CC = g++ EZWINDIR = /home/home0/goldwasser/ezwindows X11DIR = /usr/X11R6 CROSSFLAGS = -m32 # The CPPFLAGS macro lets the compiler know where to find include files # CPPFLAGS=-I$(X11DIR)/include -I$(EZWINDIR)/include $(CROSSFLAGS) # # The LDFLAGS macro lets the linker know where to find library files # LDFLAGS=-L$(X11DIR)/lib32 -L$(X11DIR)/lib -lX11 -L$(EZWINDIR)/lib -lezwin -lXpm $(CROSSFLAGS) #LDFLAGS=-lX11 -L$(EZWINDIR)/lib -lezwin -lXpm $(CROSSFLAGS) OBJS=checkers.o # # The following sequence of commands defines a target for the program # executable. # default: checkers checkers: $(OBJS) $(CC) -o checkers $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) # # The target below indicates to make how to process files with a cpp # extension. Normally this is necessary but the cpp extension isn't # defined for make. # .cpp.o: $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -c $< clean: rm -f *.o *~ checkers