Saint Louis University

CS A 120
Computer Science I
Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2004

Dept. of Mathematics and
Mathematical Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

For some lectures, I have personal lecture notes which provide me with a very brief outline of what I cover that day. I will share these with you via the link on the "Topic" for that day. However these notes are in no way meant to replace the detailed readings from the textbook.

Date Topic Reading
Mon, Jan 12 Introduction syllabus
Wed, Jan 14 Object-Oriented Programming Ch. 0.1-0.7 (but only skim 0.4-0.6)
Fri, Jan 16 Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Software Life Cycle
Use Ch. 0.8 as reference;
Ch. 1.1, 1.2.1-1.2.6
Mon, Jan 19 No Class: Martin Luther King Day
Wed, Jan 21 Introduction to our Computing Environment; and BlueJ
Fri, Jan 23 Quiz 1
Case Study: A simple package for drawing shapes
lecture notes
Mon, Jan 26 Case Study: A simple package for drawing shapes lecture notes
Wed, Jan 28 Creating and Using Objects
(instantiation; calling methods)
Java syntax preliminaries:
Ch. 1.2.7 through end of Ch. 1
Fri, Jan 30 Syntax for a Class Definition pp. 67-82, 100-105 of Ch. 2
Ch. 3.1-3.4
Mon, Feb 2 Data Types, Operators and Expressions Ch. 5.1-5.5, 5.7-5.8
Wed, Feb 4
Fri, Feb 6 Review for quiz
Quiz 2
Overview of assignment Ball
Mon, Feb 9 In-class work on assignment Ball
Wed, Feb 11 Flow of Control:
Method call and return,
if-else statements
Ch. 2.3.7, 2.3.8
Ch. 3.6, 3.7
Fri, Feb 13
Mon, Feb 16 Subtleties
Objects vs. References
Parameters passed by value vs. by reference
Identifier Scope
Method Overloading
various (see notes)
Wed, Feb 18
Fri, Feb 20 Quiz 3
In-class work on assignment Bounce
Mon, Feb 23 Class Inheritance Our Notes
skim Ch. 4.1-4.3,
read Ch. 4's Java Language Summary
Wed, Feb 25 Continuation of Class Inheritance;
Documentation with javadoc
Fri, Feb 27 Flow of Control: Repetition with Loops Ch. 6
Mon, Mar 1 Using BlueJ's Debugger BlueJ Tutorial
Wed, Mar 3 Review for midterm exam
Fri, Mar 5 Midterm Exam
Mon, Mar 8 No Class: Spring Break
Wed, Mar 10
Fri, Mar 12
Mon, Mar 15 More about Loops
In-class work on assignment BasicMath
Ch. 6
Wed, Mar 17
Fri, Mar 19 Java's classes: String, StringBuffer Ch. 7
Mon, Mar 22
Wed, Mar 24
Fri, Mar 26 Quiz 4
Introduction to Arrays
Ch. 8
Mon, Mar 29 (Guest Lecturer: Dr. Charles Ford)
In-class work on assignment Shakespearl
Wed, Mar 31
Fri, Apr 2 Arrays (continued)
examples: frequency count lab, bubble sort
Ch. 8
Mon, Apr 5
Wed, Apr 7
Fri, Apr 9 No Class: Good Friday
Mon, Apr 12 Instance vs. Class elements
(the static keyword)
Ch. 5.7.1, 5.9.1
Wed, Apr 14 Working without BlueJ
(command line programming; the main method)
Fri, Apr 16 Quiz 5 (note change of date)
Working without BlueJ
(command line programming, the main method)
Mon, Apr 19 Elegant Coding (in lieu of cut-and-paste coding) handout in class
Wed, Apr 21
Fri, Apr 23
Mon, Apr 26 Topic TBA: suggestions welcome!
(choices drawn from textbook)
Wed, Apr 28
Fri, Apr 30 Quiz 6 (note change of date)
Review for Final
Course Questionnaires
Wed, May 5 Final Exam (12:00-1:50pm)

CS A 220, Fall 2003
Michael Goldwasser
goldwamh at our university domain.

Last modified: Friday, 16 April 2004