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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 144
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2015

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Programming Project 3

A True Mandala

Due: 11:59pm Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Image courtesy of


Collaboration Policy

For this assignment, you must work individually in regard to the design and implementation of your project.

Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity in this regard.


The book's use of the star shape to build a "mandala" had me reading more about true mandalas, which are spiritual patterns that represent the Universe in Hinduism and Buddhism. (Read more on wikipedia.) For this project you are to design and build a mandala pattern of your choosing. The mandala must be centered around the middle of a canvas with your choice of dimensions, with a pattern than demonstrates rotational symmetry on a variety of underlying shapes (more technical requirements below).

For more inspiration, feel free to see:

Rotational Symmetry

In class, we have demonstrated techniques for drawing regular polygons and stars that demonstrate symmetry about their center. More generally the same principles can be used to make copies of any shape with such rotational symmetry. For this assignment you have two options:

Our Framework

If you are interested in using our framework, please use this source code as your starting point for the project.

To better explain usage of this framework, we have designed a sample sketch with this framework (sample source code). It generates the following (not particularly artistic) image

If examining the source code, note well that the Smiley pattern is described so that the center of the face is at (0,0), and that is the reference point that is drawn at precisely the given radius during the stamp() function. Similarly, the Arrow pattern is described with the origin within the middle of the polygon.

Technical Requirements

Your sketch must meet the following technical requirements:

Submitting Your Assignment

Please see details regarding the submission process from the general programming web page, as well as a discussion of the late policy.

For this project, we ask that you submit the following three files:

Grading Standards

The assignment is worth 70 points, which will be assessed as follows:

Michael Goldwasser
Last modified: Wednesday, 29 April 2015