Practice Problems: Preliminary Java Syntax

  1. Exercise 1.30 from textbook
  2. Exercise 2.13 from textbook
  3. Exercise 2.14 from textbook
  4. Exercise 2.16 from textbook
  5. Self-Study Exercise 3.5 from textbook
    Please note that the textbook has "self-study" exercises embeded within the chapter text; these are different from the end of the chapter excersises. So in this case, we are refering to the self-study exercise on page 125 of the text (as opposed to Exercise 3.5 which is on p. 160). Also, the answers to the self-study exercises are found at the end of the chapter, in this case starting on page 156.
  6. Self-Study Exercise 3.6 on p. 125 of text (solution given on p. 157)

Michael Goldwasser
Last modified: Friday, 30 January 2004