Assignment 04


  • Overview
  • Internet Requirements
  • Practice Problems
  • Problems to be Submitted
  • Extra Credit

  • Overview

    Topic: Gates and Circuits
    Related Reading: Ch. 4
    Due: 9am Friday, 26 July 2002

    Internet Requirements

    For this assignment, we will rely heavily on the Logic Simulator software demonstrated in class. You will need to have an external Internet connection or else a connection to the CC network to run this software.

    Practice Problems

  • Exercise 10 of Ch. 4 (p. 110); answer in back of text

  • Exercise 26 of Ch. 4 (p. 111); answer in back of text

  • Exercise 30 of Ch. 4 (p. 112); wrong answer in back of text

  • Complete Lab 7.1 associated with the Logic Simulator software. This lab walks you through the use of their Logg-O software, which we will be using for this assignment.

  • Complete Lab 7.2 associated with the Logic Simulator software. This lab lets you start building some interesting circuits (some of which may look familiar from lecture).

  • Problems to be Submitted (20 points)

    1. (4 points)
      Complete exercise 27 of Ch. 4 (p. 111), however instead of drawing your answer, use the Logic Simulator software to construct the circuit. Save your circuit in a file titled asgn4-circuit to be submitted.

    2. (4 points)
      Exercise 31 of Ch. 4 (p. 112). You may do the problem by hand or you may wish to use the Logic Simulator as a tool. In any event, the only thing which must be submitted for this problem is a writeup of the truth table.

    3. (4 points)
      Exercise 32 of Ch. 4 (p. 112).

    4. (4 points)
      A majority circuit with three inputs is a circuit with a single output which is set to 1 whenever two or more of the inputs are set to 1.

      There are eight possible combinations for the input settings. Please give a truth table which lists all eight combinations along with the output setting for each case.

    5. (4 points)
      Construct a circuit which implements the three-way majority function using the Logic Simulator software. After testing its validity, save it in a file named "asgn4-majority" for submission.
    Please type your answers to questions 2, 3 and 4 in a single document to be submitted electronically. Submit the Logic Simulator files for problems 1 and 5 as well. Because there are multiple files to submit for this assignment, please create a new folder asgn04 within your own submit directory and place all files for this assignment inside that folder. Please refer to the general discussion of the submission process for further details.

    Extra Credit (3 points)

    Interestingly, any given boolean function can be calculated by a circuit consisting solely of NAND gates.
  • Create a circuit, using only NAND gates, which has the same overall behavior as a NOT gate. That is, your circuit should have one input switch and one output light, and the light should be on precisely when the switch is off. Save your circuit in a file named "ExtraNot" to be submitted.

  • Create a circuit, using only NAND gates, which has the same overall behavior as an AND gate. That is, your circuit should have two input switches and one output light, and the light should be on only in the case with both input switches are on. Save your circuit in a file named "ExtraAnd" to be submitted.

  • Create a circuit, using only NAND gates, which has the same overall behavior as an OR gate. That is, your circuit should have two input switches and one output light, and the light should be on so long as at least one of the input switches is on. Save your circuit in a file named "ExtraOr" to be submitted.

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