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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 3100

Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2016

Dept. of Computer Science

Homework Assignment 03

Dynamic Programming, Greedy Algorithms


Topics: Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms
Related Reading: Chapters 15, 16 of CLRS
Due: 10:00am, Monday, October 10, 2016

You must also adhere to the policies on academic integrity, paying particular attention to the limits on collaboration.

Problems to be Submitted

NOTE: This assignment will be worth 100 points. Each problem is worth 25 points and I will give you credit for the highest four scores on the five problems. So if you wish to simply turn in four of the five, then those will be the four I grade. But if you attempt all five, then you'll get your best four scores.
  1. Work entirely on your own

    Problem 15-3 (on page 405 of CLRS).

    We will give you a more specific hint. Presume that we number the points p1, ..., pn, when ordered from left to right. Let notation d(j, k) denote the Euclidean distance between pj and pk. To define a recursive formulation of the problem, consider subproblem S(j, k) for 1 ≤ jkn to be that of finding a pair of bitonic paths both emanating from p1 that collectively pass through all of points p1 through pk, and with one of those paths ending at pj and the other at pk. (In the special case where j = k, both paths must end at pk.)

    Your tasks are as follows:

    1. Let C(j, k) denote the cost of the optimal solution for S(j, k). Give a valid recursive definition for C(j, k), including any necessary base cases.
    2. Explain how that formula can be used in a bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm to compute C(n, n) in O(n2) time.
    3. Explain how the actual paths used to optimally solve S(n, n) can be computed in O(n2) time.

  2. You may discuss ideas with other students (but your writeup must be independent)

    During hard times, a company with n employees is planning to cut costs through massive layoffs. The company is organized using a classic hierarchy that can be modeled as a general tree, with everyone (other than the president) reporting directly to one other person. The Board of Trustees is considering whom to layoff (including, perhaps, the president), however to make sure that responsibilities for current work don't get reassigned too far, they have decided that they will never fire an employee and his or her direct manager.

    Given this constraint, their goal is to shed as much salary as possible through the layoffs. For notation, let sp denote the current salary for person p. There are 2n possible subsets of employees to consider laying off (not that all of those subsets will meet the constraint about an employee and manager), but a brute force search through all of those subsets is quite expensive. Fortunately, dynamic programming can be used to find the optimal subset of employees to fire in considerably less time.

    You are to describe such an efficient solution using dynamic programming. In evaluating your writeup, we will be looking for how you address the following issues:

  3. Work entirely on your own

    Problem 16-2 (on page 447 of CLRS).

    Although the book asks you to design and analyze two algorithms, I'll help you out by giving you both algorithms. Your only responsibility is to provide a rigorous proof of optimality for each.

    1. Run the tasks in nondecreasing order of their processing times.

    2. During any fixed unit of time, run a portion of a released, yet unfinished, task having the smallest remaining processing time (where the remaining processing time is equal to the original processing time minus any time that the task has been processed thus far).

    Note as well that minimizing the average completion time is equivalent to minimizing the sum of the completion times, since the number of jobs is fixed. So you are welcome to argue about the sum of the completion times as a convenient metric.

  4. Work entirely on your own

    Consider the following optimization problem. Someone is in charge of collecting all of the flags left interspersed on the ski slope. They must do so by skiing to and grabbing each flag. The person may grab more than one flag on a single run down the hill, but given that you cannot ski uphill, it may take more than one ski run to gather all the flags. We would like to be able to suggest a plan that uses as few runs as possible.

    We model the problem as follows. The slope itself will be viewed as an n-by-n grid. The top of the ski-slope will be the top-left corner of the grid, and the hill is sloped so that a skier can move either downward or rightward at each individual step, until eventually ending up at the bottom-right corner of the grid. The flags will be placed at certain grid locations and the collector will be informed of the overall number of flags and the grid coordinates of each flag before beginning.

    Someone has suggested the following greedy approach: When planning the first run, calculate a path that maximizes the number of flags that will be collected on that run (let's not worry about precisely how we calculate this local solution -- just assume that we have a way to find such a path and use it). With those flags removed, repeat this approach, choosing a second run that maximizes the number of remaining flags that can be collected, and so on until collecting all flags. If there is ever a tie in choosing the path with the most flags, you may assume an arbitrary such path will be chosen.

    An example of this approach is diagrammed as follows:

    Although the 3 runs produced by the algorithm on this example are optimal, the algorithm does not always achieve a solution with the fewest number of overall runs. Demonstrate the suboptimality of the strategy as follows:

  5. You may discuss ideas with other students (but your writeup must be independent)

    Consider the skiing problem introduced in the previous exercise. Another greedy algorithm has been suggested for minimizing the number of runs. Each run is built with the following rules. Starting at the top-left corner, the next step will be rightward if there remains one or more flags somewhere further right in the current row, or trivially if the run has already reached the bottom row. Otherwise the next step taken is downward.

    Give a rigorous proof that this rule succeeds in producing a solution with a minimal number of runs for any problem instance.

Extra Credit

  1. Implement a solution to the following programming problem, which can be solved successfully using dynamic programming: Narrow Art Gallery. Your software is expected to take accept a single test case from standard input, and to produce the corresponding output to standard out.

    Note that you can verify the success of your implementation, either by submitting online at the website, or by executing the command

        /public/goldwasser/icpc/submit narrowartgallery.SUFFIX
    where SUFFIX is either java, cpp, or py, reflecting your choice of programming language.

Michael Goldwasser ©2016
CSCI 3100, Fall 2016
Last modified: Tuesday, 11 October 2016
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