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Saint Louis University

CS A 120
Computer Science I
Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2004

Dept. of Mathematics and
Mathematical Computer Science


The table below gives the assignments, and associated dates. All future dates are tentative until such assignments are made available.

Program Topic Due Date
prog01 Artist 8pm, Monday 2 February 2004 Student Art Show
prog02 Ball 8pm, Wednesday 11 February 2004
prog03 Bounce 8pm, Monday 23 February 2004
prog04 Animal 8pm, Tuesday 2 March 2004
prog05 Basic Math 8pm, Monday 22 March 2004
prog06 Shakespearl 8pm, Monday 5 April 2004
prog07 Painter 8pm, Wednesday 14 April 2004
prog08 DNA
Version I8pm, Thursday 22 April 2004
Version II8pm, Thursday 29 April 2004


You can submit your assignments directly from BlueJ. Within the "Tools" menu for your main project window on BlueJ, you should find an entry labeled "Submit..." as the last choice. If you select that item, a new window should popup, labeled "Submitter" that queries you for a "Scheme". Click the browse button to select your submission scheme which identifies which assignment this is (e.g., the first assignment is "Artist").

Once you've selected the proper scheme for the given assignment, you must click on the "Submit" button to submit your files. If things go well, you should see a message in the status window identifying the number of successfully submitted files. If you wish to resubmit a later version of your assignment, follow the same process outlined here. Our grading and our late policy will be based upon the most recent submission.

If you wish to verify your submission, you can do so as follows. BlueJ is simply copying the relevant files to another folder which appears in your home directory. If you click on the "Home" icon near the top left corner of your KDE background, you should find a subdirectory titled csa120submit which is your personal submit directory. Within that directory, you should find a subdirectory for each assignment. Your submissions are placed there.


You are certainly encouraged to seek help from the instructor if needed while working on the assignment. Coming to office hours is most helpful, yet questions will certainly arise at other times as well. You may rely on email as another way to ask questions of the instructor.

If your emailed question is regarding a current programming assignment, we ask that you follow these guidelines.


More information is available online regarding Our Computing Environment, including information about our server, patel2.slu.edu, and our integrated development environment, BlueJ.


If you would like to show off any of your programs, you can make them publicly available on the web in the form of a Java Applet. When you are logged into patel2 through VNC, select the "Run Command..." entry from the main KDE popup menu at the bottom-left corner of the screen. When it prompts you for the command type csa120publish and then click "Run".

You will next see a new window popup which prompts you for the assignment name. Please make sure that you capitalize it precisely as we have done in the course (e.g., Artist). If all goes well, it will tell you that it succeed and will give you a URL at which anyone can view your program.

CS A 220, Fall 2003
Michael Goldwasser
goldwamh at our university domain.

Last modified: Thursday, 15 April 2004
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