Saint Louis University |
Computer Science 150
Dept. of Math & Computer Science |
Topic: Recursion
Related Reading: Chapter 11
1:10pm, Wednesday 1 May 2013
Please make sure you adhere to the policies on academic integrity.
Exercise 11.9 of the text
Note: This question is asking specifically about OurList.__le__.
Exercise 11.10 of the text
Exercise 11.23 of the text
Exercise 11.24 of the text
Recall that the syntax data[i:j] returns a new list which is a slice of the original list, starting with the element at index i and going up to but not including the element at index j. Behind the scene, that is supported by the __getitem__ method, with the parameter appearing as a special instance of a class named slice.
However, there is deprecated support, from older versions of Python,
allowing you to override the slicing behavior by implementing a
special method with signature
Provide a recursive implementation of
Remember that the original list should not be mutated when
computing a slice, or subseuqently modifying that computed slice.