "in tie (dg)" call with "in tie d(g)" ==== PRUNING in tie dg ==== call with "in tie g(d)" ==== PRUNING in tie gd ==== call with "in tied(g)" call with "in tied (g)" call with "in tied g()" ==== PRUNING in tiedg ==== ==== PRUNING in tieg ==== call with "in tig(de)" call with "in tig (de)" call with "in tig d(e)" call with "in tig de()" call with "in tig e(d)" call with "in tig ed()" ==== PRUNING in tigd ==== call with "in tige(d)" call with "in tige (d)" call with "in tige d()" ==== PRUNING in tiged ==== call with "ind(egit)" call with "inde(git)" ==== PRUNING indeg ==== ==== PRUNING indei ==== call with "indet(gi)" ==== PRUNING indetg ==== ==== PRUNING indeti ==== ==== PRUNING indg ==== call with "indi(egt)" call with "indie(gt)" call with "indie (gt)" call with "indie g(t)" ==== PRUNING indie gt ==== call with "indie t(g)" ==== PRUNING indie tg ==== ==== PRUNING indieg ==== ==== PRUNING indiet ==== call with "indig(et)" call with "indige(t)" ==== PRUNING indiget ==== ==== PRUNING indigt ==== call with "indit(eg)" call with "indite(g)" call with "indite (g)" call with "indite g()" ==== PRUNING inditeg ==== ==== PRUNING inditg ==== ==== PRUNING indt ==== call with "ine(dgit)" call with "ined(git)" ==== PRUNING inedg ==== call with "inedi(gt)" ==== PRUNING inedig ==== call with "inedit(g)" ==== PRUNING ineditg ==== ==== PRUNING inedt ==== call with "ineg(dit)" ==== PRUNING inegd ==== ==== PRUNING inegi ==== ==== PRUNING inegt ==== ==== PRUNING inei ==== ==== PRUNING inet ==== call with "ing(deit)" ==== PRUNING ingd ==== call with "inge(dit)" ==== PRUNING inged ==== ==== PRUNING ingei ==== ==== PRUNING inget ==== call with "ingi(det)" ==== PRUNING ingid ==== ==== PRUNING ingie ==== ==== PRUNING ingit ==== ==== PRUNING ingt ==== call with "ini(degt)" ==== PRUNING inid ==== ==== PRUNING inie ==== ==== PRUNING inig ==== call with "init(deg)" ==== PRUNING initd ==== ==== PRUNING inite ==== ==== PRUNING initg ==== call with "int(degi)" ==== PRUNING intd ==== call with "inte(dgi)" ==== PRUNING inted ==== call with "integ(di)" ==== PRUNING integd ==== ==== PRUNING integi ==== ==== PRUNING intei ==== ==== PRUNING intg ==== call with "inti(deg)" call with "inti (deg)" call with "inti d(eg)" call with "inti de(g)" call with "inti deg()" ==== PRUNING inti dg ==== call with "inti e(dg)" call with "inti ed(g)" call with "inti edg()" call with "inti eg(d)" ==== PRUNING inti egd ==== call with "inti g(de)" ==== PRUNING inti gd ==== call with "inti ge(d)" call with "inti ged()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING intid ==== ==== PRUNING intie ==== ==== PRUNING intig ==== call with "it(degin)" call with "it (degin)" call with "it d(egin)" call with "it de(gin)" call with "it deg(in)" ==== PRUNING it degi ==== ==== PRUNING it degn ==== call with "it dei(gn)" call with "it deig(n)" call with "it deign()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "it dein(g)" ==== PRUNING it deing ==== call with "it den(gi)" call with "it den (gi)" call with "it den g(i)" call with "it den gi()" call with "it den i(g)" call with "it den ig()" call with "it deng(i)" ==== PRUNING it dengi ==== call with "it deni(g)" call with "it denig()" ==== PRUNING it dg ==== call with "it di(egn)" call with "it die(gn)" call with "it die (gn)" call with "it die g(n)" call with "it die gn()" call with "it die n(g)" call with "it die ng()" call with "it dieg(n)" ==== PRUNING it diegn ==== call with "it dien(g)" ==== PRUNING it dieng ==== call with "it dig(en)" call with "it dig (en)" call with "it dig e(n)" call with "it dig en()" call with "it dig n(e)" call with "it dig ne()" call with "it dige(n)" ==== PRUNING it digen ==== call with "it dign(e)" ==== PRUNING it digne ==== call with "it din(eg)" call with "it din (eg)" call with "it din e(g)" call with "it din eg()" call with "it din g(e)" call with "it din ge()" call with "it dine(g)" call with "it dine (g)" call with "it dine g()" ==== PRUNING it dineg ==== call with "it ding(e)" call with "it ding (e)" call with "it ding e()" call with "it dinge()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING it dn ==== call with "it e(dgin)" call with "it ed(gin)" call with "it edg(in)" call with "it edgi(n)" call with "it edgin()" ==== PRUNING it edgn ==== call with "it edi(gn)" ==== PRUNING it edig ==== ==== PRUNING it edin ==== ==== PRUNING it edn ==== call with "it eg(din)" ==== PRUNING it egd ==== call with "it egi(dn)" ==== PRUNING it egid ==== ==== PRUNING it egin ==== ==== PRUNING it egn ==== call with "it ei(dgn)" call with "it eid(gn)" ==== PRUNING it eidg ==== ==== PRUNING it eidn ==== call with "it eig(dn)" ==== PRUNING it eigd ==== call with "it eign(d)" ==== PRUNING it eignd ==== call with "it ein(dg)" ==== PRUNING it eind ==== ==== PRUNING it eing ==== call with "it en(dgi)" call with "it end(gi)" call with "it end (gi)" call with "it end g(i)" call with "it end gi()" call with "it end i(g)" call with "it end ig()" call with "it endg(i)" ==== PRUNING it endgi ==== call with "it endi(g)" ==== PRUNING it endig ==== call with "it eng(di)" ==== PRUNING it engd ==== call with "it engi(d)" ==== PRUNING it engid ==== call with "it eni(dg)" ==== PRUNING it enid ==== call with "it enig(d)" ==== PRUNING it enigd ==== call with "it g(dein)" ==== PRUNING it gd ==== call with "it ge(din)" call with "it ged(in)" call with "it ged (in)" call with "it ged i(n)" call with "it ged in()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "it ged n(i)" call with "it ged ni()" ==== PRUNING it gedi ==== ==== PRUNING it gedn ==== call with "it gei(dn)" ==== PRUNING it geid ==== ==== PRUNING it gein ==== call with "it gen(di)" call with "it gen (di)" call with "it gen d(i)" call with "it gen di()" call with "it gen i(d)" call with "it gen id()" call with "it gend(i)" ==== PRUNING it gendi ==== call with "it geni(d)" ==== PRUNING it genid ==== call with "it gi(den)" call with "it gid(en)" call with "it gid (en)" call with "it gid e(n)" call with "it gid en()" call with "it gid n(e)" call with "it gid ne()" ==== PRUNING it gide ==== ==== PRUNING it gidn ==== call with "it gie(dn)" call with "it gie (dn)" call with "it gie d(n)" ==== PRUNING it gie dn ==== call with "it gie n(d)" ==== PRUNING it gie nd ==== call with "it gied(n)" call with "it gied (n)" call with "it gied n()" ==== PRUNING it giedn ==== call with "it gien(d)" call with "it gien (d)" call with "it gien d()" ==== PRUNING it giend ==== call with "it gin(de)" call with "it gin (de)" call with "it gin d(e)" call with "it gin de()" call with "it gin e(d)" call with "it gin ed()" ==== PRUNING it gind ==== ==== PRUNING it gine ==== call with "it gn(dei)" ==== PRUNING it gnd ==== call with "it gne(di)" ==== PRUNING it gned ==== call with "it gnei(d)" ==== PRUNING it gneid ==== ==== PRUNING it gni ==== call with "it i(degn)" call with "it id(egn)" call with "it ide(gn)" call with "it ide (gn)" call with "it ide g(n)" call with "it ide gn()" call with "it ide n(g)" call with "it ide ng()" ==== PRUNING it ideg ==== call with "it iden(g)" ==== PRUNING it ideng ==== ==== PRUNING it idg ==== ==== PRUNING it idn ==== ==== PRUNING it ie ==== call with "it ig(den)" ==== PRUNING it igd ==== ==== PRUNING it ige ==== call with "it ign(de)" ==== PRUNING it ignd ==== call with "it igne(d)" ==== PRUNING it igned ==== call with "it in(deg)" call with "it in (deg)" call with "it in d(eg)" call with "it in de(g)" call with "it in deg()" ==== PRUNING it in dg ==== call with "it in e(dg)" call with "it in ed(g)" call with "it in edg()" call with "it in eg(d)" ==== PRUNING it in egd ==== call with "it in g(de)" ==== PRUNING it in gd ==== call with "it in ge(d)" call with "it in ged()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "it ind(eg)" call with "it inde(g)" ==== PRUNING it indeg ==== ==== PRUNING it indg ==== call with "it ine(dg)" call with "it ined(g)" ==== PRUNING it inedg ==== call with "it ineg(d)" ==== PRUNING it inegd ==== call with "it ing(de)" ==== PRUNING it ingd ==== call with "it inge(d)" ==== PRUNING it inged ==== call with "it n(degi)" ==== PRUNING it nd ==== call with "it ne(dgi)" call with "it ned(gi)" call with "it ned (gi)" call with "it ned g(i)" call with "it ned gi()" call with "it ned i(g)" call with "it ned ig()" ==== PRUNING it nedg ==== ==== PRUNING it nedi ==== call with "it neg(di)" ==== PRUNING it negd ==== ==== PRUNING it negi ==== call with "it nei(dg)" ==== PRUNING it neid ==== call with "it neig(d)" ==== PRUNING it neigd ==== call with "it ng(dei)" ==== PRUNING it ngd ==== ==== PRUNING it nge ==== ==== PRUNING it ngi ==== call with "it ni(deg)" call with "it nid(eg)" call with "it nid (eg)" call with "it nid e(g)" call with "it nid eg()" call with "it nid g(e)" call with "it nid ge()" call with "it nide(g)" call with "it nide (g)" call with "it nide g()" ==== PRUNING it nideg ==== call with "it nidg(e)" call with "it nidge()" call with "it nie(dg)" ==== PRUNING it nied ==== ==== PRUNING it nieg ==== call with "it nig(de)" ==== PRUNING it nigd ==== call with "it nige(d)" ==== PRUNING it niged ==== ==== PRUNING itd ==== call with "ite(dgin)" ==== PRUNING ited ==== ==== PRUNING iteg ==== ==== PRUNING itei ==== ==== PRUNING iten ==== ==== PRUNING itg ==== call with "iti(degn)" ==== PRUNING itid ==== ==== PRUNING itie ==== ==== PRUNING itig ==== call with "itin(deg)" ==== PRUNING itind ==== call with "itine(dg)" ==== PRUNING itined ==== ==== PRUNING itineg ==== ==== PRUNING iting ==== ==== PRUNING itn ==== call with "n(degiit)" ==== PRUNING nd ==== call with "ne(dgiit)" call with "ned(giit)" call with "ned (giit)" call with "ned g(iit)" call with "ned gi(it)" ==== PRUNING ned gii ==== call with "ned git(i)" call with "ned git (i)" call with "ned git i()" ==== PRUNING ned giti ==== ==== PRUNING ned gt ==== call with "ned i(git)" call with "ned ig(it)" ==== PRUNING ned igi ==== ==== PRUNING ned igt ==== ==== PRUNING ned ii ==== call with "ned it(gi)" call with "ned it (gi)" call with "ned it g(i)" call with "ned it gi()" call with "ned it i(g)" call with "ned it ig()" ==== PRUNING ned itg ==== call with "ned iti(g)" ==== PRUNING ned itig ==== call with "ned t(gii)" ==== PRUNING ned tg ==== call with "ned ti(gi)" call with "ned tig(i)" call with "ned tig (i)" call with "ned tig i()" ==== PRUNING ned tigi ==== ==== PRUNING ned tii ==== ==== PRUNING nedg ==== ==== PRUNING nedi ==== ==== PRUNING nedt ==== call with "neg(diit)" ==== PRUNING negd ==== ==== PRUNING negi ==== ==== PRUNING negt ==== call with "nei(dgit)" ==== PRUNING neid ==== call with "neig(dit)" ==== PRUNING neigd ==== ==== PRUNING neigi ==== ==== PRUNING neigt ==== ==== PRUNING neii ==== call with "neit(dgi)" ==== PRUNING neitd ==== ==== PRUNING neitg ==== ==== PRUNING neiti ==== call with "net(dgii)" call with "net (dgii)" call with "net d(gii)" ==== PRUNING net dg ==== call with "net di(gi)" call with "net dig(i)" call with "net dig (i)" call with "net dig i()" call with "net digi()" ==== PRUNING net dii ==== call with "net g(dii)" ==== PRUNING net gd ==== call with "net gi(di)" call with "net gid(i)" call with "net gid (i)" call with "net gid i()" ==== PRUNING net gidi ==== ==== PRUNING net gii ==== call with "net i(dgi)" call with "net id(gi)" ==== PRUNING net idg ==== call with "net idi(g)" ==== PRUNING net idig ==== call with "net ig(di)" ==== PRUNING net igd ==== ==== PRUNING net igi ==== ==== PRUNING net ii ==== ==== PRUNING netd ==== ==== PRUNING netg ==== call with "neti(dgi)" ==== PRUNING netid ==== ==== PRUNING netig ==== ==== PRUNING netii ==== call with "ng(deiit)" ==== PRUNING ngd ==== ==== PRUNING nge ==== ==== PRUNING ngi ==== ==== PRUNING ngt ==== call with "ni(degit)" call with "nid(egit)" call with "nid (egit)" call with "nid e(git)" call with "nid eg(it)" call with "nid egi(t)" ==== PRUNING nid egit ==== ==== PRUNING nid egt ==== call with "nid ei(gt)" call with "nid eig(t)" ==== PRUNING nid eigt ==== call with "nid eit(g)" ==== PRUNING nid eitg ==== call with "nid et(gi)" ==== PRUNING nid etg ==== call with "nid eti(g)" ==== PRUNING nid etig ==== call with "nid g(eit)" call with "nid ge(it)" call with "nid gei(t)" call with "nid geit()" call with "nid get(i)" call with "nid get (i)" call with "nid get i()" ==== PRUNING nid geti ==== call with "nid gi(et)" call with "nid gie(t)" call with "nid gie (t)" call with "nid gie t()" ==== PRUNING nid giet ==== call with "nid git(e)" call with "nid git (e)" call with "nid git e()" call with "nid gite()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING nid gt ==== call with "nid i(egt)" ==== PRUNING nid ie ==== call with "nid ig(et)" ==== PRUNING nid ige ==== ==== PRUNING nid igt ==== call with "nid it(eg)" call with "nid it (eg)" call with "nid it e(g)" call with "nid it eg()" call with "nid it g(e)" call with "nid it ge()" call with "nid ite(g)" ==== PRUNING nid iteg ==== ==== PRUNING nid itg ==== call with "nid t(egi)" call with "nid te(gi)" call with "nid teg(i)" call with "nid teg (i)" call with "nid teg i()" ==== PRUNING nid tegi ==== call with "nid tei(g)" ==== PRUNING nid teig ==== ==== PRUNING nid tg ==== call with "nid ti(eg)" call with "nid tie(g)" call with "nid tie (g)" call with "nid tie g()" ==== PRUNING nid tieg ==== call with "nid tig(e)" call with "nid tig (e)" call with "nid tig e()" call with "nid tige()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "nide(git)" call with "nide (git)" call with "nide g(it)" call with "nide gi(t)" call with "nide git()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING nide gt ==== call with "nide i(gt)" call with "nide ig(t)" ==== PRUNING nide igt ==== call with "nide it(g)" call with "nide it (g)" call with "nide it g()" ==== PRUNING nide itg ==== call with "nide t(gi)" ==== PRUNING nide tg ==== call with "nide ti(g)" call with "nide tig()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING nideg ==== ==== PRUNING nidei ==== ==== PRUNING nidet ==== call with "nidg(eit)" call with "nidge(it)" ==== PRUNING nidgei ==== call with "nidget(i)" call with "nidget (i)" call with "nidget i()" ==== PRUNING nidgeti ==== ==== PRUNING nidgi ==== ==== PRUNING nidgt ==== call with "nidi(egt)" call with "nidi (egt)" call with "nidi e(gt)" call with "nidi eg(t)" ==== PRUNING nidi egt ==== call with "nidi et(g)" ==== PRUNING nidi etg ==== call with "nidi g(et)" call with "nidi ge(t)" call with "nidi get()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING nidi gt ==== call with "nidi t(eg)" call with "nidi te(g)" call with "nidi teg()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING nidi tg ==== ==== PRUNING nidie ==== ==== PRUNING nidig ==== ==== PRUNING nidit ==== ==== PRUNING nidt ==== call with "nie(dgit)" ==== PRUNING nied ==== ==== PRUNING nieg ==== ==== PRUNING niei ==== ==== PRUNING niet ==== call with "nig(deit)" ==== PRUNING nigd ==== call with "nige(dit)" ==== PRUNING niged ==== ==== PRUNING nigei ==== ==== PRUNING niget ==== ==== PRUNING nigi ==== ==== PRUNING nigt ==== ==== PRUNING nii ==== call with "nit(degi)" call with "nit (degi)" call with "nit d(egi)" call with "nit de(gi)" call with "nit deg(i)" ==== PRUNING nit degi ==== call with "nit dei(g)" call with "nit deig()" ==== PRUNING nit dg ==== call with "nit di(eg)" call with "nit die(g)" call with "nit die (g)" call with "nit die g()" call with "nit dieg()" call with "nit dig(e)" call with "nit dig (e)" call with "nit dig e()" call with "nit dige()" call with "nit e(dgi)" call with "nit ed(gi)" call with "nit edg(i)" call with "nit edgi()" call with "nit edi(g)" ==== PRUNING nit edig ==== call with "nit eg(di)" ==== PRUNING nit egd ==== call with "nit egi(d)" ==== PRUNING nit egid ==== call with "nit ei(dg)" call with "nit eid(g)" ==== PRUNING nit eidg ==== call with "nit eig(d)" ==== PRUNING nit eigd ==== call with "nit g(dei)" ==== PRUNING nit gd ==== call with "nit ge(di)" call with "nit ged(i)" call with "nit ged (i)" call with "nit ged i()" ==== PRUNING nit gedi ==== call with "nit gei(d)" ==== PRUNING nit geid ==== call with "nit gi(de)" call with "nit gid(e)" call with "nit gid (e)" call with "nit gid e()" ==== PRUNING nit gide ==== call with "nit gie(d)" call with "nit gie (d)" call with "nit gie d()" call with "nit gied()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "nit i(deg)" call with "nit id(eg)" call with "nit ide(g)" call with "nit ide (g)" call with "nit ide g()" ==== PRUNING nit ideg ==== ==== PRUNING nit idg ==== ==== PRUNING nit ie ==== call with "nit ig(de)" ==== PRUNING nit igd ==== ==== PRUNING nit ige ==== ==== PRUNING nitd ==== call with "nite(dgi)" call with "nite (dgi)" call with "nite d(gi)" ==== PRUNING nite dg ==== call with "nite di(g)" call with "nite dig()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "nite g(di)" ==== PRUNING nite gd ==== call with "nite gi(d)" call with "nite gid()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "nite i(dg)" call with "nite id(g)" ==== PRUNING nite idg ==== call with "nite ig(d)" ==== PRUNING nite igd ==== ==== PRUNING nited ==== ==== PRUNING niteg ==== ==== PRUNING nitei ==== ==== PRUNING nitg ==== call with "niti(deg)" call with "nitid(eg)" call with "nitid (eg)" call with "nitid e(g)" call with "nitid eg()" call with "nitid g(e)" call with "nitid ge()" ==== PRUNING nitide ==== ==== PRUNING nitidg ==== ==== PRUNING nitie ==== ==== PRUNING nitig ==== call with "nt(degii)" ==== PRUNING ntd ==== ==== PRUNING nte ==== ==== PRUNING ntg ==== ==== PRUNING nti ==== call with "t(degiin)" ==== PRUNING td ==== call with "te(dgiin)" call with "ted(giin)" call with "ted (giin)" call with "ted g(iin)" call with "ted gi(in)" ==== PRUNING ted gii ==== call with "ted gin(i)" call with "ted gin (i)" call with "ted gin i()" ==== PRUNING ted gini ==== call with "ted gn(ii)" ==== PRUNING ted gni ==== call with "ted i(gin)" call with "ted ig(in)" ==== PRUNING ted igi ==== call with "ted ign(i)" call with "ted igni()" ==== PRUNING ted ii ==== call with "ted in(gi)" call with "ted in (gi)" call with "ted in g(i)" call with "ted in gi()" call with "ted in i(g)" call with "ted in ig()" call with "ted ing(i)" call with "ted ingi()" call with "ted ini(g)" ==== PRUNING ted inig ==== call with "ted n(gii)" call with "ted ng(ii)" ==== PRUNING ted ngi ==== call with "ted ni(gi)" call with "ted nig(i)" ==== PRUNING ted nigi ==== ==== PRUNING ted nii ==== ==== PRUNING tedg ==== call with "tedi(gin)" ==== PRUNING tedig ==== ==== PRUNING tedii ==== ==== PRUNING tedin ==== ==== PRUNING tedn ==== call with "teg(diin)" call with "teg (diin)" call with "teg d(iin)" call with "teg di(in)" ==== PRUNING teg dii ==== call with "teg din(i)" call with "teg din (i)" call with "teg din i()" call with "teg dini()" ==== PRUNING teg dn ==== call with "teg i(din)" call with "teg id(in)" call with "teg idi(n)" ==== PRUNING teg idin ==== ==== PRUNING teg idn ==== ==== PRUNING teg ii ==== call with "teg in(di)" call with "teg in (di)" call with "teg in d(i)" call with "teg in di()" call with "teg in i(d)" call with "teg in id()" call with "teg ind(i)" call with "teg indi()" call with "teg ini(d)" ==== PRUNING teg inid ==== call with "teg n(dii)" ==== PRUNING teg nd ==== call with "teg ni(di)" call with "teg nid(i)" call with "teg nid (i)" call with "teg nid i()" call with "teg nidi()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING teg nii ==== ==== PRUNING tegd ==== ==== PRUNING tegi ==== ==== PRUNING tegn ==== call with "tei(dgin)" ==== PRUNING teid ==== ==== PRUNING teig ==== ==== PRUNING teii ==== call with "tein(dgi)" call with "teind(gi)" call with "teind (gi)" call with "teind g(i)" call with "teind gi()" call with "teind i(g)" call with "teind ig()" ==== PRUNING teindg ==== call with "teindi(g)" ==== PRUNING teindig ==== ==== PRUNING teing ==== ==== PRUNING teini ==== call with "ten(dgii)" call with "ten (dgii)" call with "ten d(gii)" ==== PRUNING ten dg ==== call with "ten di(gi)" call with "ten dig(i)" call with "ten dig (i)" call with "ten dig i()" call with "ten digi()" ==== PRUNING ten dii ==== call with "ten g(dii)" ==== PRUNING ten gd ==== call with "ten gi(di)" call with "ten gid(i)" call with "ten gid (i)" call with "ten gid i()" ==== PRUNING ten gidi ==== ==== PRUNING ten gii ==== call with "ten i(dgi)" call with "ten id(gi)" ==== PRUNING ten idg ==== call with "ten idi(g)" ==== PRUNING ten idig ==== call with "ten ig(di)" ==== PRUNING ten igd ==== ==== PRUNING ten igi ==== ==== PRUNING ten ii ==== call with "tend(gii)" call with "tend (gii)" call with "tend g(ii)" call with "tend gi(i)" ==== PRUNING tend gii ==== call with "tend i(gi)" call with "tend ig(i)" ==== PRUNING tend igi ==== ==== PRUNING tend ii ==== ==== PRUNING tendg ==== call with "tendi(gi)" ==== PRUNING tendig ==== ==== PRUNING tendii ==== ==== PRUNING teng ==== call with "teni(dgi)" ==== PRUNING tenid ==== ==== PRUNING tenig ==== ==== PRUNING tenii ==== ==== PRUNING tg ==== call with "ti(degin)" call with "tid(egin)" call with "tid (egin)" call with "tid e(gin)" call with "tid eg(in)" call with "tid egi(n)" ==== PRUNING tid egin ==== ==== PRUNING tid egn ==== call with "tid ei(gn)" call with "tid eig(n)" call with "tid eign()" call with "tid ein(g)" ==== PRUNING tid eing ==== call with "tid en(gi)" call with "tid eng(i)" call with "tid engi()" call with "tid eni(g)" call with "tid enig()" call with "tid g(ein)" call with "tid ge(in)" call with "tid gei(n)" ==== PRUNING tid gein ==== call with "tid gen(i)" call with "tid gen (i)" call with "tid gen i()" call with "tid geni()" call with "tid gi(en)" call with "tid gie(n)" call with "tid gie (n)" call with "tid gie n()" call with "tid gien()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tid gin(e)" call with "tid gin (e)" call with "tid gin e()" ==== PRUNING tid gine ==== call with "tid gn(ei)" call with "tid gne(i)" call with "tid gnei()" ==== PRUNING tid gni ==== call with "tid i(egn)" ==== PRUNING tid ie ==== call with "tid ig(en)" ==== PRUNING tid ige ==== call with "tid ign(e)" call with "tid igne()" call with "tid in(eg)" call with "tid in (eg)" call with "tid in e(g)" call with "tid in eg()" call with "tid in g(e)" call with "tid in ge()" call with "tid ine(g)" call with "tid ineg()" call with "tid ing(e)" call with "tid inge()" call with "tid n(egi)" call with "tid ne(gi)" call with "tid neg(i)" ==== PRUNING tid negi ==== call with "tid nei(g)" call with "tid neig()" call with "tid ng(ei)" ==== PRUNING tid nge ==== ==== PRUNING tid ngi ==== call with "tid ni(eg)" call with "tid nie(g)" ==== PRUNING tid nieg ==== call with "tid nig(e)" call with "tid nige()" call with "tide(gin)" call with "tide (gin)" call with "tide g(in)" call with "tide gi(n)" call with "tide gin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tide gn(i)" ==== PRUNING tide gni ==== call with "tide i(gn)" call with "tide ig(n)" call with "tide ign()" call with "tide in(g)" call with "tide in (g)" call with "tide in g()" call with "tide ing()" call with "tide n(gi)" call with "tide ng(i)" ==== PRUNING tide ngi ==== call with "tide ni(g)" call with "tide nig()" ==== PRUNING tideg ==== ==== PRUNING tidei ==== ==== PRUNING tiden ==== ==== PRUNING tidg ==== call with "tidi(egn)" call with "tidie(gn)" ==== PRUNING tidieg ==== ==== PRUNING tidien ==== ==== PRUNING tidig ==== call with "tidin(eg)" call with "tidine(g)" ==== PRUNING tidineg ==== call with "tiding(e)" call with "tiding (e)" call with "tiding e()" ==== PRUNING tidinge ==== ==== PRUNING tidn ==== call with "tie(dgin)" call with "tie (dgin)" call with "tie d(gin)" ==== PRUNING tie dg ==== call with "tie di(gn)" call with "tie dig(n)" call with "tie dig (n)" call with "tie dig n()" call with "tie dign()" call with "tie din(g)" call with "tie din (g)" call with "tie din g()" call with "tie ding()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tie dn ==== call with "tie g(din)" ==== PRUNING tie gd ==== call with "tie gi(dn)" call with "tie gid(n)" call with "tie gid (n)" call with "tie gid n()" ==== PRUNING tie gidn ==== call with "tie gin(d)" call with "tie gin (d)" call with "tie gin d()" ==== PRUNING tie gind ==== call with "tie gn(di)" ==== PRUNING tie gnd ==== ==== PRUNING tie gni ==== call with "tie i(dgn)" call with "tie id(gn)" ==== PRUNING tie idg ==== ==== PRUNING tie idn ==== call with "tie ig(dn)" ==== PRUNING tie igd ==== call with "tie ign(d)" ==== PRUNING tie ignd ==== call with "tie in(dg)" call with "tie in (dg)" call with "tie in d(g)" ==== PRUNING tie in dg ==== call with "tie in g(d)" ==== PRUNING tie in gd ==== call with "tie ind(g)" ==== PRUNING tie indg ==== call with "tie ing(d)" ==== PRUNING tie ingd ==== call with "tie n(dgi)" ==== PRUNING tie nd ==== call with "tie ng(di)" ==== PRUNING tie ngd ==== ==== PRUNING tie ngi ==== call with "tie ni(dg)" call with "tie nid(g)" call with "tie nid (g)" call with "tie nid g()" call with "tie nidg()" call with "tie nig(d)" ==== PRUNING tie nigd ==== call with "tied(gin)" call with "tied (gin)" call with "tied g(in)" call with "tied gi(n)" call with "tied gin()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tied gn(i)" ==== PRUNING tied gni ==== call with "tied i(gn)" call with "tied ig(n)" call with "tied ign()" call with "tied in(g)" call with "tied in (g)" call with "tied in g()" call with "tied ing()" call with "tied n(gi)" call with "tied ng(i)" ==== PRUNING tied ngi ==== call with "tied ni(g)" call with "tied nig()" ==== PRUNING tiedg ==== ==== PRUNING tiedi ==== ==== PRUNING tiedn ==== ==== PRUNING tieg ==== ==== PRUNING tiei ==== ==== PRUNING tien ==== call with "tig(dein)" call with "tig (dein)" call with "tig d(ein)" call with "tig de(in)" call with "tig dei(n)" call with "tig dein()" call with "tig den(i)" call with "tig den (i)" call with "tig den i()" call with "tig deni()" call with "tig di(en)" call with "tig die(n)" call with "tig die (n)" call with "tig die n()" call with "tig dien()" call with "tig din(e)" call with "tig din (e)" call with "tig din e()" call with "tig dine()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tig dn ==== call with "tig e(din)" call with "tig ed(in)" call with "tig edi(n)" ==== PRUNING tig edin ==== ==== PRUNING tig edn ==== call with "tig ei(dn)" call with "tig eid(n)" ==== PRUNING tig eidn ==== call with "tig ein(d)" ==== PRUNING tig eind ==== call with "tig en(di)" call with "tig end(i)" call with "tig end (i)" call with "tig end i()" call with "tig endi()" call with "tig eni(d)" ==== PRUNING tig enid ==== call with "tig i(den)" call with "tig id(en)" call with "tig ide(n)" call with "tig ide (n)" call with "tig ide n()" call with "tig iden()" ==== PRUNING tig idn ==== ==== PRUNING tig ie ==== call with "tig in(de)" call with "tig in (de)" call with "tig in d(e)" call with "tig in de()" call with "tig in e(d)" call with "tig in ed()" call with "tig ind(e)" call with "tig inde()" call with "tig ine(d)" call with "tig ined()" call with "tig n(dei)" ==== PRUNING tig nd ==== call with "tig ne(di)" call with "tig ned(i)" call with "tig ned (i)" call with "tig ned i()" ==== PRUNING tig nedi ==== call with "tig nei(d)" ==== PRUNING tig neid ==== call with "tig ni(de)" call with "tig nid(e)" call with "tig nid (e)" call with "tig nid e()" call with "tig nide()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tig nie(d)" ==== PRUNING tig nied ==== ==== PRUNING tigd ==== call with "tige(din)" call with "tige (din)" call with "tige d(in)" call with "tige di(n)" call with "tige din()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tige dn ==== call with "tige i(dn)" call with "tige id(n)" ==== PRUNING tige idn ==== call with "tige in(d)" call with "tige in (d)" call with "tige in d()" call with "tige ind()" call with "tige n(di)" ==== PRUNING tige nd ==== call with "tige ni(d)" call with "tige nid()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tiged ==== ==== PRUNING tigei ==== ==== PRUNING tigen ==== ==== PRUNING tigi ==== ==== PRUNING tign ==== ==== PRUNING tii ==== call with "tin(degi)" call with "tin (degi)" call with "tin d(egi)" call with "tin de(gi)" call with "tin deg(i)" ==== PRUNING tin degi ==== call with "tin dei(g)" call with "tin deig()" ==== PRUNING tin dg ==== call with "tin di(eg)" call with "tin die(g)" call with "tin die (g)" call with "tin die g()" call with "tin dieg()" call with "tin dig(e)" call with "tin dig (e)" call with "tin dig e()" call with "tin dige()" call with "tin e(dgi)" call with "tin ed(gi)" call with "tin edg(i)" call with "tin edgi()" call with "tin edi(g)" ==== PRUNING tin edig ==== call with "tin eg(di)" ==== PRUNING tin egd ==== call with "tin egi(d)" ==== PRUNING tin egid ==== call with "tin ei(dg)" call with "tin eid(g)" ==== PRUNING tin eidg ==== call with "tin eig(d)" ==== PRUNING tin eigd ==== call with "tin g(dei)" ==== PRUNING tin gd ==== call with "tin ge(di)" call with "tin ged(i)" call with "tin ged (i)" call with "tin ged i()" ==== PRUNING tin gedi ==== call with "tin gei(d)" ==== PRUNING tin geid ==== call with "tin gi(de)" call with "tin gid(e)" call with "tin gid (e)" call with "tin gid e()" ==== PRUNING tin gide ==== call with "tin gie(d)" call with "tin gie (d)" call with "tin gie d()" call with "tin gied()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tin i(deg)" call with "tin id(eg)" call with "tin ide(g)" call with "tin ide (g)" call with "tin ide g()" ==== PRUNING tin ideg ==== ==== PRUNING tin idg ==== ==== PRUNING tin ie ==== call with "tin ig(de)" ==== PRUNING tin igd ==== ==== PRUNING tin ige ==== call with "tind(egi)" call with "tind (egi)" call with "tind e(gi)" call with "tind eg(i)" call with "tind egi()" call with "tind ei(g)" call with "tind eig()" call with "tind g(ei)" call with "tind ge(i)" call with "tind gei()" call with "tind gi(e)" call with "tind gie()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tind i(eg)" ==== PRUNING tind ie ==== call with "tind ig(e)" ==== PRUNING tind ige ==== call with "tinde(gi)" ==== PRUNING tindeg ==== ==== PRUNING tindei ==== ==== PRUNING tindg ==== call with "tindi(eg)" ==== PRUNING tindie ==== ==== PRUNING tindig ==== call with "tine(dgi)" call with "tine (dgi)" call with "tine d(gi)" ==== PRUNING tine dg ==== call with "tine di(g)" call with "tine dig()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tine g(di)" ==== PRUNING tine gd ==== call with "tine gi(d)" call with "tine gid()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tine i(dg)" call with "tine id(g)" ==== PRUNING tine idg ==== call with "tine ig(d)" ==== PRUNING tine igd ==== call with "tined(gi)" call with "tined (gi)" call with "tined g(i)" call with "tined gi()" call with "tined i(g)" call with "tined ig()" ==== PRUNING tinedg ==== ==== PRUNING tinedi ==== ==== PRUNING tineg ==== call with "tinei(dg)" call with "tineid(g)" call with "tineid (g)" call with "tineid g()" ==== PRUNING tineidg ==== ==== PRUNING tineig ==== call with "ting(dei)" call with "ting (dei)" call with "ting d(ei)" call with "ting de(i)" call with "ting dei()" call with "ting di(e)" call with "ting die()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ting e(di)" call with "ting ed(i)" call with "ting edi()" call with "ting ei(d)" call with "ting eid()" call with "ting i(de)" call with "ting id(e)" call with "ting ide()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING ting ie ==== ==== PRUNING tingd ==== call with "tinge(di)" call with "tinge (di)" call with "tinge d(i)" call with "tinge di()" call with "tinge i(d)" call with "tinge id()" call with "tinged(i)" call with "tinged (i)" call with "tinged i()" ==== PRUNING tingedi ==== call with "tingei(d)" ==== PRUNING tingeid ==== call with "tingi(de)" ==== PRUNING tingid ==== ==== PRUNING tingie ==== call with "tini(deg)" ==== PRUNING tinid ==== call with "tinie(dg)" ==== PRUNING tinied ==== ==== PRUNING tinieg ==== ==== PRUNING tinig ==== ==== PRUNING tn ==== (total number of calls was 1832) There were 71 solutions reported Would you like to see them? [y/n] y deign it die ting diet gin dieting dig nite dig tine din gite din tige dine git dine tig ding tie dinge it dint gie dit gien dite gin edit gin editing ged in it ged inti ged it in get nidi gid nite gid tine gie dint gie tind gied nit gied tin gien dit gien tid gin diet gin dite gin edit gin tide gin tied git dine git nide gite din gite nid ide ting ignited in ged it in it ged inti ged it deign it dinge it ged in it in ged nid gite nid tige nide git nide tig nidi get nidi teg nit gied nite dig nite gid teg nidi tid gien tide gin tie ding tied gin tig dine tig nide tige din tige nid tin gied tind gie tine dig tine gid ting die ting ide