Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Date Topics Reading
Tue, Jan 14 Introduction
Case Study: Maximum Subarray
Ch. 1, 2, 3 and notes
Tue, Jan 21 Asymptotics and Analysis Techniques
Ch. 3, 4
App. A, C.1, C.2
Tue, Jan 28 Amortization
review of hw1
Ch. 17
Tue, Feb 4 Comparison Based Bounds for Sorting and Selection Ch. 8.1, 9 and notes
Tue, Feb 11 Elementary Graph Algorithms
(BFS, DFS, Topological Sort,
Strongly Connected Components)
Ch. 22
Tue, Feb 18 Minimum Spanning Trees
First Exam (covers material through Feb. 4 - info)
Ch. 23
Tue, Feb 25 Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms (Prim, Kruskal)
Priority Queues: Binary Heaps
Ch. 6, 23
Tue, Mar 4 No Class: Mid-semester Break
Tue, Mar 11 Priority Queues:
Binomial and Fibonacci Heaps
Ch. 19, 20
Tue, Mar 18 Disjoint Sets Ch. 21
Tue, Mar 25 Algorithmic Design Techniques:
Dynamic Programming
Ch. 15
Tue, Apr 1 Guest Lecturer
Topic TBA
Second Exam (covers material through Mar. 18 - info)
Tue, Apr 8 Single-Source Shortest Path Algorithms Ch. 24
Tue, Apr 15 Gabow's Scaling Algorithm for Single-Source Shortest Path Exercise at end of Ch. 24
Tue, Apr 22 All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms Ch.  25
Tue, Apr 29 No Class: Study Days
Tue, May 6 Final Exam (info)

Last modified: 25 April 2003