Welcome to Hangman This puzzle is the name of a movie You are allowed 7 incorrect gueses Good luck Previous Guesses: Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: _________: ___ ______ __ ______, ____ __ ___ ____ Enter a letter: a Previous Guesses: A Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: _________: ___ ______ __ _a__a_, ____ __ ___ A___ Enter a letter: t Previous Guesses: AT Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: _____t___: T__ ______ __ Ta__a_, ____ __ t__ A___ Enter a letter: c Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ACT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: _____t___: T__ ______ __ Ta__a_, ____ __ t__ A___ Enter a letter: o Previous Guesses: ACOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: _____to__: T__ ______ o_ Ta__a_, _o__ o_ t__ A___ Enter a letter: l Previous Guesses: ACLOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: _____to__: T__ L_____ o_ Ta__a_, Lo__ o_ t__ A___ Enter a letter: E Previous Guesses: ACELOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: __e__to_e: T_e Le_e__ o_ Ta__a_, Lo__ o_ t_e A_e_ Enter a letter: h Previous Guesses: ACEHLOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: __e__to_e: The Le_e__ o_ Ta__a_, Lo__ o_ the A_e_ Enter a letter: g Previous Guesses: ACEGHLOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: G_e__to_e: The Lege__ o_ Ta__a_, Lo__ o_ the A_e_ Enter a letter: n Previous Guesses: ACEGHLNOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: G_e__to_e: The Legen_ o_ Ta__an, Lo__ o_ the A_e_ Enter a letter: d Previous Guesses: ACDEGHLNOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: G_e__to_e: The Legend o_ Ta__an, Lo_d o_ the A_e_ Enter a letter: f Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: G_e__to_e: The Legend of Ta__an, Lo_d of the A_e_ Enter a letter: r Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNORT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Gre__to_e: The Legend of Tar_an, Lord of the A_e_ Enter a letter: z Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNORTZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Gre__to_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the A_e_ Enter a letter: p Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOPRTZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Gre__to_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Ape_ Enter a letter: s Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOPRSTZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Gre_sto_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Enter a letter: y Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOPRSTYZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Greysto_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Enter a letter: n You already guessed "N" Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOPRSTYZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Greysto_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Enter a letter: r You already guessed "R" Previous Guesses: ACDEFGHLNOPRSTYZ Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: Greysto_e: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Enter a letter: k Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Congratulations!!! You won the game. Would you like to play again? y This puzzle is the name of a movie You are allowed 7 incorrect gueses Good luck Previous Guesses: Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: ___ _____ ____ Enter a letter: e Previous Guesses: E Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: __e __ee_ ___e Enter a letter: t Previous Guesses: ET Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: T_e __ee_ ___e Enter a letter: h Previous Guesses: EHT Remaining Mistakes: 7 Puzzle: The __ee_ ___e Enter a letter: a Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: AEHT Remaining Mistakes: 6 Puzzle: The __ee_ ___e Enter a letter: b Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ABEHT Remaining Mistakes: 5 Puzzle: The __ee_ ___e Enter a letter: g Previous Guesses: ABEGHT Remaining Mistakes: 5 Puzzle: The G_ee_ ___e Enter a letter: h You already guessed "H" Previous Guesses: ABEGHT Remaining Mistakes: 5 Puzzle: The G_ee_ ___e Enter a letter: m Previous Guesses: ABEGHMT Remaining Mistakes: 5 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M__e Enter a letter: u Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ABEGHMTU Remaining Mistakes: 4 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M__e Enter a letter: a You already guessed "A" Previous Guesses: ABEGHMTU Remaining Mistakes: 4 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M__e Enter a letter: t You already guessed "T" Previous Guesses: ABEGHMTU Remaining Mistakes: 4 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M__e Enter a letter: l Previous Guesses: ABEGHLMTU Remaining Mistakes: 4 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M_le Enter a letter: k Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ABEGHKLMTU Remaining Mistakes: 3 Puzzle: The G_ee_ M_le Enter a letter: r Previous Guesses: ABEGHKLMRTU Remaining Mistakes: 3 Puzzle: The Gree_ M_le Enter a letter: d Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ABDEGHKLMRTU Remaining Mistakes: 2 Puzzle: The Gree_ M_le Enter a letter: p Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Previous Guesses: ABDEGHKLMPRTU Remaining Mistakes: 1 Puzzle: The Gree_ M_le Enter a letter: o Sorry. that letter is not in the puzzle. Too bad. You ran out of turns. The correct answer was The Green Mile Would you like to play again? n Goodbye