COS 226 Programming Assignment 3 - Checklist

Checklist 3: Bin Packing

The following is a checklist which provides a summary of the assignment. This is meant only as a supplement; please read the original assignment description.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Overview
  • Requirements
  • Possible Progress Steps

  • Frequently Asked Questions:
    (This is the only part of this checklist which will change during the week.)

    [Michael 2/24] Below when we ask for "verbose" output in your readme, we really do want to know for each bin, the list of all items which were packed into that bin. (Yes, some have realized that for the rest of the program you could have gotten by with just maintaining the sum of the weights in each bin, but in a real application you really do need to know which items to assign to each bin.) If this slows up your code, you may feel free to comment it out when running on the larger inputs.

    [Michael 2/17] The last line of the second paragraph mentions that you are to print out the total of the item weights, and then in parenthesis, says "(best possible number of bins)". Just for the record, the total of the item weights provides a lower bound on the best possible number of bins, but not necessarily the exact best number of bins. (of course finding the exact best answer is NP-hard).

    Overview: We are making a major change in the high-level design of this assignment. Please use the following guidelines, not those discussed in the original assignment.

    We want you to create one single program, which does the following: generates a random sequence of N weights between 0 and u, prints out the total of the weights, calculates and outputs the number of bins used by the "worst fit" heuristic, and then calculates and outputs the number of bins used by the "worst fit decreasing" heuristic. (originally, we asked for two different programs for the two heuristics, but it will be easier to have a single program which simulates both heuristics independently on the same input). The command line syntax is as described, where "a.out 100 .2" would generate 100 random weights between 0 and .2.

    Although we are asking for a single exectuable, we are going to demand that your priority queue implementation be in a separate file then your main routine. You should have a header file (perhaps pq.h) that defines the interface for all of the operations supported by your priority queue. The actual priority queue implementation should be in another file (perhaps pq.c). And finally your main routine and the bin packing heuristics should be implemented in yet a third file.

  • Functionality:
  • As mentioned in the overview, your program should generate the random input, output the sum of the weights, calculate and output the number of bins used by "worst fit", and then calculate and output the number of binds used by "worst fit decreasing".
  • Your final priority queue implementation must be heap-based.
  • readme:
  • Besides providing details about your implementation which are not clear from the comments within your source code, your 'readme' file for this program should also contain:
  • Generate verbose output (i.e. the contents of all the bins) for a run of both heuristics when [N=16,u=.2] and for [N=16,u=.7].
  • Give two tables, one for u=.2 and one for u=.7, as follows: For each value of N=100,1000,10000,100000, print the total of the weights, the number of bins used by "worst fit", and the number of bins used by "worst fit decreasing". (even better is if you report the average over several random trials for each value of N).
  • Give a few comments on the relative effectiveness of the two heuristics.

  • Possible Progress Steps: These are purely suggestions for how you might make progress. You do not have to follow these steps.
  • Most important is for you to think a lot about the interface you set up in pq.h ADT. You will have to think a lot about exactly what operations the main program will need to rely on.
  • Once you are happy with your priority queue interface, you can start by implementing a very simple (but ineffecient) method, such as using an ordered array. With this working, you can write the client program and run the heuristics.
  • Of course, with a poor implementation of priority queues, the program will be quite slow for large values of N. Fortunately, if your ADT is designed properly, you can now go and rewrite a more efficient priority queue implementaiton based on heaps.

  • cos226 Class Page
    Last modified: February 24, 1999