Come join SLU's team!!!!

The 2010/2011 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

Key Dates

           Organizational Meeting         Tuesday, 24 August 2010, 5:15pm Ritter 121
           Regular Practices         Tuesdays, 5:15pm Ritter 121
Regional Competition Saturday, 6 November 2010  (all day) Webster University
World Finals Spring 2011 Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

Each year the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) holds an international programming contest for college students. Students work in teams of three to solve as many problems as possible in a five-hour time period. The available programming languages for the contest are C++ and Java.

Last year's contest involved 7300 teams from 82 countries, competing at 242 different regional sites. The top 103 teams in the world traveled to Harbin, china for the world finals. Here are the problems from last year's regionals and the problems from last year's finals. If you want to try these, or to try problems from past regionals, you may submit code online at the ICPC Live Archive and get immediate feedback.

Saint Louis University can send six students (two teams of three) to the regional competition. We'd like you to be one of them.

Interested students should come attend an organizational meeting at 5:15pm on Tuesday, 24 August 2010 in Ritter 121.

There is also an opportunity to receive university credit for those interested in participating in the contest. This semester, our department is offering a Special Topics course titled Computational Problem Solving (CSCI 293). This course will serve to prepare students for the types of problems seen on the contest. (students are also welcome to participate without registering for this course).

The course is a 1-credit course using the Pass/No Pass grading option. Given the nature of the typical problems, participating students should generally have completed coursework through the level of CSCI 180 (Data Structures) or equivalent. The regular meeting time for the course will be decided at the organizational meeting.

Additional resources for our team
Questions? Contact Michael Goldwasser

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 293, Fall 2008
Last modified: Thursday, 23 September 2010