enter a string of characters to use: retrace call with "(aceerrt)" call with "a(ceerrt)" call with "ac(eerrt)" call with "ace(errt)" call with "ace (errt)" call with "ace e(rrt)" call with "ace er(rt)" call with "ace err(t)" call with "ace err (t)" call with "ace err t()" ==== PRUNING ace errt ==== ==== PRUNING ace ert ==== call with "ace et(rr)" ==== PRUNING ace etr ==== call with "ace r(ert)" call with "ace re(rt)" call with "ace rer(t)" ==== PRUNING ace rert ==== call with "ace ret(r)" call with "ace ret (r)" call with "ace ret r()" call with "ace retr()" ==== PRUNING ace rr ==== ==== PRUNING ace rt ==== call with "ace t(err)" call with "ace te(rr)" call with "ace ter(r)" call with "ace terr()" call with "ace tr(er)" call with "ace tre(r)" ==== PRUNING ace trer ==== ==== PRUNING ace trr ==== ==== PRUNING acee ==== call with "acer(ert)" ==== PRUNING acere ==== ==== PRUNING acerr ==== ==== PRUNING acert ==== call with "acet(err)" ==== PRUNING acete ==== ==== PRUNING acetr ==== call with "acr(eert)" call with "acre(ert)" call with "acre (ert)" call with "acre e(rt)" call with "acre er(t)" ==== PRUNING acre ert ==== call with "acre et(r)" ==== PRUNING acre etr ==== call with "acre r(et)" call with "acre re(t)" call with "acre ret()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING acre rt ==== call with "acre t(er)" call with "acre te(r)" call with "acre ter()" call with "acre tr(e)" call with "acre tre()" ==== PRUNING acree ==== ==== PRUNING acrer ==== ==== PRUNING acret ==== ==== PRUNING acrr ==== ==== PRUNING acrt ==== call with "act(eerr)" call with "act (eerr)" call with "act e(err)" call with "act ee(rr)" call with "act eer(r)" ==== PRUNING act eerr ==== call with "act er(er)" call with "act ere(r)" call with "act ere (r)" call with "act ere r()" ==== PRUNING act erer ==== call with "act err(e)" call with "act err (e)" call with "act err e()" call with "act erre()" call with "act r(eer)" call with "act re(er)" call with "act ree(r)" call with "act ree (r)" call with "act ree r()" ==== PRUNING act reer ==== call with "act rer(e)" call with "act rere()" ==== PRUNING act rr ==== call with "acte(err)" ==== PRUNING actee ==== ==== PRUNING acter ==== call with "actr(eer)" call with "actre(er)" ==== PRUNING actree ==== ==== PRUNING actrer ==== ==== PRUNING actrr ==== call with "ae(cerrt)" call with "aec(errt)" ==== PRUNING aece ==== ==== PRUNING aecr ==== ==== PRUNING aect ==== ==== PRUNING aee ==== call with "aer(cert)" ==== PRUNING aerc ==== call with "aere(crt)" ==== PRUNING aerec ==== ==== PRUNING aerer ==== ==== PRUNING aeret ==== ==== PRUNING aerr ==== ==== PRUNING aert ==== call with "aet(cerr)" ==== PRUNING aetc ==== ==== PRUNING aete ==== ==== PRUNING aetr ==== call with "ar(ceert)" call with "arc(eert)" call with "arc (eert)" call with "arc e(ert)" call with "arc ee(rt)" call with "arc eer(t)" ==== PRUNING arc eert ==== ==== PRUNING arc eet ==== call with "arc er(et)" call with "arc ere(t)" call with "arc ere (t)" call with "arc ere t()" call with "arc eret()" ==== PRUNING arc ert ==== call with "arc et(er)" call with "arc ete(r)" call with "arc eter()" ==== PRUNING arc etr ==== call with "arc r(eet)" call with "arc re(et)" call with "arc ree(t)" call with "arc ree (t)" call with "arc ree t()" ==== PRUNING arc reet ==== call with "arc ret(e)" call with "arc ret (e)" call with "arc ret e()" call with "arc rete()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING arc rt ==== call with "arc t(eer)" call with "arc te(er)" call with "arc tee(r)" call with "arc tee (r)" call with "arc tee r()" call with "arc teer()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "arc ter(e)" call with "arc tere()" call with "arc tr(ee)" call with "arc tre(e)" call with "arc tree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "arce(ert)" ==== PRUNING arcee ==== ==== PRUNING arcer ==== ==== PRUNING arcet ==== ==== PRUNING arcr ==== call with "arct(eer)" ==== PRUNING arcte ==== ==== PRUNING arctr ==== call with "are(cert)" call with "are (cert)" call with "are c(ert)" call with "are ce(rt)" call with "are cer(t)" call with "are cert()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "are cet(r)" ==== PRUNING are cetr ==== call with "are cr(et)" call with "are cre(t)" call with "are cret()" ==== PRUNING are crt ==== call with "are ct(er)" call with "are cte(r)" ==== PRUNING are cter ==== ==== PRUNING are ctr ==== call with "are e(crt)" call with "are ec(rt)" call with "are ecr(t)" ==== PRUNING are ecrt ==== call with "are ect(r)" call with "are ectr()" call with "are er(ct)" ==== PRUNING are erc ==== ==== PRUNING are ert ==== call with "are et(cr)" call with "are etc(r)" ==== PRUNING are etcr ==== ==== PRUNING are etr ==== call with "are r(cet)" ==== PRUNING are rc ==== call with "are re(ct)" call with "are rec(t)" call with "are rec (t)" call with "are rec t()" call with "are rect()" call with "are ret(c)" call with "are ret (c)" call with "are ret c()" call with "are retc()" ==== PRUNING are rt ==== call with "are t(cer)" call with "are tc(er)" ==== PRUNING are tce ==== ==== PRUNING are tcr ==== call with "are te(cr)" call with "are tec(r)" ==== PRUNING are tecr ==== call with "are ter(c)" call with "are terc()" call with "are tr(ce)" ==== PRUNING are trc ==== call with "are tre(c)" call with "are trec()" call with "arec(ert)" ==== PRUNING arece ==== ==== PRUNING arecr ==== ==== PRUNING arect ==== ==== PRUNING aree ==== call with "arer(cet)" ==== PRUNING arerc ==== call with "arere(ct)" call with "arere (ct)" call with "arere c(t)" call with "arere ct()" call with "arere t(c)" call with "arere tc()" ==== PRUNING arerec ==== ==== PRUNING areret ==== ==== PRUNING arert ==== call with "aret(cer)" call with "aret (cer)" call with "aret c(er)" call with "aret ce(r)" call with "aret cer()" call with "aret cr(e)" call with "aret cre()" call with "aret e(cr)" call with "aret ec(r)" call with "aret ecr()" call with "aret er(c)" ==== PRUNING aret erc ==== call with "aret r(ce)" ==== PRUNING aret rc ==== call with "aret re(c)" call with "aret rec()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING aretc ==== ==== PRUNING arete ==== ==== PRUNING aretr ==== call with "arr(ceet)" ==== PRUNING arrc ==== call with "arre(cet)" call with "arrec(et)" ==== PRUNING arrece ==== call with "arrect(e)" call with "arrect (e)" call with "arrect e()" ==== PRUNING arrecte ==== call with "arree(ct)" ==== PRUNING arreec ==== ==== PRUNING arreet ==== ==== PRUNING arret ==== ==== PRUNING arrt ==== call with "art(ceer)" call with "art (ceer)" call with "art c(eer)" call with "art ce(er)" call with "art cee(r)" call with "art cee (r)" call with "art cee r()" ==== PRUNING art ceer ==== call with "art cer(e)" call with "art cere()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "art cr(ee)" call with "art cre(e)" call with "art cree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "art e(cer)" call with "art ec(er)" ==== PRUNING art ece ==== call with "art ecr(e)" ==== PRUNING art ecre ==== call with "art ee(cr)" ==== PRUNING art eec ==== call with "art eer(c)" ==== PRUNING art eerc ==== call with "art er(ce)" ==== PRUNING art erc ==== call with "art ere(c)" call with "art ere (c)" call with "art ere c()" call with "art erec()" call with "art r(cee)" ==== PRUNING art rc ==== call with "art re(ce)" call with "art rec(e)" call with "art rec (e)" call with "art rec e()" call with "art rece()" call with "art ree(c)" call with "art ree (c)" call with "art ree c()" call with "art reec()" ==== PRUNING artc ==== call with "arte(cer)" ==== PRUNING artec ==== ==== PRUNING artee ==== call with "arter(ce)" ==== PRUNING arterc ==== ==== PRUNING artere ==== ==== PRUNING artr ==== call with "at(ceerr)" call with "at (ceerr)" call with "at c(eerr)" call with "at ce(err)" call with "at cee(rr)" call with "at cee (rr)" call with "at cee r(r)" ==== PRUNING at cee rr ==== ==== PRUNING at ceer ==== call with "at cer(er)" call with "at cere(r)" call with "at cere (r)" call with "at cere r()" ==== PRUNING at cerer ==== call with "at cerr(e)" ==== PRUNING at cerre ==== call with "at cr(eer)" call with "at cre(er)" call with "at cree(r)" call with "at cree (r)" call with "at cree r()" ==== PRUNING at creer ==== ==== PRUNING at crer ==== ==== PRUNING at crr ==== call with "at e(cerr)" call with "at ec(err)" ==== PRUNING at ece ==== call with "at ecr(er)" ==== PRUNING at ecre ==== ==== PRUNING at ecrr ==== call with "at ee(crr)" ==== PRUNING at eec ==== call with "at eer(cr)" ==== PRUNING at eerc ==== ==== PRUNING at eerr ==== call with "at er(cer)" ==== PRUNING at erc ==== call with "at ere(cr)" call with "at ere (cr)" call with "at ere c(r)" call with "at ere cr()" call with "at ere r(c)" ==== PRUNING at ere rc ==== call with "at erec(r)" ==== PRUNING at erecr ==== ==== PRUNING at erer ==== call with "at err(ce)" call with "at err (ce)" call with "at err c(e)" call with "at err ce()" call with "at err e(c)" call with "at err ec()" ==== PRUNING at errc ==== call with "at erre(c)" ==== PRUNING at errec ==== call with "at r(ceer)" ==== PRUNING at rc ==== call with "at re(cer)" call with "at rec(er)" call with "at rec (er)" call with "at rec e(r)" call with "at rec er()" call with "at rec r(e)" call with "at rec re()" call with "at rece(r)" ==== PRUNING at recer ==== call with "at recr(e)" call with "at recre()" call with "at ree(cr)" call with "at ree (cr)" call with "at ree c(r)" call with "at ree cr()" call with "at ree r(c)" ==== PRUNING at ree rc ==== call with "at reec(r)" ==== PRUNING at reecr ==== ==== PRUNING at reer ==== call with "at rer(ce)" ==== PRUNING at rerc ==== call with "at rere(c)" call with "at rerec()" ==== PRUNING at rr ==== ==== PRUNING atc ==== call with "ate(cerr)" call with "ate (cerr)" call with "ate c(err)" call with "ate ce(rr)" call with "ate cer(r)" call with "ate cerr()" call with "ate cr(er)" call with "ate cre(r)" ==== PRUNING ate crer ==== ==== PRUNING ate crr ==== call with "ate e(crr)" call with "ate ec(rr)" call with "ate ecr(r)" ==== PRUNING ate ecrr ==== call with "ate er(cr)" ==== PRUNING ate erc ==== call with "ate err(c)" call with "ate err (c)" call with "ate err c()" ==== PRUNING ate errc ==== call with "ate r(cer)" ==== PRUNING ate rc ==== call with "ate re(cr)" call with "ate rec(r)" call with "ate rec (r)" call with "ate rec r()" call with "ate recr()" call with "ate rer(c)" ==== PRUNING ate rerc ==== ==== PRUNING ate rr ==== ==== PRUNING atec ==== ==== PRUNING atee ==== ==== PRUNING ater ==== call with "atr(ceer)" ==== PRUNING atrc ==== call with "atre(cer)" ==== PRUNING atrec ==== ==== PRUNING atree ==== ==== PRUNING atrer ==== ==== PRUNING atrr ==== call with "c(aeerrt)" call with "ca(eerrt)" call with "cae(errt)" ==== PRUNING caee ==== call with "caer(ert)" ==== PRUNING caere ==== ==== PRUNING caerr ==== ==== PRUNING caert ==== ==== PRUNING caet ==== call with "car(eert)" call with "car (eert)" call with "car e(ert)" call with "car ee(rt)" call with "car eer(t)" ==== PRUNING car eert ==== ==== PRUNING car eet ==== call with "car er(et)" call with "car ere(t)" call with "car ere (t)" call with "car ere t()" call with "car eret()" ==== PRUNING car ert ==== call with "car et(er)" call with "car ete(r)" call with "car eter()" ==== PRUNING car etr ==== call with "car r(eet)" call with "car re(et)" call with "car ree(t)" call with "car ree (t)" call with "car ree t()" ==== PRUNING car reet ==== call with "car ret(e)" call with "car ret (e)" call with "car ret e()" call with "car rete()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING car rt ==== call with "car t(eer)" call with "car te(er)" call with "car tee(r)" call with "car tee (r)" call with "car tee r()" call with "car teer()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "car ter(e)" call with "car tere()" call with "car tr(ee)" call with "car tre(e)" call with "car tree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "care(ert)" call with "care (ert)" call with "care e(rt)" call with "care er(t)" ==== PRUNING care ert ==== call with "care et(r)" ==== PRUNING care etr ==== call with "care r(et)" call with "care re(t)" call with "care ret()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING care rt ==== call with "care t(er)" call with "care te(r)" call with "care ter()" call with "care tr(e)" call with "care tre()" call with "caree(rt)" call with "career(t)" call with "career (t)" call with "career t()" ==== PRUNING careert ==== ==== PRUNING careet ==== call with "carer(et)" call with "carer (et)" call with "carer e(t)" call with "carer et()" call with "carer t(e)" call with "carer te()" ==== PRUNING carere ==== ==== PRUNING carert ==== call with "caret(er)" call with "caret (er)" call with "caret e(r)" call with "caret er()" call with "caret r(e)" call with "caret re()" ==== PRUNING carete ==== ==== PRUNING caretr ==== call with "carr(eet)" call with "carr (eet)" call with "carr e(et)" call with "carr ee(t)" ==== PRUNING carr eet ==== call with "carr et(e)" call with "carr ete()" call with "carr t(ee)" call with "carr te(e)" call with "carr tee()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "carre(et)" ==== PRUNING carree ==== ==== PRUNING carret ==== ==== PRUNING carrt ==== call with "cart(eer)" call with "cart (eer)" call with "cart e(er)" call with "cart ee(r)" call with "cart eer()" call with "cart er(e)" call with "cart ere()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cart r(ee)" call with "cart re(e)" call with "cart ree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "carte(er)" call with "carte (er)" call with "carte e(r)" call with "carte er()" call with "carte r(e)" call with "carte re()" ==== PRUNING cartee ==== call with "carter(e)" call with "carter (e)" call with "carter e()" ==== PRUNING cartere ==== call with "cartr(ee)" ==== PRUNING cartre ==== call with "cat(eerr)" call with "cat (eerr)" call with "cat e(err)" call with "cat ee(rr)" call with "cat eer(r)" ==== PRUNING cat eerr ==== call with "cat er(er)" call with "cat ere(r)" call with "cat ere (r)" call with "cat ere r()" ==== PRUNING cat erer ==== call with "cat err(e)" call with "cat err (e)" call with "cat err e()" call with "cat erre()" call with "cat r(eer)" call with "cat re(er)" call with "cat ree(r)" call with "cat ree (r)" call with "cat ree r()" ==== PRUNING cat reer ==== call with "cat rer(e)" call with "cat rere()" ==== PRUNING cat rr ==== call with "cate(err)" call with "cate (err)" call with "cate e(rr)" call with "cate er(r)" call with "cate err()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cate r(er)" call with "cate re(r)" call with "cate rer()" ==== PRUNING cate rr ==== ==== PRUNING catee ==== call with "cater(er)" call with "cater (er)" call with "cater e(r)" call with "cater er()" call with "cater r(e)" call with "cater re()" call with "catere(r)" call with "caterer()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING caterr ==== ==== PRUNING catr ==== call with "ce(aerrt)" call with "cea(errt)" ==== PRUNING ceae ==== ==== PRUNING cear ==== ==== PRUNING ceat ==== call with "cee(arrt)" call with "cee (arrt)" call with "cee a(rrt)" call with "cee ar(rt)" call with "cee arr(t)" ==== PRUNING cee arrt ==== call with "cee art(r)" call with "cee art (r)" call with "cee art r()" ==== PRUNING cee artr ==== call with "cee at(rr)" call with "cee at (rr)" call with "cee at r(r)" ==== PRUNING cee at rr ==== call with "cee atr(r)" ==== PRUNING cee atrr ==== call with "cee r(art)" call with "cee ra(rt)" call with "cee rar(t)" ==== PRUNING cee rart ==== call with "cee rat(r)" call with "cee rat (r)" call with "cee rat r()" ==== PRUNING cee ratr ==== ==== PRUNING cee rr ==== ==== PRUNING cee rt ==== call with "cee t(arr)" call with "cee ta(rr)" call with "cee tar(r)" call with "cee tar (r)" call with "cee tar r()" call with "cee tarr()" call with "cee tr(ar)" call with "cee tra(r)" ==== PRUNING cee trar ==== ==== PRUNING cee trr ==== ==== PRUNING ceea ==== ==== PRUNING ceer ==== ==== PRUNING ceet ==== call with "cer(aert)" call with "cera(ert)" ==== PRUNING cerae ==== call with "cerar(et)" ==== PRUNING cerare ==== ==== PRUNING cerart ==== call with "cerat(er)" call with "cerate(r)" call with "cerate (r)" call with "cerate r()" ==== PRUNING cerater ==== ==== PRUNING ceratr ==== call with "cere(art)" call with "cere (art)" call with "cere a(rt)" call with "cere ar(t)" call with "cere art()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cere at(r)" call with "cere at (r)" call with "cere at r()" call with "cere atr()" call with "cere r(at)" call with "cere ra(t)" call with "cere rat()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING cere rt ==== call with "cere t(ar)" call with "cere ta(r)" call with "cere tar()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cere tr(a)" call with "cere tra()" call with "cerea(rt)" ==== PRUNING cerear ==== ==== PRUNING cereat ==== ==== PRUNING cerer ==== ==== PRUNING ceret ==== call with "cerr(aet)" ==== PRUNING cerra ==== ==== PRUNING cerre ==== ==== PRUNING cerrt ==== call with "cert(aer)" call with "cert (aer)" call with "cert a(er)" call with "cert ae(r)" call with "cert aer()" call with "cert ar(e)" call with "cert are()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cert e(ar)" call with "cert ea(r)" call with "cert ear()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cert er(a)" call with "cert era()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cert r(ae)" call with "cert ra(e)" ==== PRUNING cert rae ==== call with "cert re(a)" call with "cert rea()" call with "certa(er)" ==== PRUNING certae ==== ==== PRUNING certar ==== call with "certe(ar)" ==== PRUNING certea ==== ==== PRUNING certer ==== ==== PRUNING certr ==== call with "cet(aerr)" call with "ceta(err)" ==== PRUNING cetae ==== ==== PRUNING cetar ==== call with "cete(arr)" call with "cete (arr)" call with "cete a(rr)" call with "cete ar(r)" call with "cete arr()" call with "cete r(ar)" call with "cete ra(r)" call with "cete rar()" ==== PRUNING cete rr ==== ==== PRUNING cetea ==== call with "ceter(ar)" call with "cetera(r)" ==== PRUNING ceterar ==== ==== PRUNING ceterr ==== ==== PRUNING cetr ==== call with "cr(aeert)" call with "cra(eert)" ==== PRUNING crae ==== call with "crar(eet)" call with "crare(et)" call with "crare (et)" call with "crare e(t)" call with "crare et()" call with "crare t(e)" call with "crare te()" ==== PRUNING craree ==== ==== PRUNING craret ==== ==== PRUNING crart ==== call with "crat(eer)" call with "crate(er)" call with "crate (er)" call with "crate e(r)" call with "crate er()" call with "crate r(e)" call with "crate re()" ==== PRUNING cratee ==== call with "crater(e)" call with "crater (e)" call with "crater e()" ==== PRUNING cratere ==== ==== PRUNING cratr ==== call with "cre(aert)" call with "crea(ert)" ==== PRUNING creae ==== ==== PRUNING crear ==== call with "creat(er)" call with "create(r)" call with "create (r)" call with "create r()" ==== PRUNING creater ==== call with "creatr(e)" call with "creatre()" call with "cree(art)" call with "cree (art)" call with "cree a(rt)" call with "cree ar(t)" call with "cree art()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cree at(r)" call with "cree at (r)" call with "cree at r()" call with "cree atr()" call with "cree r(at)" call with "cree ra(t)" call with "cree rat()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING cree rt ==== call with "cree t(ar)" call with "cree ta(r)" call with "cree tar()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "cree tr(a)" call with "cree tra()" ==== PRUNING creea ==== ==== PRUNING creer ==== ==== PRUNING creet ==== ==== PRUNING crer ==== call with "cret(aer)" call with "creta(er)" ==== PRUNING cretae ==== ==== PRUNING cretar ==== ==== PRUNING crete ==== ==== PRUNING cretr ==== ==== PRUNING crr ==== ==== PRUNING crt ==== call with "ct(aeerr)" ==== PRUNING cta ==== call with "cte(aerr)" ==== PRUNING ctea ==== ==== PRUNING ctee ==== ==== PRUNING cter ==== ==== PRUNING ctr ==== call with "e(acerrt)" call with "ea(cerrt)" call with "eac(errt)" ==== PRUNING eace ==== ==== PRUNING eacr ==== ==== PRUNING eact ==== ==== PRUNING eae ==== call with "ear(cert)" call with "ear (cert)" call with "ear c(ert)" call with "ear ce(rt)" call with "ear cer(t)" call with "ear cert()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ear cet(r)" ==== PRUNING ear cetr ==== call with "ear cr(et)" call with "ear cre(t)" call with "ear cret()" ==== PRUNING ear crt ==== call with "ear ct(er)" call with "ear cte(r)" ==== PRUNING ear cter ==== ==== PRUNING ear ctr ==== call with "ear e(crt)" call with "ear ec(rt)" call with "ear ecr(t)" ==== PRUNING ear ecrt ==== call with "ear ect(r)" call with "ear ectr()" call with "ear er(ct)" ==== PRUNING ear erc ==== ==== PRUNING ear ert ==== call with "ear et(cr)" call with "ear etc(r)" ==== PRUNING ear etcr ==== ==== PRUNING ear etr ==== call with "ear r(cet)" ==== PRUNING ear rc ==== call with "ear re(ct)" call with "ear rec(t)" call with "ear rec (t)" call with "ear rec t()" call with "ear rect()" call with "ear ret(c)" call with "ear ret (c)" call with "ear ret c()" call with "ear retc()" ==== PRUNING ear rt ==== call with "ear t(cer)" call with "ear tc(er)" ==== PRUNING ear tce ==== ==== PRUNING ear tcr ==== call with "ear te(cr)" call with "ear tec(r)" ==== PRUNING ear tecr ==== call with "ear ter(c)" call with "ear terc()" call with "ear tr(ce)" ==== PRUNING ear trc ==== call with "ear tre(c)" call with "ear trec()" call with "earc(ert)" ==== PRUNING earce ==== ==== PRUNING earcr ==== ==== PRUNING earct ==== call with "eare(crt)" ==== PRUNING earec ==== ==== PRUNING earer ==== ==== PRUNING earet ==== call with "earr(cet)" ==== PRUNING earrc ==== ==== PRUNING earre ==== ==== PRUNING earrt ==== call with "eart(cer)" ==== PRUNING eartc ==== ==== PRUNING earte ==== ==== PRUNING eartr ==== call with "eat(cerr)" call with "eat (cerr)" call with "eat c(err)" call with "eat ce(rr)" call with "eat cer(r)" call with "eat cerr()" call with "eat cr(er)" call with "eat cre(r)" ==== PRUNING eat crer ==== ==== PRUNING eat crr ==== call with "eat e(crr)" call with "eat ec(rr)" call with "eat ecr(r)" ==== PRUNING eat ecrr ==== call with "eat er(cr)" ==== PRUNING eat erc ==== call with "eat err(c)" call with "eat err (c)" call with "eat err c()" ==== PRUNING eat errc ==== call with "eat r(cer)" ==== PRUNING eat rc ==== call with "eat re(cr)" call with "eat rec(r)" call with "eat rec (r)" call with "eat rec r()" call with "eat recr()" call with "eat rer(c)" ==== PRUNING eat rerc ==== ==== PRUNING eat rr ==== ==== PRUNING eatc ==== call with "eate(crr)" ==== PRUNING eatec ==== call with "eater(cr)" call with "eater (cr)" call with "eater c(r)" call with "eater cr()" call with "eater r(c)" ==== PRUNING eater rc ==== ==== PRUNING eaterc ==== ==== PRUNING eaterr ==== ==== PRUNING eatr ==== call with "ec(aerrt)" call with "eca(errt)" ==== PRUNING ecae ==== call with "ecar(ert)" ==== PRUNING ecare ==== ==== PRUNING ecarr ==== ==== PRUNING ecart ==== ==== PRUNING ecat ==== ==== PRUNING ece ==== call with "ecr(aert)" call with "ecra(ert)" ==== PRUNING ecrae ==== ==== PRUNING ecrar ==== ==== PRUNING ecrat ==== ==== PRUNING ecre ==== ==== PRUNING ecrr ==== ==== PRUNING ecrt ==== call with "ect(aerr)" call with "ecta(err)" ==== PRUNING ectae ==== ==== PRUNING ectar ==== ==== PRUNING ecte ==== call with "ectr(aer)" ==== PRUNING ectra ==== ==== PRUNING ectre ==== ==== PRUNING ectrr ==== call with "ee(acrrt)" ==== PRUNING eea ==== ==== PRUNING eec ==== call with "eer(acrt)" ==== PRUNING eera ==== ==== PRUNING eerc ==== ==== PRUNING eerr ==== ==== PRUNING eert ==== ==== PRUNING eet ==== call with "er(acert)" call with "era(cert)" call with "era (cert)" call with "era c(ert)" call with "era ce(rt)" call with "era cer(t)" call with "era cert()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "era cet(r)" ==== PRUNING era cetr ==== call with "era cr(et)" call with "era cre(t)" call with "era cret()" ==== PRUNING era crt ==== call with "era ct(er)" call with "era cte(r)" ==== PRUNING era cter ==== ==== PRUNING era ctr ==== call with "era e(crt)" call with "era ec(rt)" call with "era ecr(t)" ==== PRUNING era ecrt ==== call with "era ect(r)" call with "era ectr()" call with "era er(ct)" ==== PRUNING era erc ==== ==== PRUNING era ert ==== call with "era et(cr)" call with "era etc(r)" ==== PRUNING era etcr ==== ==== PRUNING era etr ==== call with "era r(cet)" ==== PRUNING era rc ==== call with "era re(ct)" call with "era rec(t)" call with "era rec (t)" call with "era rec t()" call with "era rect()" call with "era ret(c)" call with "era ret (c)" call with "era ret c()" call with "era retc()" ==== PRUNING era rt ==== call with "era t(cer)" call with "era tc(er)" ==== PRUNING era tce ==== ==== PRUNING era tcr ==== call with "era te(cr)" call with "era tec(r)" ==== PRUNING era tecr ==== call with "era ter(c)" call with "era terc()" call with "era tr(ce)" ==== PRUNING era trc ==== call with "era tre(c)" call with "era trec()" ==== PRUNING erac ==== ==== PRUNING erae ==== ==== PRUNING erar ==== call with "erat(cer)" ==== PRUNING eratc ==== ==== PRUNING erate ==== ==== PRUNING eratr ==== ==== PRUNING erc ==== call with "ere(acrt)" call with "ere (acrt)" call with "ere a(crt)" call with "ere ac(rt)" call with "ere acr(t)" ==== PRUNING ere acrt ==== call with "ere act(r)" call with "ere act (r)" call with "ere act r()" call with "ere actr()" call with "ere ar(ct)" call with "ere arc(t)" call with "ere arc (t)" call with "ere arc t()" call with "ere arct()" call with "ere art(c)" call with "ere art (c)" call with "ere art c()" ==== PRUNING ere artc ==== call with "ere at(cr)" call with "ere at (cr)" call with "ere at c(r)" call with "ere at cr()" call with "ere at r(c)" ==== PRUNING ere at rc ==== ==== PRUNING ere atc ==== call with "ere atr(c)" ==== PRUNING ere atrc ==== call with "ere c(art)" call with "ere ca(rt)" call with "ere car(t)" call with "ere car (t)" call with "ere car t()" call with "ere cart()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ere cat(r)" call with "ere cat (r)" call with "ere cat r()" ==== PRUNING ere catr ==== call with "ere cr(at)" call with "ere cra(t)" call with "ere crat()" ==== PRUNING ere crt ==== call with "ere ct(ar)" ==== PRUNING ere cta ==== ==== PRUNING ere ctr ==== call with "ere r(act)" call with "ere ra(ct)" call with "ere rac(t)" ==== PRUNING ere ract ==== call with "ere rat(c)" call with "ere rat (c)" call with "ere rat c()" call with "ere ratc()" ==== PRUNING ere rc ==== ==== PRUNING ere rt ==== call with "ere t(acr)" call with "ere ta(cr)" call with "ere tac(r)" ==== PRUNING ere tacr ==== call with "ere tar(c)" call with "ere tar (c)" call with "ere tar c()" call with "ere tarc()" call with "ere tc(ar)" ==== PRUNING ere tca ==== ==== PRUNING ere tcr ==== call with "ere tr(ac)" call with "ere tra(c)" call with "ere trac()" ==== PRUNING ere trc ==== ==== PRUNING erea ==== call with "erec(art)" ==== PRUNING ereca ==== ==== PRUNING erecr ==== call with "erect(ar)" call with "erect (ar)" call with "erect a(r)" call with "erect ar()" call with "erect r(a)" call with "erect ra()" ==== PRUNING erecta ==== ==== PRUNING erectr ==== ==== PRUNING erer ==== call with "eret(acr)" ==== PRUNING ereta ==== ==== PRUNING eretc ==== ==== PRUNING eretr ==== call with "err(acet)" call with "err (acet)" call with "err a(cet)" call with "err ac(et)" call with "err ace(t)" call with "err ace (t)" call with "err ace t()" call with "err acet()" call with "err act(e)" call with "err act (e)" call with "err act e()" call with "err acte()" call with "err ae(ct)" call with "err aec(t)" ==== PRUNING err aect ==== call with "err aet(c)" ==== PRUNING err aetc ==== call with "err at(ce)" call with "err at (ce)" call with "err at c(e)" call with "err at ce()" call with "err at e(c)" call with "err at ec()" ==== PRUNING err atc ==== call with "err ate(c)" call with "err ate (c)" call with "err ate c()" ==== PRUNING err atec ==== call with "err c(aet)" call with "err ca(et)" call with "err cae(t)" ==== PRUNING err caet ==== call with "err cat(e)" call with "err cat (e)" call with "err cat e()" call with "err cate()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "err ce(at)" call with "err cea(t)" ==== PRUNING err ceat ==== call with "err cet(a)" call with "err ceta()" call with "err ct(ae)" ==== PRUNING err cta ==== call with "err cte(a)" ==== PRUNING err ctea ==== call with "err e(act)" call with "err ea(ct)" call with "err eac(t)" ==== PRUNING err eact ==== call with "err eat(c)" call with "err eat (c)" call with "err eat c()" ==== PRUNING err eatc ==== call with "err ec(at)" call with "err eca(t)" ==== PRUNING err ecat ==== call with "err ect(a)" call with "err ecta()" call with "err et(ac)" call with "err eta(c)" call with "err eta (c)" call with "err eta c()" call with "err etac()" call with "err etc(a)" ==== PRUNING err etca ==== call with "err t(ace)" call with "err ta(ce)" call with "err tac(e)" call with "err tace()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "err tae(c)" call with "err tae (c)" call with "err tae c()" ==== PRUNING err taec ==== call with "err tc(ae)" ==== PRUNING err tca ==== ==== PRUNING err tce ==== call with "err te(ac)" call with "err tea(c)" call with "err tea (c)" call with "err tea c()" call with "err teac()" call with "err tec(a)" ==== PRUNING err teca ==== call with "erra(cet)" ==== PRUNING errac ==== ==== PRUNING errae ==== call with "errat(ce)" ==== PRUNING erratc ==== ==== PRUNING errate ==== ==== PRUNING errc ==== call with "erre(act)" ==== PRUNING errea ==== ==== PRUNING errec ==== ==== PRUNING erret ==== ==== PRUNING errt ==== ==== PRUNING ert ==== call with "et(acerr)" call with "eta(cerr)" call with "eta (cerr)" call with "eta c(err)" call with "eta ce(rr)" call with "eta cer(r)" call with "eta cerr()" call with "eta cr(er)" call with "eta cre(r)" ==== PRUNING eta crer ==== ==== PRUNING eta crr ==== call with "eta e(crr)" call with "eta ec(rr)" call with "eta ecr(r)" ==== PRUNING eta ecrr ==== call with "eta er(cr)" ==== PRUNING eta erc ==== call with "eta err(c)" call with "eta err (c)" call with "eta err c()" ==== PRUNING eta errc ==== call with "eta r(cer)" ==== PRUNING eta rc ==== call with "eta re(cr)" call with "eta rec(r)" call with "eta rec (r)" call with "eta rec r()" call with "eta recr()" call with "eta rer(c)" ==== PRUNING eta rerc ==== ==== PRUNING eta rr ==== call with "etac(err)" ==== PRUNING etace ==== ==== PRUNING etacr ==== call with "etae(crr)" ==== PRUNING etaec ==== call with "etaer(cr)" ==== PRUNING etaerc ==== ==== PRUNING etaerr ==== ==== PRUNING etar ==== call with "etc(aerr)" ==== PRUNING etca ==== ==== PRUNING etce ==== ==== PRUNING etcr ==== call with "ete(acrr)" ==== PRUNING etea ==== ==== PRUNING etec ==== call with "eter(acr)" ==== PRUNING etera ==== ==== PRUNING eterc ==== ==== PRUNING eterr ==== ==== PRUNING etr ==== call with "r(aceert)" call with "ra(ceert)" call with "rac(eert)" call with "race(ert)" call with "race (ert)" call with "race e(rt)" call with "race er(t)" ==== PRUNING race ert ==== call with "race et(r)" ==== PRUNING race etr ==== call with "race r(et)" call with "race re(t)" call with "race ret()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING race rt ==== call with "race t(er)" call with "race te(r)" call with "race ter()" call with "race tr(e)" call with "race tre()" ==== PRUNING racee ==== call with "racer(et)" call with "racer (et)" call with "racer e(t)" call with "racer et()" call with "racer t(e)" call with "racer te()" ==== PRUNING racere ==== ==== PRUNING racert ==== call with "racet(er)" ==== PRUNING racete ==== call with "racetr(e)" ==== PRUNING racetre ==== ==== PRUNING racr ==== ==== PRUNING ract ==== ==== PRUNING rae ==== call with "rar(ceet)" ==== PRUNING rarc ==== call with "rare(cet)" call with "rare (cet)" call with "rare c(et)" call with "rare ce(t)" call with "rare cet()" call with "rare ct(e)" call with "rare cte()" call with "rare e(ct)" call with "rare ec(t)" call with "rare ect()" call with "rare et(c)" call with "rare etc()" call with "rare t(ce)" call with "rare tc(e)" ==== PRUNING rare tce ==== call with "rare te(c)" call with "rare tec()" ==== PRUNING rarec ==== ==== PRUNING raree ==== ==== PRUNING raret ==== ==== PRUNING rart ==== call with "rat(ceer)" call with "rat (ceer)" call with "rat c(eer)" call with "rat ce(er)" call with "rat cee(r)" call with "rat cee (r)" call with "rat cee r()" ==== PRUNING rat ceer ==== call with "rat cer(e)" call with "rat cere()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rat cr(ee)" call with "rat cre(e)" call with "rat cree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rat e(cer)" call with "rat ec(er)" ==== PRUNING rat ece ==== call with "rat ecr(e)" ==== PRUNING rat ecre ==== call with "rat ee(cr)" ==== PRUNING rat eec ==== call with "rat eer(c)" ==== PRUNING rat eerc ==== call with "rat er(ce)" ==== PRUNING rat erc ==== call with "rat ere(c)" call with "rat ere (c)" call with "rat ere c()" call with "rat erec()" call with "rat r(cee)" ==== PRUNING rat rc ==== call with "rat re(ce)" call with "rat rec(e)" call with "rat rec (e)" call with "rat rec e()" call with "rat rece()" call with "rat ree(c)" call with "rat ree (c)" call with "rat ree c()" call with "rat reec()" call with "ratc(eer)" ==== PRUNING ratce ==== ==== PRUNING ratcr ==== call with "rate(cer)" call with "rate (cer)" call with "rate c(er)" call with "rate ce(r)" call with "rate cer()" call with "rate cr(e)" call with "rate cre()" call with "rate e(cr)" call with "rate ec(r)" call with "rate ecr()" call with "rate er(c)" ==== PRUNING rate erc ==== call with "rate r(ce)" ==== PRUNING rate rc ==== call with "rate re(c)" call with "rate rec()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING ratec ==== ==== PRUNING ratee ==== call with "rater(ce)" call with "rater (ce)" call with "rater c(e)" call with "rater ce()" call with "rater e(c)" call with "rater ec()" ==== PRUNING raterc ==== ==== PRUNING ratere ==== ==== PRUNING ratr ==== ==== PRUNING rc ==== call with "re(acert)" call with "rea(cert)" call with "reac(ert)" ==== PRUNING reace ==== ==== PRUNING reacr ==== call with "react(er)" call with "react (er)" call with "react e(r)" call with "react er()" call with "react r(e)" call with "react re()" call with "reacte(r)" ==== PRUNING reacter ==== ==== PRUNING reactr ==== call with "reae(crt)" ==== PRUNING reaec ==== ==== PRUNING reaer ==== ==== PRUNING reaet ==== call with "rear(cet)" call with "rear (cet)" call with "rear c(et)" call with "rear ce(t)" call with "rear cet()" call with "rear ct(e)" call with "rear cte()" call with "rear e(ct)" call with "rear ec(t)" call with "rear ect()" call with "rear et(c)" call with "rear etc()" call with "rear t(ce)" call with "rear tc(e)" ==== PRUNING rear tce ==== call with "rear te(c)" call with "rear tec()" ==== PRUNING rearc ==== call with "reare(ct)" ==== PRUNING rearec ==== ==== PRUNING rearet ==== ==== PRUNING reart ==== call with "reat(cer)" ==== PRUNING reatc ==== call with "reate(cr)" call with "reate (cr)" call with "reate c(r)" call with "reate cr()" call with "reate r(c)" ==== PRUNING reate rc ==== ==== PRUNING reatec ==== ==== PRUNING reater ==== ==== PRUNING reatr ==== call with "rec(aert)" call with "rec (aert)" call with "rec a(ert)" call with "rec ae(rt)" call with "rec aer(t)" ==== PRUNING rec aert ==== call with "rec aet(r)" ==== PRUNING rec aetr ==== call with "rec ar(et)" call with "rec are(t)" call with "rec are (t)" call with "rec are t()" call with "rec aret()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rec art(e)" call with "rec art (e)" call with "rec art e()" call with "rec arte()" call with "rec at(er)" call with "rec at (er)" call with "rec at e(r)" call with "rec at er()" call with "rec at r(e)" call with "rec at re()" call with "rec ate(r)" call with "rec ate (r)" call with "rec ate r()" ==== PRUNING rec ater ==== call with "rec atr(e)" call with "rec atre()" call with "rec e(art)" call with "rec ea(rt)" call with "rec ear(t)" call with "rec ear (t)" call with "rec ear t()" call with "rec eart()" call with "rec eat(r)" call with "rec eat (r)" call with "rec eat r()" ==== PRUNING rec eatr ==== call with "rec er(at)" call with "rec era(t)" call with "rec era (t)" call with "rec era t()" call with "rec erat()" ==== PRUNING rec ert ==== call with "rec et(ar)" call with "rec eta(r)" call with "rec eta (r)" call with "rec eta r()" ==== PRUNING rec etar ==== ==== PRUNING rec etr ==== call with "rec r(aet)" call with "rec ra(et)" ==== PRUNING rec rae ==== call with "rec rat(e)" call with "rec rat (e)" call with "rec rat e()" call with "rec rate()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rec re(at)" call with "rec rea(t)" call with "rec reat()" call with "rec ret(a)" call with "rec ret (a)" call with "rec ret a()" call with "rec reta()" ==== PRUNING rec rt ==== call with "rec t(aer)" call with "rec ta(er)" call with "rec tae(r)" call with "rec tae (r)" call with "rec tae r()" ==== PRUNING rec taer ==== call with "rec tar(e)" call with "rec tar (e)" call with "rec tar e()" call with "rec tare()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rec te(ar)" call with "rec tea(r)" call with "rec tea (r)" call with "rec tea r()" call with "rec tear()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rec ter(a)" call with "rec tera()" call with "rec tr(ae)" call with "rec tra(e)" ==== PRUNING rec trae ==== call with "rec tre(a)" call with "rec trea()" call with "reca(ert)" ==== PRUNING recae ==== ==== PRUNING recar ==== call with "recat(er)" ==== PRUNING recate ==== ==== PRUNING recatr ==== call with "rece(art)" ==== PRUNING recea ==== ==== PRUNING recer ==== ==== PRUNING recet ==== call with "recr(aet)" ==== PRUNING recra ==== call with "recre(at)" call with "recrea(t)" call with "recreat()" ==== PRUNING recret ==== ==== PRUNING recrt ==== call with "rect(aer)" call with "recta(er)" call with "recta (er)" call with "recta e(r)" call with "recta er()" call with "recta r(e)" call with "recta re()" ==== PRUNING rectae ==== ==== PRUNING rectar ==== ==== PRUNING recte ==== call with "rectr(ae)" ==== PRUNING rectra ==== call with "rectre(a)" ==== PRUNING rectrea ==== call with "ree(acrt)" call with "ree (acrt)" call with "ree a(crt)" call with "ree ac(rt)" call with "ree acr(t)" ==== PRUNING ree acrt ==== call with "ree act(r)" call with "ree act (r)" call with "ree act r()" call with "ree actr()" call with "ree ar(ct)" call with "ree arc(t)" call with "ree arc (t)" call with "ree arc t()" call with "ree arct()" call with "ree art(c)" call with "ree art (c)" call with "ree art c()" ==== PRUNING ree artc ==== call with "ree at(cr)" call with "ree at (cr)" call with "ree at c(r)" call with "ree at cr()" call with "ree at r(c)" ==== PRUNING ree at rc ==== ==== PRUNING ree atc ==== call with "ree atr(c)" ==== PRUNING ree atrc ==== call with "ree c(art)" call with "ree ca(rt)" call with "ree car(t)" call with "ree car (t)" call with "ree car t()" call with "ree cart()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ree cat(r)" call with "ree cat (r)" call with "ree cat r()" ==== PRUNING ree catr ==== call with "ree cr(at)" call with "ree cra(t)" call with "ree crat()" ==== PRUNING ree crt ==== call with "ree ct(ar)" ==== PRUNING ree cta ==== ==== PRUNING ree ctr ==== call with "ree r(act)" call with "ree ra(ct)" call with "ree rac(t)" ==== PRUNING ree ract ==== call with "ree rat(c)" call with "ree rat (c)" call with "ree rat c()" call with "ree ratc()" ==== PRUNING ree rc ==== ==== PRUNING ree rt ==== call with "ree t(acr)" call with "ree ta(cr)" call with "ree tac(r)" ==== PRUNING ree tacr ==== call with "ree tar(c)" call with "ree tar (c)" call with "ree tar c()" call with "ree tarc()" call with "ree tc(ar)" ==== PRUNING ree tca ==== ==== PRUNING ree tcr ==== call with "ree tr(ac)" call with "ree tra(c)" call with "ree trac()" ==== PRUNING ree trc ==== ==== PRUNING reea ==== call with "reec(art)" ==== PRUNING reeca ==== ==== PRUNING reecr ==== ==== PRUNING reect ==== ==== PRUNING reer ==== ==== PRUNING reet ==== call with "rer(acet)" call with "rera(cet)" ==== PRUNING rerac ==== ==== PRUNING rerae ==== ==== PRUNING rerat ==== ==== PRUNING rerc ==== call with "rere(act)" call with "rerea(ct)" ==== PRUNING rereac ==== ==== PRUNING rereat ==== call with "rerec(at)" ==== PRUNING rereca ==== ==== PRUNING rerect ==== ==== PRUNING reret ==== ==== PRUNING rert ==== call with "ret(acer)" call with "ret (acer)" call with "ret a(cer)" call with "ret ac(er)" call with "ret ace(r)" call with "ret ace (r)" call with "ret ace r()" call with "ret acer()" call with "ret acr(e)" call with "ret acre()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ret ae(cr)" call with "ret aec(r)" ==== PRUNING ret aecr ==== call with "ret aer(c)" ==== PRUNING ret aerc ==== call with "ret ar(ce)" call with "ret arc(e)" call with "ret arc (e)" call with "ret arc e()" call with "ret arce()" call with "ret are(c)" call with "ret are (c)" call with "ret are c()" call with "ret arec()" call with "ret c(aer)" call with "ret ca(er)" call with "ret cae(r)" call with "ret caer()" call with "ret car(e)" call with "ret car (e)" call with "ret car e()" call with "ret care()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "ret ce(ar)" call with "ret cea(r)" ==== PRUNING ret cear ==== call with "ret cer(a)" call with "ret cera()" call with "ret cr(ae)" call with "ret cra(e)" ==== PRUNING ret crae ==== call with "ret cre(a)" call with "ret crea()" call with "ret e(acr)" call with "ret ea(cr)" call with "ret eac(r)" ==== PRUNING ret eacr ==== call with "ret ear(c)" call with "ret ear (c)" call with "ret ear c()" call with "ret earc()" call with "ret ec(ar)" call with "ret eca(r)" call with "ret ecar()" call with "ret ecr(a)" call with "ret ecra()" call with "ret er(ac)" call with "ret era(c)" call with "ret era (c)" call with "ret era c()" ==== PRUNING ret erac ==== ==== PRUNING ret erc ==== call with "ret r(ace)" call with "ret ra(ce)" call with "ret rac(e)" call with "ret race()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING ret rae ==== ==== PRUNING ret rc ==== call with "ret re(ac)" call with "ret rea(c)" call with "ret reac()" call with "ret rec(a)" call with "ret rec (a)" call with "ret rec a()" call with "ret reca()" call with "reta(cer)" ==== PRUNING retac ==== ==== PRUNING retae ==== call with "retar(ce)" ==== PRUNING retarc ==== ==== PRUNING retare ==== call with "retc(aer)" ==== PRUNING retca ==== ==== PRUNING retce ==== ==== PRUNING retcr ==== call with "rete(acr)" call with "rete (acr)" call with "rete a(cr)" call with "rete ac(r)" call with "rete acr()" call with "rete ar(c)" call with "rete arc()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rete c(ar)" call with "rete ca(r)" call with "rete car()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "rete cr(a)" call with "rete cra()" call with "rete r(ac)" call with "rete ra(c)" call with "rete rac()" ==== PRUNING rete rc ==== ==== PRUNING retea ==== ==== PRUNING retec ==== ==== PRUNING reter ==== call with "retr(ace)" call with "retra(ce)" call with "retrac(e)" call with "retrace()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING retrae ==== ==== PRUNING retrc ==== call with "retre(ac)" call with "retrea(c)" ==== PRUNING retreac ==== ==== PRUNING retrec ==== ==== PRUNING rr ==== ==== PRUNING rt ==== call with "t(aceerr)" call with "ta(ceerr)" call with "tac(eerr)" call with "tace(err)" call with "tace (err)" call with "tace e(rr)" call with "tace er(r)" call with "tace err()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tace r(er)" call with "tace re(r)" call with "tace rer()" ==== PRUNING tace rr ==== ==== PRUNING tacee ==== ==== PRUNING tacer ==== ==== PRUNING tacr ==== call with "tae(cerr)" call with "tae (cerr)" call with "tae c(err)" call with "tae ce(rr)" call with "tae cer(r)" call with "tae cerr()" call with "tae cr(er)" call with "tae cre(r)" ==== PRUNING tae crer ==== ==== PRUNING tae crr ==== call with "tae e(crr)" call with "tae ec(rr)" call with "tae ecr(r)" ==== PRUNING tae ecrr ==== call with "tae er(cr)" ==== PRUNING tae erc ==== call with "tae err(c)" call with "tae err (c)" call with "tae err c()" ==== PRUNING tae errc ==== call with "tae r(cer)" ==== PRUNING tae rc ==== call with "tae re(cr)" call with "tae rec(r)" call with "tae rec (r)" call with "tae rec r()" call with "tae recr()" call with "tae rer(c)" ==== PRUNING tae rerc ==== ==== PRUNING tae rr ==== ==== PRUNING taec ==== ==== PRUNING taee ==== ==== PRUNING taer ==== call with "tar(ceer)" call with "tar (ceer)" call with "tar c(eer)" call with "tar ce(er)" call with "tar cee(r)" call with "tar cee (r)" call with "tar cee r()" ==== PRUNING tar ceer ==== call with "tar cer(e)" call with "tar cere()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tar cr(ee)" call with "tar cre(e)" call with "tar cree()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tar e(cer)" call with "tar ec(er)" ==== PRUNING tar ece ==== call with "tar ecr(e)" ==== PRUNING tar ecre ==== call with "tar ee(cr)" ==== PRUNING tar eec ==== call with "tar eer(c)" ==== PRUNING tar eerc ==== call with "tar er(ce)" ==== PRUNING tar erc ==== call with "tar ere(c)" call with "tar ere (c)" call with "tar ere c()" call with "tar erec()" call with "tar r(cee)" ==== PRUNING tar rc ==== call with "tar re(ce)" call with "tar rec(e)" call with "tar rec (e)" call with "tar rec e()" call with "tar rece()" call with "tar ree(c)" call with "tar ree (c)" call with "tar ree c()" call with "tar reec()" call with "tarc(eer)" call with "tarce(er)" ==== PRUNING tarcee ==== ==== PRUNING tarcer ==== ==== PRUNING tarcr ==== call with "tare(cer)" call with "tare (cer)" call with "tare c(er)" call with "tare ce(r)" call with "tare cer()" call with "tare cr(e)" call with "tare cre()" call with "tare e(cr)" call with "tare ec(r)" call with "tare ecr()" call with "tare er(c)" ==== PRUNING tare erc ==== call with "tare r(ce)" ==== PRUNING tare rc ==== call with "tare re(c)" call with "tare rec()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tarec ==== ==== PRUNING taree ==== ==== PRUNING tarer ==== call with "tarr(cee)" ==== PRUNING tarrc ==== call with "tarre(ce)" call with "tarre (ce)" call with "tarre c(e)" call with "tarre ce()" call with "tarre e(c)" call with "tarre ec()" ==== PRUNING tarrec ==== ==== PRUNING tarree ==== call with "tc(aeerr)" ==== PRUNING tca ==== ==== PRUNING tce ==== ==== PRUNING tcr ==== call with "te(acerr)" call with "tea(cerr)" call with "tea (cerr)" call with "tea c(err)" call with "tea ce(rr)" call with "tea cer(r)" call with "tea cerr()" call with "tea cr(er)" call with "tea cre(r)" ==== PRUNING tea crer ==== ==== PRUNING tea crr ==== call with "tea e(crr)" call with "tea ec(rr)" call with "tea ecr(r)" ==== PRUNING tea ecrr ==== call with "tea er(cr)" ==== PRUNING tea erc ==== call with "tea err(c)" call with "tea err (c)" call with "tea err c()" ==== PRUNING tea errc ==== call with "tea r(cer)" ==== PRUNING tea rc ==== call with "tea re(cr)" call with "tea rec(r)" call with "tea rec (r)" call with "tea rec r()" call with "tea recr()" call with "tea rer(c)" ==== PRUNING tea rerc ==== ==== PRUNING tea rr ==== call with "teac(err)" ==== PRUNING teace ==== ==== PRUNING teacr ==== call with "teae(crr)" ==== PRUNING teaec ==== ==== PRUNING teaer ==== call with "tear(cer)" call with "tear (cer)" call with "tear c(er)" call with "tear ce(r)" call with "tear cer()" call with "tear cr(e)" call with "tear cre()" call with "tear e(cr)" call with "tear ec(r)" call with "tear ecr()" call with "tear er(c)" ==== PRUNING tear erc ==== call with "tear r(ce)" ==== PRUNING tear rc ==== call with "tear re(c)" call with "tear rec()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ ==== PRUNING tearc ==== call with "teare(cr)" ==== PRUNING tearec ==== call with "tearer(c)" call with "tearer (c)" call with "tearer c()" ==== PRUNING tearerc ==== ==== PRUNING tearr ==== call with "tec(aerr)" ==== PRUNING teca ==== ==== PRUNING tece ==== ==== PRUNING tecr ==== call with "tee(acrr)" call with "tee (acrr)" call with "tee a(crr)" call with "tee ac(rr)" call with "tee acr(r)" ==== PRUNING tee acrr ==== call with "tee ar(cr)" call with "tee arc(r)" call with "tee arc (r)" call with "tee arc r()" ==== PRUNING tee arcr ==== call with "tee arr(c)" ==== PRUNING tee arrc ==== call with "tee c(arr)" call with "tee ca(rr)" call with "tee car(r)" call with "tee car (r)" call with "tee car r()" call with "tee carr()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tee cr(ar)" call with "tee cra(r)" call with "tee crar()" ==== PRUNING tee crr ==== call with "tee r(acr)" call with "tee ra(cr)" call with "tee rac(r)" ==== PRUNING tee racr ==== call with "tee rar(c)" ==== PRUNING tee rarc ==== ==== PRUNING tee rc ==== ==== PRUNING tee rr ==== ==== PRUNING teea ==== ==== PRUNING teec ==== call with "teer(acr)" call with "teer (acr)" call with "teer a(cr)" call with "teer ac(r)" call with "teer acr()" call with "teer ar(c)" call with "teer arc()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "teer c(ar)" call with "teer ca(r)" call with "teer car()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "teer cr(a)" call with "teer cra()" call with "teer r(ac)" call with "teer ra(c)" call with "teer rac()" ==== PRUNING teer rc ==== ==== PRUNING teera ==== ==== PRUNING teerc ==== ==== PRUNING teerr ==== call with "ter(acer)" call with "tera(cer)" ==== PRUNING terac ==== ==== PRUNING terae ==== ==== PRUNING terar ==== call with "terc(aer)" ==== PRUNING terca ==== call with "terce(ar)" call with "terce (ar)" call with "terce a(r)" call with "terce ar()" call with "terce r(a)" call with "terce ra()" ==== PRUNING tercea ==== ==== PRUNING tercer ==== ==== PRUNING tercr ==== call with "tere(acr)" ==== PRUNING terea ==== ==== PRUNING terec ==== ==== PRUNING terer ==== call with "terr(ace)" call with "terra(ce)" call with "terra (ce)" call with "terra c(e)" call with "terra ce()" call with "terra e(c)" call with "terra ec()" call with "terrac(e)" call with "terrace()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "terrae(c)" call with "terrae (c)" call with "terrae c()" ==== PRUNING terraec ==== ==== PRUNING terrc ==== call with "terre(ac)" ==== PRUNING terrea ==== ==== PRUNING terrec ==== call with "tr(aceer)" call with "tra(ceer)" call with "trac(eer)" call with "trace(er)" call with "trace (er)" call with "trace e(r)" call with "trace er()" call with "trace r(e)" call with "trace re()" ==== PRUNING tracee ==== call with "tracer(e)" call with "tracer (e)" call with "tracer e()" ==== PRUNING tracere ==== ==== PRUNING tracr ==== ==== PRUNING trae ==== ==== PRUNING trar ==== ==== PRUNING trc ==== call with "tre(acer)" call with "trea(cer)" call with "treac(er)" ==== PRUNING treace ==== ==== PRUNING treacr ==== ==== PRUNING treae ==== ==== PRUNING trear ==== call with "trec(aer)" ==== PRUNING treca ==== call with "trece(ar)" ==== PRUNING trecea ==== ==== PRUNING trecer ==== ==== PRUNING trecr ==== call with "tree(acr)" call with "tree (acr)" call with "tree a(cr)" call with "tree ac(r)" call with "tree acr()" call with "tree ar(c)" call with "tree arc()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tree c(ar)" call with "tree ca(r)" call with "tree car()" ^^^^ SOLUTION ^^^^ call with "tree cr(a)" call with "tree cra()" call with "tree r(ac)" call with "tree ra(c)" call with "tree rac()" ==== PRUNING tree rc ==== ==== PRUNING treea ==== ==== PRUNING treec ==== ==== PRUNING treer ==== ==== PRUNING trer ==== ==== PRUNING trr ==== There were 57 solutions Would you like to see them? [y/n] acre ret arc rete arc teer arc tree are cert aret rec art cere art cree car rete car teer car tree care ret carr tee cart ere cart ree cate err caterer cere art cere rat cere tar cert are cert ear cert era cree art cree rat cree tar ear cert era cert ere cart err cate err tace race ret rat cere rat cree rate rec rec aret rec rate rec tare rec tear ree cart ret acre ret care ret race rete arc rete car retrace tace err tar cere tar cree tare rec tear rec tee carr teer arc teer car terrace tree arc tree car