1. Give the KMP FSA for the string 100011000100010.

2. Draw an FSA that will efficiently recognize one of the set of patterns 00000, 1000, 111, and 001 in a given binary text string.

3. Give a Huffman code for the string a man a plan a canal panama.

4. (a) Give the pure adaptive (LZ) code for the string a man a plan a canal panama.
(b) Decode the (LZ) message: {w, e, r, e, *, 5 2 *, h, 8 4 o, r, *, t, 9 4 ?}
(use the conventions of

5. (a)Give the dictionary-based adaptive (LZW) code for the string a man a plan a canal panama.
(b) Decode the (LZW) message: {h, e, r, 1 *, w, 3 w, 1 r, 5 e, t}
(use the conventions of

Due: in precept on April 5 or 6.

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