import; import; import; /** * A class that wraps any InputStream to support bitwise reads. * @author Michael Goldwasser * */ public class BitReader { private int buf; private int numBitsBuffered; private InputStream stream; /** * Creates a new BitInStream instance that wraps the given InputStream. * @param s an underlying InputStream */ public BitReader(InputStream s) { stream = s; numBitsBuffered = 0; } /** * Closes the underlying InputStream. * @throws IOException if underlying InputStream throws such an exception */ public void close() throws IOException { stream.close(); } /** * Reads the next bit, returning true if 1, false if 0. * @return true if next bit is 1; false otherwise * @throws IOException if underlying InputStream throws such an exception */ public boolean readBit() throws IOException { if (numBitsBuffered == 0) { buf =; if (buf == -1) throw new IOException(); numBitsBuffered = 8; } boolean result = (buf & (1 << (numBitsBuffered-1))) > 0; numBitsBuffered--; return result; } /** * Reads the next n bits, and returns them as the * least significant n bits of an int, with earliest * read bit at high-end. * * @param n Number of bits (must be 0 <= n <= 32) * @return integer with least-significant n bits read * @throws IOException if underlying InputStrea throws such an exception */ public int readBits(int n) throws IOException { if (n < 0 || n > 32) throw new IllegalArgumentException("must have 0 <= n <= 32"); int result = 0; for (int k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) if (readBit()) result |= 1 << k; return result; } /** * Unit test on file test.txt presumed to have contents "Hello." * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { fis = new"test.txt"); BitReader bis = new BitReader(fis); boolean[] code = {false, true, false, false, true, false, false, false}; for (int i=0; i < code.length; i++) if (bis.readBit() != code[i]) System.out.println("Error on bit " + i); if (bis.readBits(8) != 101) System.out.println("Error reading 'e'"); if (bis.readBit()) System.out.println("Error on first 'l'"); if (bis.readBits(8) != 216) System.out.println("Error on 'll' combo"); if (bis.readBits(7) != 108) System.out.println("Error on second 'l'"); if (bis.readBits(4) != 6) System.out.println("Error on first half of 'o'"); if (bis.readBits(4) != 15) System.out.println("Error on second half of 'o'"); if (bis.readBits(8) != 46) System.out.println("Error on '.'"); } }