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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 144
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2015

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Hands-on Activity: Smiley Face

Have a nice day

Your goal is to create the above sketch, but to do so in a scale invariant manner. At the very beginning of your sketch, we wish for you to define two independent parameters:

int canvasSize = 400;   // adjust as you wish
float scale = 0.7;   // face diameter 70% of canvas
If done properly, when chaning the canvas size, everything else (including the text) should scale appropiately. Separately, the percentage of the canvas that is used to draw the face should be controlled by setting the scale variable. For a very polished implementation, note that the font size and the stroke weight for the mouth should be scaled appropriately.


canvasSize = 400;
scale = 0.7;
canvasSize = 400;
scale = 0.5;
canvasSize = 200;
scale = 0.5;
size 400, scale 0.7 size 400, scale 0.5 size 200, scale 0.5


my solution

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 144, Spring 2015
Last modified: Tuesday, 20 January 2015
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