Subject: Assignment Duedate Extended until Tuesday Oct 21. Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 11:59:38 -0500 CSA-341 Students, I have received several requests for extensions on the current assignment, to include the long weekend. So I've decided to change the duedate for the entire class. With this change, I'm also adjusting the submission procedures (since class will not actually be meeting that day). The assignment is due by 8pm, on Tuesday, October 21. An electronic version of your scripts should be submitted by placing the files on patel2, in the directory /home/cs341/Submit//oracle/ The hard copies which were requested in the assignment should be turned in at class on Thursday, October 23. One additional comment. One of the hard copies which I've asked for is the file, values.sql, which populates your tables with data. If your group has gone wild and created 10 pages worth of data, please do not print the entire file. Submit the file electronically, and perhaps submit a truncated hard copy. Best of luck on the rest of the assignment. Those with questions can continue to stop by my office the rest of this week, or to email over the long weekend. Regards, Michael