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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 146
Object-Oriented Practicum

Michael Goldwasser

Summer 2014

Dept. of Math & Computer Science


Please note that the schedule for future classes is tentative.

Meeting Topic References
Lecture 1 Introduction to object-oriented programming,
marine biology case study
pp. 6-12 of case study
Lecture 2 work on asgn01
Lecture 3 Defining classes in C++,
AquaFish class, asgn02
pp. 13-18 of case study
(aquafish source code)
Lecture 4 Intro. to Case Study Part II pp. 19-28 of case study
Lecture 5 in-class work on asgn03
Lecture 6 The Environment and Simulation classes;
data representation with vectors and matrices
pp. 29-35 (and top of 36)
Lecture 7 The Fish class
UML Diagrams
pp. 36-42
Lecture 8 work on asgn05/asgn06
Lecture 9 discussion of asgn06
Lecture 10 Coping with interdependent definitions in C++
Advanced Declarations
discussion of asgn07
Lecture 11 Continued work on asgn07
Lecture 12 Discussion of asgn08
Lecture 13 Continued work on asgn08
Lecture 14 Inheritance Hierarchies
(discussion of asgn09)
Lecture 15 work on asgn09

Michael Goldwasser
CSCI 146, Summer 2014
Last modified: Sunday, 18 May 2014
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