Assignment 01


  • Overview
  • Internet Requirements
  • Practice Problems
  • Problems to be Submitted
  • Extra Credit

  • Overview

    Topic: History of Computing
    Related Reading: Ch.0 of [Br], Mod.1 of [DH]
    Due: 8pm Monday, 17 September 2001

    Internet Requirements

    You will need an Internet connection for completing the assignment as well as submission.

    Practice Problems

  • Complete Lab 1.1 (p. 9 [DH]). This lab walks you through the use of a web browser.

  • Complete Lab 1.2 (p. 15 [DH]). This lab introdcues you to the textbook's web site.

  • Problems to be Submitted (20 points)

  • Complete Lab 1.3 (p. 19 [DH]). This lab has you search the Internet for more facts about the history of computing. Some additional web sites of interest, though not mentioned by the book include:

  • You should type all of your facts in a single file named "history" and submit this file electronically. (see Assignment 0 for details of the submission procedures).

  • Extra Credit (2 points)

    "Know your source!"

    It's great to gather information from the Internet, but important to cite your source of information so that others can judge its credibility. For extra credit please include a citation with each fact on your list, noting the URL where you found the information and the person or organization which produced the content at that site.

    Furthermore, to receive extra credit you must use a different source for each of the 10 facts.

    comp150 Class Page
    Last modified: 14 September 2001