Assignment 03


  • Overview
  • Internet Requirements
  • Practice Problems
  • Problems to be Submitted
  • Extra Credit

  • Overview

    Topic: Data Representation and Compression
    Related Reading: Ch. 3.1, 3.3-3.6, pp.69-70 and notes
    Due: 9am Thursday, 25 July 2002

    Internet Requirements

    You will need an Internet connection for completing the assignment as well as submission.

    Practice Problems

  • Exercise 1 of Ch. 3 (p. 81); answer in back of text

  • Exercise 7 of Ch. 3 (p. 81); answer in back of text

  • Exercise 19 of Ch. 3 (p. 83);

  • Exercise 21 of Ch. 3 (p. 83); answer in back of text

  • Exercise 28 of Ch. 3 (p. 84); answer in back of text

  • Assume that a digital camera takes a picture which is 640x480 pixels using TrueColor. How many bits are used overall to store the picture (in an uncompressed format)? (answer)

  • Problems to be Submitted (20 points)

    1. (6 points)
      In the notes, we stated that CD quality music requires 44100 samples per second. The amplitude of the sound wave is recorded using 16 bits per channel. (Recorded in stereo, there are two separate channels). Based on this information, please answer the following:

      1. Calculate how many bits of information would be used to represent a 4 minute song, recorded in stereo. Express your answer using the most natural unit of magnitude (e.g., bytes, KB, MB, GB). Please explain the details of your calculations so that we can better understand your method in case of a wrong answer.

      2. Assume that a single compact disk, formatted for audio, holds up to 700MB of information. Approximately how many of those 4-minute songs will fit on the CD.

    2. (4 points)
      Exercise 24 of Ch. 3 (p. 84)

    3. (10 points)
      Assume that you have a text document with the following letter frequencies:

      1. If using a fixed-length code for this message, how many bits per character must be used, and thus how many overall bits would be used to represent the message.

      2. Based on the method discussed in the lecture notes, generate a Huffman code for this set of frequencies (Note: this method was not discussed in the text). Your answer should be a table of codes, formatted similarly to the one given in the text for Exercise 24.

      3. Based on your Huffman code, how many overall bits would be used to represent the message?

      4. What compression ratio was achieved over the fixed-length code?
    Overall, please type your answers to all of the problems in a single document to be submitted electronically. Please see details about the submission process.

    Extra Credit (3 points)

    Play with graphics. Draw me a picture of your favorite animal using various shapes and colors from scratch. Please include your name within part of the graphics.

    Windows has an imaging program that you should find under the menu, Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> imaging. Once you start the program, you can create a new document, at which point a menu will appear which allows you to specify things such as the color scheme, the file format, compression scheme and so on. There is a Help menu within that program, though you might be able to feel your way around if you've ever used any such drawing programs.

    For two points extra credit, save your picture to a file and submit it along with the rest of your homework.

    For a third point, I want to you save a copy of your file under each of the following three formats (Using the "Save As" option): TIFF, Bitmap, JPEG. You do not need to submit all three, but save them somewhere. In your main assignment writeup, please include information on the number of bytes which were used by each of the three formats. To find the number of bytes for a file, you can locate the icon in whatever folder you used to save it and then click the right mouse button and select "Properties" at the bottom of the menu that appears. You will see the size among the properties.

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