Draw the binary trie that results when you insert the keys
00100 00001 10110 11100 11101 into an initially empty trie.
Draw the Patricia trie that results when you insert the keys
00100 00001 10110 11100 11101 in that order
into an initially empty trie.
[Exercise 14.47, revised]
For 10 million integer keys, compute the hash table size that
makes each of the three hashing methods (separate chaining, linear
probing, and double hashing) use the same number of key comparisons as
BSTs for a search miss, on the average, counting the hash function
computation as a comparison.
[Exercise 14.48, revised]
For 10 million integer keys, compute the number of comparisons
for each of the three hashing methods (separate chaining, linear
probing, and double hashing) for a search miss, on the average, when
they can use a total of 30 million words of memory (as BSTs would).