COS 226 Programming Assignment 10 - Checklist

Checklist 10: Subset sums.

The following is a checklist which provides a summary of the assignment. This is meant only as a supplement; please read the original assignment description.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Overview
  • Requirements

  • Frequently Asked Questions:
    (This is the only part of this checklist which will change during the week.)

    [May 2] The most frequent question has been "how small of a difference is good enough?" As unnerving as this may be, we are not going to give any concrete answer to this question. Part of the underlying exercise is to decide if there is still hope to do better.

    [April 30] When we say to divide the numbers into two sets A and B, the cardinality of these sets can be arbitrary. (that is, you do not need to divide them into sets of 50 items each)

    Overview: The assignment says it all.
  • Your program should first print the difference in the sums of the subsets on the first line, then the numbers (not their square roots) in the set containing 1 on subsequent lines, 15 per line.
  • Use double-precision floating-point numbers in calculating the square roots and the subset sums.
  • For this assignment, the running time should adhere approximately to our usual 10-second rule for this input of 100 numbers. There is a definate trade off between the amount of computation time used and the quality of the solution. If you also experimented with an interesting method which requires signficantly more time but produces a significantly better solution, please feel free to discuss these results in your readme file.
  • readme
  • Provide a convincing explanation of your method and rationale for important design and implementation decisions.
  • If you found an even better solution (using a program which required significantly more time, feel free to give the output for that solution also).

  • cos226 Class Page
    Last modified: May 2, 1999