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Saint Louis University

Computer Science P125
Introduction to Computer Science

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2005

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Programming Assignment 02


Due: Wednesday, 9 February 2005, 8pm

Please see the general programming webpage for details about the programming environment for this course, guidelines for programming style, and details on electronic submission of assignments.

Collaboration Policy

For this assignment, you must work individually in regard to the design and implementation of your project.

Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity in this regard.



The goal of this assignment is to generate an image of your favorite animal using the EzWindows graphics package. Below, we will outline the minimum requirements for the assignment. However if you are enjoying the work, feel free to go beyond that minimum; we will make some of our favorite results available (anonymously) for others to admire.

Files You Will Need

We are providing the following two files for your use. You may either download from a browser or copy them directly to your current directory on turing with the comand:

cp -Rp ~goldwasser/csp125/programs/artist .

There are two files:


You should create and open a SimpleWindow object and then use that window to generate an image of your favorite animal with some surrounding scenery. Obviously, with the rather limit selection of shapes, we expect some of the artwork to be rather abstract.

Please consider the following list as a mandatory checklist of tools and techniques you must use. Though we reserve the right to grade partly based on artistic merit, the majority of the credit for this assignment will be given based on your meeting the following criteria.

  1. Your diagram should include a background scene with a tree (think green circle atop a black rectangle, at minimum). Grass and sky are optional, but a nice touch!

  2. You should set the title of the SimpleWindow to be appropriate for your artwork (this might also help us discern the type of animal you chose, in case it is not quite obvious).

  3. You must use a variety of colors.

  4. Somewhere in your diagram, you must use at least one object from each of the classes CircleShape, RectangleShape, and TriangleShape.

  5. Somewhere in your diagram, you must make use of two or more objects from class RaySegment with varying thickness.

  6. You must use some shapes with a border and some shapes without a border.

  7. You must use at least one object from class Label to place some text within your picture (this is in addition to the earlier requirement about the window title)

Files to Submit

Brief Documention on EzWindows

We have compiled more complete documentation on the EzWindows package for your use. We recommend that documenation as a primary resource.

In addition, you may wish to refer to the recent lab on EzWindows as well as Chapter 3.9 of the text. The text also contains rather detailed documentation in Appendix E.

Grading Standards

The assignment is worth 10 points. Though artistic merit may have slight impact on the grade, the majority of the credit for this assignment will be given based on your meeting each of the minimum requirements discussed above.

Extra Credit

For most assignments, we wish to offer the opportunity and challenge to those students who wish to explore beyond the minimum requirements. As a bit of a carrot, we will offer the chance of up to one additional point of extra credit.

The required part of this assignment involved making a single image. For extra credit, make an animation which consists of a series of frames, with your animal moving from one location to another during this animation. You should call the provided delay utility between successive frames to create such an animation.

Michael Goldwasser
CS-P125, Spring 2005
Last modified: Tuesday, 08 February 2005
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