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Saint Louis University

CS A 341
Michael Goldwasser

Fall 2003

Dept. of Mathematics and
Mathematical Computer Science

  • Overview
  • Catalog Description
  • Prerequisites
  • The People
  • Class Meetings
  • Textbooks
  • Online Resources
  • CS A 341 Web Page
  • Graded Work
  • Assignments (60%)
  • Exams (40%)
  • Course Grades
  • Academic Integrity

  • Overview

  • Catalog Description

    Fundamentals of Databases systems: the relational model, file organization and indexes, relational algebra, structured query language, the entity relationship model, normalization, object dabases. The course will include development in a major commercial client-server database.

  • Prerequisites

    The official prerequisite for this course is Computer Science II (CS A 220).

  • The People

    Michael Goldwasser
    Email: goldwamh at our university domain
    Office: Ritter Hall 6
    Phone: (314) 977-7039
  • Tuesdays, 2:15-3:15pm
  • Wednesdays, 10-11am
  • Thursdays, 11am-12pm
  • or by appointment

  • Class Meetings

    The lectures:
    The material will be presented in two weekly lectures. Class participation is most welcome. The schedule and copies of lecture notes can be found here.
    Time:Tuesday/Thursday, 12:45-2:00pm
    Place:Shannon Hall 118

  • Textbooks

    The required textbook for this course is:

    Database Management Systems, 3rd edition
    Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
    McGraw Hill, 2003, ISBN 0-07-246563-8
    publisher's web site
    author's web site

    We will also be using the Oracle9 database system, which will be installed on a department machine. For this reason, I have placed the following book in the bookstore as a recommended book,

    Oracle9i: The Complete Reference
    Kevin Loney and George Koch
    McGraw Hill, 2002, ISBN 0-07-222521-1

    This book is a great reference book for using the system. However if you do not wish to buy it, you can find similar materials in the online documentation provided by Oracle (though they require that you register).

  • Online Resources

    This course will take advantage of the Internet and the departmental network in many ways.

  • CS A 341 Web Page:

    With the exception of the first week's printed handouts, most of the information for this course will be distributed only by means of the course web page. This web site will contain all assignments, a schedule of lectures, detailed lecture notes and links to many other sources of information.

  • Graded Work

  • Assignments (60%)

  • Exams (40%)

  • First Exam (10%), Thursday, 2 October 2003
  • Second Exam (10%), Thursday, 6 November 2003
  • Final Exam (20%), Tuesday, 16 December 2003, 12:00-1:50pm
  • Course Grades


  • Academic Integrity

    Students are expected to have read the statement on academic integrity available on page 56 of Saint Louis University's Undergraduate Catalog.

    Any violations of the general University policy or the policies outlined in this handout will be dealt with severely. Penalties will apply as well to a student who is aiding another student. Any such violations will result in a minimum penalty of a zero on the given assignment which cannot be dropped, and severe or repeated violations will result in an immediate failing grade in the course. Furthermore all incidents will be reported in writing to both the department and the appropriate dean.

  • Late Policies

    The timing of lectures, assignments and exams are designed in a coordinated way. A student will be best served by completing all parts of the course in a timely fashion. All exams must be taken promptly at the required time. Requests for rescheduling an exam will only be considered if the request is made prior to the start of the exam, or else in an ``emergency'' situation with appropriate documentation.

    For assignments, we wish to allow students to continue to work comfortably beyond the official deadline when a little more time will result in more progress, while at the same time discourage students from falling several days behind pace and jeopardizing their success on future assignments.

    Our solution is the following exponentially decaying late formula (some have suggested that we should offer extra credit to anyone who fully understands this formula).

    We will consider an assignment submission ``complete'' whenever any part of the assignment is last submitted or modified. Any assignment which is not complete promptly by its due date and time will be assessed a penalty based on the formula S = R * e-t/6, where S is the grade given, R is the grade the work would have gotten if turned in on time and t is the amount of time (in days or fractions thereof) the work was late.


  • work turned in 1 hour late will receive over 99% of original credit
  • work turned in 6 hours late will receive 96% credit
  • one full day late receives less than 85%
  • work turned in four days late will receive 51%.
  • The above policies will be waived only in an ``emergency'' situation with appropriate documentation.

  • CS A 341, Fall 2003
    Michael Goldwasser
    goldwamh at our university domain

    Last modified: Monday, 22 August 2005
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