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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 144
Introduction to Computer Science: Multimedia

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2015

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


NOTE: filling out this questionnaire does not constitute signing up for this class. To sign up for this class, you must be officially registered for the class through the university.

NOTE: Fields marked with an asterisk* are required!

Your SLU username* (e.g., goldwamh):
Your First Name*:
Your Last Name*:
Your Preferred Nickname, if any:

Please read the course policy on Academic Integrity and acknowledge below.

I have read and understand the above policy

We will make use of the course webpage for many aspects of this course. Much of the information on that page will only be available to current students in the class. Furthermore, we will use the web for submitting assignments and for viewing your grades.

For these reasons, we ask that you select credentials for identifying yourself for our course web page. We will rely upon your SLU userid, however we ask that you create a different password for the express purpose of our CSCI-144 web page. Please note as well that the use of this system is rather limited and security is lax, as your password is sent and stored in the clear. (yet another reason NOT to pick the same password as for more important systems)
Choose a password*:
Please Retype your password*:

We will be using the Processing programming language. This is installed on the machines in our classroom, and is also installed on a Linux computer system that we maintain in our department to which you'll have access. It is also an open-source language and freely available to download on all major computing platforms, so it will be very convenient to install it on a personal machine, if applicable.

With that said, we can try (but no promises) to have the software available in other ITS-maintained labs on campus if you have a preferred working space. Please let us know a bit more about your typical computing environment:

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 144, Spring 2015
Last modified: Tuesday, 13 January 2015
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