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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 146
Object-Oriented Practicum

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2014

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Meeting Topic References
January 15 Introduction to object-oriented programming,
marine biology case study
pp. 6-12 of case study
January 22 work on asgn01
January 29 Defining classes in C++,
AquaFish class, asgn02
pp. 13-18 of case study
(aquafish source code)
February 5 Intro. to Case Study Part II pp. 19-28 of case study
February 12 in-class work on asgn03
February 19 The Environment and Simulation classes;
data representation with vectors and matrices
pp. 29-35 (and top of 36)
February 26 The Fish class
UML Diagrams
pp. 36-42
March 5 work on asgn05/asgn06
March 12 No Class - Spring Break
March 19 discussion of asgn06
March 26 Coping with interdependent definitions in C++
Advanced Declarations
discussion of asgn07
April 2 Continued work on asgn07
April 9 Discussion of asgn08
April 16 Continued work on asgn08
April 23 Inheritance Hierarchies
(discussion of asgn09)
April 30 work on asgn09

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 146, Spring 2014
Last modified: Wednesday, 26 March 2014
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