Quiz 9
comp 125-609, Goldwasser
Tuesday, 23 November 1999

This quiz covers the following cumulative material: (alphabetical, with new topics shown in italics)
  • Reading: Ch 1, Ch 2, 3.1-3.3, 4.1-4.3, 5.1, 5.2, and all class notes, labs and assignments to date
  • Controls: Check Box, Command Button, Frame, Label, List Box, Option Button Picture Box, Text Box, Timer
  • Properties: Alignment, Caption, Font, ForeColor, Height, Index, Left, Multiline, Name, Picture, Text, Top, Visible, Width
  • Events: Click, GotFocus, LostFocus
  • Methods: picbox.Cls, picbox.Circle, picbox.Line, picbox.Print, picbox.PSet, picbox.Scale, SetFocus
  • Data Types: Arrays, Boolean, Control Arrays, Double, Integer, Long, Single, String
  • Flow of Control: If Blocks, Select Case Blocks, For Loops, Do Loops
  • Files: Open, Input, Write
  • Keywords: Load, Preserve, ReDim, Unload
  • Other: using the debugger

  • Name: _________________________

    Please Circle the one correct answer. If I can't tell which ONE is circled, it will unfortunately be marked wrong.
    1. Which best describes the use of a Frame?
    (A) To let the user select exactly ONE text string from a group of strings.
    (B) To let the user select exactly ONE of a group of captioned choices
    (C) To let the user independently select "On/Off" for each of a group of choices
    (D) To let the designer select a group of controls to be treated in a unified manner.

    2. Which best describes the use of a Check Box?
    (A) To let the user select exactly ONE text string from a group of strings.
    (B) To let the user select exactly ONE of a group of captioned choices
    (C) To let the user independently select "On/Off" for each of a group of choices
    (D) To let the designer select a group of controls to be treated in a unified manner.

    3. Which best describes the use of an Option Button?
    (A) To let the user select exactly ONE text string from a group of strings.
    (B) To let the user select exactly ONE of a group of captioned choices
    (C) To let the user independently select "On/Off" for each of a group of choices
    (D) To let the designer select a group of controls to be treated in a unified manner.

    4. Which best describes the use of a List Box?
    (A) To let the user select exactly ONE text string from a group of strings.
    (B) To let the user select exactly ONE of a group of captioned choices
    (C) To let the user independently select "On/Off" for each of a group of choices
    (D) To let the designer select a group of controls to be treated in a unified manner.

    5. Which of the following methods can be used to add a new ListBox attached to an existing frame?
    (A) Single-click on the ListBox icon in the toolbox, and then use the mouse to drag and drop a ListBox in the Frame
    (B) Double-click on the ListBox icon in the toolbox, and then move the new ListBox so that it's position lies inside the Frame
    (C) Double-click to create a ListBox, and then set its Parent property to equal the Frame.
    (D) all of the above