CSP125 LABORATORY 3: Expressions and Operators



This laboratory provides you with your first opportunity to decompose a problem into manageable pieces and solve it. You will be doing a few things that are new to you. If you have any questions or problems, just ask your laboratory instructor for help.


Key Concepts

·      Expression evaluation

·      Simple input & output

·      Hand checking code

·      Expressing mathematical equations in C++

·      Using the procedures in the introductory laboratory handout, create the working directory LAB02 in your CSP125 directory.

·      Many of the activities that are performed in the laboratory can be done in groups but you should work the exercises yourself.



You will need the following files, available electronically either by downloading them from the following links, or by copying them on turing from ~goldwasser/csp125/labs/lab03/






Examine the program below. Next to the insertion statements write what you expect the output to be.


int main() {

// Object definitions and initializations

int a;

int b;

int c;

int d;

//assign some values to our variables

//this is called initialization!

a = 3;

b = 12;

c = 6;

d = 1;


// Now calculate the results

d = d * a;

c = c + (2 * a)

d = d - (b / c);

c = c * c;

b = b / 2;


            // Finally display the results

cout << "a: " << a << endl;

cout << "b: " << b << endl;

cout << "c: " << c << endl;

cout << "d: " << d << endl;

// Exit indicating a lack of errors

return 0;




Get the c++ file simpmath.cpp in the files for this lab. It should contain the preceding program along with several additional comments and output statements.

·      Compile and run the program to observe the output.

·      Did you get the same answers for your manual calculations as you did from the computer program? If there are differences, try to figure out why. If you cannot determine the reason for the differences, ask a laboratory instructor for help.

·      Allowing a user to supply input values is a better technique than hardcoding the values because it makes the program more general. Now you will modify simpmath.cpp to extract user input from the standard input stream. First, delete the hard-coded initialization of a, b, c, and d.

·      Add a prompt that tells the users of the program what you want them to do. In this case, you want to prompt the user to supply a value for object a. Then add a statement to do the extraction. Your code might look like the following:



cout << "Enter value for object a: ";

cin >> a;


It is important to prompt the user for each object separately. So add lines of code to the program that prompt the user to enter values for objects b, c, and d. Be sure to store the user’s keyboard input in the appropriate object. Save the program.


Compile and run your improved program. Be sure to save the program before each compilation and run. If you get an error message that you cannot figure out, ask a laboratory instructor for help.



After developing a program or modifying an existing one, a key question is, Does the program run correctly? One way is to hand check the program. Hand checking a program involves computing the results by hand for some input and making sure the results agree with what the computer outputs for the same input. You can hand check your modified program by using as inputs the values that were used to initialize the integer objects a, b, c, and d in the original program. Run your program and enter the values that were used to initialize the objects a, b, c, and d in the original program. Did you get the same results?


Once the program is working, SAVE  it – *** you will need to upload it later ***





Now let’s consider a slightly more challenging problem—writing the general solution to an algebraic problem. Suppose you have a simple problem that you wish to solve. You should take the following steps to write a program to solve the problem:



This process seems relatively straightforward, so let’s give it a try. For the next part of the lab, you are going to write a program that solves some mathematical equations




You should work independently on the next several steps.


Determine the types of the objects. For these equations, you can use the type float because three of the equations contain a division operation. If you used integer objects, the result of the division operation would be truncated, which would produce erroneous results.


Determine how many inputs and outputs there will be. Will you need any temporary space to store partial computations? Or do you want to try computing the larger problem with one huge equation?


List the definitions of all the objects you will need for input, output, and temporary computations in the area provided below. We do the first declaration for you.


double Result1;



Write the solution for each of the following equations as it will need to appear in C++ code in order to be correct. Pay particular attention to the order of operations in each problem. Be sure to use parentheses ( ) as needed to enforce the correct computation of each problem. We do the first one for you. Does your solution agree? If not, review your answers for it and the other equations.


Result1 = (2 * a * a) + (4 * a) - 29;


On a piece of paper Write the C++ solution to equation #2, #3 and #4




Once you have determined that your answers are correct, open the file compute.cpp.

Use this file as a basis for computing the above equations.    

Complete the program in that file. Save your work often. In particular, always save it before you do a compile and run. Once it is working correctly save it, *** you will need to upload it later ***





Legend has it that in 1626 Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan for $24 in barter. Did he make a good investment? To answer this question, modify the compound interest program compound.cpp to begin with a principal of $24 and calculate the amount on deposit if that money had been invested with interest rates of 2%, 3%, 5%, and 7% to observe the wonders of compound interest.  Rather than hardcoding the percentages in you should change the program to accept the percentage as input from the user – you need to prompt the user correctly then take in the value entered.  Write down the totals for each percentage and add them in the comments at the end of file compound.cpp – save your work.  You will need to upload this file.




            You will need to upload the programs you have written – please ensure you upload the correct files.   You have 3 programs to upload.






Thank your instructor and TA for their help!