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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 146
Object-Oriented Practicum

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2012

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Meeting Topic References
January 18 Introduction to object-oriented programming
Review: MATLAB matrices
MATLAB matrices
Built-in Documentation via "Help" in MATLAB
January 25 Designing the public interface for our matrix class in C++ our initial matrix class documentation
sample code: demo.cpp
February 1 Defining a Class in C++ initial matrix implementation
February 8 Examination of our matrix.h file (continued)
February 15 Expanding a matrix asgn05
February 22 (continued work on asgn05)
February 29 Using ranges to describe submatrices notes
March 7 Introduction to the Proxy design pattern
(in context of assignment to a submatrix)
March 14 No Class - Spring Break
March 21 Alpha version of Matrix Proxy class
(role of .h and .cpp files in larger codebase)
March 28 Further discussion of asgn07
April 4 Inheritance and Object-Oriented Design
April 11
April 18 Details of our matrix_expression inheritance model notes
April 25 A subtle flaw in our code asgn10
May 2 work on asgn10

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 146, Spring 2012
Last modified: Wednesday, 04 April 2012
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