Princeton University
Computer Science Dept.

Computer Science 423
Theory of Algorithms

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 1998

Collaboration Policy: Each problem throughout the course will be designated with one of two instructions, ``work entirely on your own'' or ``you may collaborate with others.'' When asked to work entirely on your own, you should not discuss the problem with anyone other than the instructor or the TAs.

For problems on which we allow collaboration, you should follow the following guidelines strictly. The write-up of your solutions must still be done entirely on your own. That is, you may feel free to discuss with classmates general ideas, approaches, examples, or stumbling blocks while trying to understand a homework problem, however when it comes time to write up your solution, you may not discuss this with others, nor may you use anyone else's written solution as a guide. Our goal is that you will eventually be able to understand the problem well enough, that you could lock yourself in a room with a blank piece of paper, and still be able to write down your solution.

When you do collaborate with classmates, please work in groups of at most five students, and write the names of your collaborators at the beginning of each such solution. On all problems, we expect that you not search for direct solutions using any other outside reference materials. Violations of any of the above policies will be dealt with strongly.

Course Grades:

Your final grade for the course will be calculated as follows:

Problem Sets: 56%
Midterm Exam: 14%
Final Exam: 30%

Late Policy: All assignments are due at 5:00 p.m. on the day that they are due. (this is a change from the original policy which had assignments due at 9:00 a.m.) After 5:00pm, no late assignments will be accepted. From time to time extenuating cirumstances do arise and in such cases extensions will be granted; requests for extensions should be mailed to the instructor.

cos423 Class Page
Michael Goldwasser
Last modified: March 24, 1998