The components contributing to a students overall course percentage were discussed in the original syllabus. What is added in this document is a description of how course percentages will be evaluated in determining letter grades for the course.

The following guidelines are as of Feb 24.

Student percentage above 80% will result in a grade of A or better.
Student percentage above 75% will result in a grade of B+ or better.
Student percentage above 70% will result in a grade of B or better.
Student percentage above 65% will result in a grade of C+ or better.
Student percentage above 60% will result in a grade of C or better.
Student percentage above 55% will result in a grade of D+ or better.
Student percentage above 50% will result in a grade of D or better.
Student percentage below 50% will result in a grade of F.

Any modification to this scale at the end of the course will be in favor of the students. That is we may later decide to award an A to a student who is slightly below the above cutoff, but we certainly will not take away an A from someone who is just above the cutoff.

Last modified: 24 February 2003