Question 1 ---------- a. Describe what happens when you enter 5 and 3 for the inputs? b. Describe what happens when you enter 5.1 and 3 for the inputs? c. Describe what happens when you enter saint and louis for the inputs? Question 2 ---------- a. What precise error message is given by the compiler? b. Explain in your own words the meaning and cause of the reported problem in this code? Question 3 ---------- a. Execute the program and enter 5 and 3 as the inputs. What is the exact output generated by the program? b. Execute the program and enter 50 and 30 as the inputs. What is the exact output generated by the program? c. Explain in your own words the reason for such observed output based upon the given source code? Question 4 ---------- a. Does the program have any syntactic errors (a.k.a, compiler errors)? If so, explain. b. If it compiled, execute the program on a few example cases. Does the program have any semantic errors (a.k.a. logical errors)? If so, explain what you observe and give your own explanation as to why. Question 5 ---------- a. Comparing this version of our source code to the previous version, what precisely is different? b. Execute the program and enter 5 and 3 as the inputs. What is the exact output generated by the program? c. Explain in your own words the reason for such observed output based upon the given source code? Question 6 ---------- a. Comparing this version of our source code to the previous version, what precisely is different? b. Execute the program and enter 5 and 3 as the inputs. What is the exact output generated by the program? c. Explain in your own words the reason for such observed output based upon the given source code? Question 7 ---------- a. Execute the program and enter 5 and 3 as the inputs. What is the exact output generated by the program? b. Do you notice any other unusual aspects of the execution, when compared with some earlier versions? Explain. c. Did our function successfully read the first int? d. Did our function successfully read the first int? e. What is the significance of our use of the variable first within the context of the robustReadInt function? Explain how this effects your answer to the previous two questions. f. What would you suggest as a more meaningful name for that variable in a general context? Question 8 ---------- a. Cut-and-paste your entire working code.