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Saint Louis University

Computer Science 314

Michael Goldwasser

Spring 2008

Dept. of Math & Computer Science

Homework Assignment 05

Divide and Conquer



Topic: Divide and Conquer
Related Reading: Ch. 5
Due: Friday, 18 April 2008, 1:10pm

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Practice Problems

Problems to be Submitted (40 points)

  1. (10 points)

    Exercise 1 of Chapter 5 (p. 246)

  2. (10 points)

    Exercise 3 of Chapter 5 (p. 247)

  3. (10 points)

    Exercise 6 of Chapter 5 (p. 248)

  4. (10 points)

    The goal of this problem is to generate a schedule for a round-robin tournament among n teams (where we make the simplifying assumption that n is a power of 2). Formally, a round robin is a schedule of head-to-head games that can be described as a series of n-1 rounds, such that for each team t.

    1. t is scheduled to play precisely one game per round.
    2. Over the course of a tournament, t plays precisely one game against each possible opponent.

    As an example, here is a simple schedule for 4 teams.
    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
    1 vs. 2 1 vs. 3 1 vs. 4
    3 vs. 4 2 vs. 4 2 vs. 3

    Your goal is to describe a divide-and-conquer algorithm for generating a valid round robin for n teams. Justify the correctness of your approach and analyze its running time.

Extra Credit

  1. (4 points)

    In Exercise 3 of the text, you developed an O(n log n) time algorithm for finding an equivalent cluster of cards.

    It is actually possible to solve this problem in O(n) worst case time. Develop and analyze such an algorithm.

  2. (4 points)

    Exercise 7 of Chapter 5 (pp. 248-249)

Michael Goldwasser © 2008
CSCI 314, Spring 2008
Last modified: Tuesday, 29 April 2008
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