Saint Louis University |
Computer Science 144
Dept. of Math & Computer Science |
PImage data type
A PImage object is the equivalent of an "off-stage" canvas that stores an array of pixels. We can examine and manipulate the color settings for those pixels and later render the PImage to an actual canvas.
loadImage() function
PImage slu = loadImage("campus4.jpg"); // must be stored in sketch directory
PImage slu = loadImage("/Users/goldwasser/Documents/campus4.jpg");
PImage slu = loadImage("");
createImage() function
We can also create a new (blank) PImage object by using the createImage() function with a given width and height and color model. Examples are:
PImage example = createImage(400,200,RGB);To create a new 400-by-200 image using RGB colors (but no alpha channel)
PImage sample = createImage(400,200,ARGB);To create a new 400-by-200 image using RGB colors with alpha
PImage sample = createImage(400,200,ALPHA);To create a new 400-by-200 image using grayscale color with alpha
background() function
We have previously used the background function to set the entire canvas background to a particular color. It is also possible to set the entire canvas background to a given image, as in
background(slu);although this only works if the canvas has width and height that precisely match the image.
image() function
We can display a particular PImage object on our canvas, with top-left corner at (x,y) using a command of the form:
image(slu, x, y);
You can also use transformation functions such as scale and rotate to alter the canvas coordinate system before rendering an image.
Useful functions of a PImage object
For the following examples, assume our image is named with variable img.
get(x, y);Returns the color of the pixel at coordinate (x,y) of the PImage.
color c = img.get(25,0);
get(x, y, w, h);Returns a new PImage of width w and heighth which is a copy of the rectangle anchored at (x,y) in the original PImage.
PImage sample = img.get(25,0,100,50);
set(x, y, c);Set the pixel at coordinate (x,y) of the PImage to color c.
img.set(100, 50, color(255,0,0));
set(x, y, image);Sets the rectangle anchored at coordinate (x,y) in one PImage to be a copy of an entire other image.
img.set(100, 50, slu);
Additional "Bells and Whistles"
There exists functionality for many common image processing tasks
(although, for the purpose of exploration, we may later develop our
own low-level implementations for many of these). To demonstrate
several of these, we rely on the following reference image.;Saves the current PImage directly to a file (typically .jpg, .tif, .png format).
img.resize(w,h);Resizes an image to new width and height (scaling appropriately).
img.mask(other);Uses the other PImage as a "mask" for the first image. The other image should use grayscale values, but those grayscale values will be treated as new alpha values for transparency in masking the first image.
img.filter(...);has many uses:
img.filter(GRAY);Converts image to grayscale.
img.filter(INVERT);Converts image to "negative" color, in effect inverting the color components for each pixel
img.filter(THRESHOLD, pct);Converts image to black and white, depending on whether each pixel is above or below the given threshold percentage.
img.filter(BLUR, radius);Blurs the image using a Gaussian blur with the given radius.
img.filter(ERODE);Reduces the light areas.
img.filter(DILATE);Increases the light areas.
img.filter(POSTERIZE, num);For each color channel, reduces the number of distinct color values that can be used to num (for some
img.blend(...);blending is another multipurpose tool that allows you to compose two images (or portions thereof) on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Depending on the parameterization, it can take a (weighted) average of the two corresponding pixels, add them, subtract them, take the darker or lighter of the two, and various other forms of combination.
See documentation for more details.