cos423: Theory of Algorithms handout #2
Michael Goldwasser
Princeton University Tuesday, February 3, 1998

Homework #1: Asymptotics and algorithm analysis
Due Date: Tuesday, February 10, 1998 (9:00am)


Read carefully Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 4.1-4.3, and Ch. 18 of CLR.


Recall, these exercises are purely for your own practice. You need only turn in the official problems.

Collaboration Policy

Work entirely on your own for all of these problems.


(CLR 2-3a). Rank the following functions by order of growth, i.e., find an arrangement $g_1, g_2, \ldots, g_{30}$ of the functions satisfying $g_1=\Omega(g_2), g_2=\Omega(g_3), \ldots, \break
g_{29}=\Omega(g_{30})$. Partition your list into equivalence classes such that f(n) and g(n) are in the same class iff $f(n)=\Theta(g(n))$.

\lg(\lg^*n) &
2^{\lg^* n} &
2^{\sqrt{2\lg n}} &
n &
2^n &
n\lg n &

[Note: We do not require formal proof for this problem, simply the ordering and the equivalence classes.]

(CLR 2-4)

Let f(n) and g(n) be asymptotically positive functions. Prove or disprove each of the following conjectures.

[Your proofs must be formal, although for false conjectures a specific counterexample would constitute a valid proof.]

(CLR 18-3)

Amortized weight-balanced trees

Consider an ordinary binary search tree augmented by adding to each node x the field size[x] giving the number of keys stored in the subtree rooted at x. Let $\alpha$ be a constant in the range $1/2
\leq \alpha < 1$. We say that a given node x is $\alpha$-balanced if

$size[left[x]] \leq \alpha \cdot size[x]$


$size[right[x]] \leq \alpha \cdot size[x]$.

The tree as a whole is $\alpha$-balanced if every node in the tree is $\alpha$-balanced. The following amortized approach to maintaining weight-balanced trees was suggested by G. Varghese.

For the remainder of this problem, assume that the constant $\alpha$is strictly greater than 1/2. Suppose that Insert and Delete are implemented as usual for an n-node binary search tree, except that after every such operation, if any node in the tree is no longer $\alpha$-balanced, then the subtree rotted at the highest such node in the tree is ``rebuilt'' so that it becomes 1/2-balanced.

We shall analyze this rebuilding scheme using the potential method. For a node x in a binary search tree T, we define

\Delta(x) = \vert size[left[x]] - size[right[x]]\vert\mbox{,}\end{displaymath}

and we define the potential of T as

\Phi(T) = c \sum_{x \in T: \Delta(x) \geq 2} \Delta(x),\end{displaymath}

where c is a sufficiently large constant that depends on $\alpha$.

Extra Credit

Finding the missing integer (CLR 4-2)

An array A[1..n] contains all the integers from to n except one. It would be easy to determine the missing integer in O(n) time by using an auxiliary array B[0..n] to record which numbers appear in A. In this problem, however, we cannot access an entire integer in A with a single operation. The elements of A are represented in binary, and the only operation we can use to access them is ``fetch the jth bit of A[i],'' which takes constant time.

Show that if we use only this operation, we can still determine the missing integer in O(n) time.

[To make the analysis cleaner, we will charge your algorithm only for the number of ``bit-fetch'' operations. The input to the algorithm consists of an array of n numbers, each of which is comprised of $\ceil{\lg n}$ bits. Give an algorithm which can find the missing number by fetching only O(n) bits.]

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