Mammals Q: Do they eat meat/fish? Q: Does it have a tail that is at least one-fourth of the length of its body? Q: Are its legs longer than 9 inches? Q: Does it have claws with protective sheaths? Q: Do all breeds have spots? Q: Are there black dots inside the middle of the spots? Q: Do any live in America? A: Ocelot A: Jaguar A: Leopard Q: Are all breeds striped? A: Tiger Q: Do males have a mane? A: Lion A: House Cat Q: Are its ears erect? Q: Is it domestic? A: Dog Q: Is it known to be cunning? A: Fox Q: Do they form packs? A: Wolf A: Coyote Q: Does it have a pouch for its young? A: Tasmanian Devil Q: Does it have spots? A: Cheetah A: Baboon Q: Does it have a bad odor? Q: Can it squirt its odor over a distance? Q: Does it have a white stripe? A: Skunk Q: Is it all white? A: Ermine Q: Does it kill poultry? A: Ferret A: Weasel A: Mink Q: Does it eat any plants? Q: Does it have a pouch for its young? A: Opossum A: Racoon Q: Does it live in or near water? A: Otter A: Mongoose Q: Does it live in or near water? Q: Can it live on land? Q: Does it have tusks? A: Walrus A: Seal Q: Is it the largest animal that is living? A: Whale A: Dolphin Q: Can it balance on two legs? Q: Do they program Computers? A: Human A: Bear Q: Does it have tusks? A: Boar Q: Does it live far North? A: Lynx A: Bobcat Q: Are they hoofed? Q: Is it even toed? Q: Does it have either horns or antlers? Q: Does it have antlers? Q: Do females have antlers? A: Caribou Q: Does it have flattened antlers A: Moose Q: Does it have a dark brown head? A: Elk A: Deer Q: Does it have thin, fine hair? Q: Does it have hook shaped horns? Q: Is it domesticated? Q: Is it a male? A: Bull A: Cow A: Gnu Q: Does it have a long neck? A: Giraffe Q: Does its name begin with a 'g'? A: Gazelle A: Antelope Q: Is it domesticated for clothing in America? Q: Does it say "Baaaah"? A: Sheep A: Goat Q: Does it have curved horns? A: Bighorn Sheep Q: Does it live wildly in America? A: Bison A: Yak Q: Does it have rather long legs? Q: Does it have one or more humps? A: Camel A: Llama Q: Does it like to be near water? A: Hippopotamus A: Pig Q: Does it have a horn? A: Rhinoceros Q: Is it striped? A: Zebra Q: Is it sterile? A: Mule Q: Does it have big ears? A: Donkey A: Horse Q: Is it a rodent? Q: Does it have a bushy tail? Q: Does it dig tunnels? Q: Does it have a pouch in its cheek? Q: Does it have a high-pitched bark? A: Prairie Dog A: Chipmunk A: Woodchuck Q: Can it glide in the air? A: Flying Squirrel Q: Does it live in trees? Q: Does it have stripes? A: Chipmunk A: Squirrel A: Chinchilla Q: Is it a common pet? Q: Does it have a long tail? Q: Does it dig burrows? A: Gerbil A: Mouse Q: Does it have a tail? A: Hamster A: Guinea Pig Q: Does it live away from water? Q: Does it have sharp quills? A: Porcupine A: Gopher Q: Does it have a wide, flat tail? A: Beaver A: Muskrat Q: Does it eat insects? Q: Does it lay eggs? Q: Does it have a bill? A: Platypus A: Echidna Q: Does it roll itslef into a ball? Q: Does it have scales with sharp edges? A: Pangolin A: Armadillo Q: Does it fly? A: Bat Q: Is it bigger than a bread box? A: Aardvark A: Shrew Q: Is it a primate? Q: Is it trained and used in shows? Q: Does it have orange hair? A: Orangutan A: Chimpanzee Q: Is it the smallest ape? A: Gibbon A: Gorilla Q: Does it have a pouch for its young? Q: Does it live in trees? A: Koala Q: Does it hop? A: Kangaroo A: Wombat Q: Is it rather large? Q: Does it have a trunk? A: Elephant Q: Does it climb trees? A: Sloth A: Panda Q: Is it born with its eyes open? A: Hare A: Rabbit